buzz是什么意思 buzz的中文翻译、读音、例句

buzz是什么意思 buzz的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:名词或动词

2. 含义:嗡嗡声;(动词)发出嗡嗡声,使兴奋,传播

3. 用法:常见于口语和非正式场合,如社交媒体、新闻报道、娱乐圈等

4. 派生词:buzzing(形容词),buzzword(时髦话)

5. 意义:可以表达话题、热点、流行趋势等


1. The buzz of the bees in the garden was soothing.(园里的蜜蜂嗡嗡的声音让人感到舒缓。)

2. The news about the celebrity's scandal quickly created a buzz on social media.(有关该名名人丑闻的消息在社交媒体上迅速传开,引起了一片议论。)

3. The new restaurant in town is already buzzing with customers.(城里的新餐厅已经迎来了一大波顾客。)

4. The company's latest product is the buzzword in the tech industry.(该公司最新的产品是科技行业里的时髦话。)

5. The buzz around the upcoming film festival is getting louder every day.(即将举办的电影节正在日益引起人们的关注。)



1. The bees buzzed around the flowers in the garden. (蜜蜂在花园里嗡嗡飞舞)

2. There was a constant buzz of activity in the office with people working and phones ringing. (办公室里持续不断的嘈杂声,人们在忙着工作,电话不停地响)

3. There's a buzz going around that the company is about to be sold. (有传言称公司即将被出售)

4. The new restaurant has been creating a buzz in the food scene. (新餐厅在美食界引起了轰动)




例句:Flying gives me a real buzz. (飞行真让我兴奋。)


例句:And I got out okay and Buzz didn't. (车子冲到悬崖下之前 我们得跳车 我成功跳出来 但巴兹没成功)


例句:Sheriff Woody, Buzz Lightyear and their friends are back on the big screen! (胡迪警长、巴斯光年和他们的朋友们回到大萤幕上啰!)


例句:But I totally dig the buzz. (翻译:就喜欢那感觉 But I totally dig the buzz.)


buzz一般作为名词、形容词、动词、感叹词使用,如在the buzz([网络] 本月特搜;大家对某人或某事的谈论;最新动向)、flaperon buzz(襟副翼蜂鸣)、get a buzz(获得好感\n产生陶醉感)等常见短语中出现较多。

the buzz[网络] 本月特搜;大家对某人或某事的谈论;最新动向
flaperon buzz襟副翼蜂鸣
get a buzz获得好感\n产生陶醉感
Google Buzz[网络] 谷歌;谷歌口碑;谷歌巴兹
inlet buzz进气道蜂鸣
intercarrier buzz[计] 内载波蜂音
supersonic inlet buzz超音速进气道颤振


1. Sheriff Woody, Buzz Lightyear and their friends are back on the big screen! (翻译:胡迪警长、巴斯光年和他们的朋友们回到大萤幕上啰!)

2. But I totally dig the buzz. (翻译:就喜欢那感觉 But I totally dig the buzz.)

3. Don't buzz like a bee in my ear... wait... (翻译:别在我耳边像只小蜜蜂似的 嗡嗡吵个不停... 等一下...)

4. How's it hangin'? Oh, do not give me nice, Buzz. (翻译:布兹,请不要这样和我说话 你并没有及时赶到现场)

5. Aswarm offlies gatherBuzz Buzz Buzz ameeting is held in the air lookingfora safe landing place, to escape the fly switch (翻译:一群家蝇嗡嗡,,聚集 举行了一次空中会议 研究那里是安全的落点)

6. Now if that don't create a buzz, nothing will, will it? (翻译:那么如果它不能引起点波澜 什么都不是呢?)

7. If I buzz twice, you say my mother's on the line. (翻译:我按两次你就进来 说我妈打电话来说胸口痛)

8. Give me your number Benny, I'll give you a buzz! (翻译:把电话号码告诉我吧 碧丝 那我可以打电话给你)

9. - Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin-- actually walked on the moon. (翻译:两个人 Neil Armstrong和Buzz Aldrin 完成了月球行走)

10. There was a buzz here for many weeks, one journalist told me. (翻译:对许多人来说是一个时髦 周, 一位记者告诉我的。)

11. Hundreds of flies buzz around us, and the workman keeps swatting them. (翻译:数百只苍蝇围着我们嗡嗡转,这位工人则在不停地抽打它们。)

12. - Could you, uh, buzz Diane Lockhart? (翻译:麻烦你接通Diane Lockhart好吗)

13. We'll give him a buzz when we get to Maybury Street. (翻译:我们到了梅贝里街的时候会给他打电话。)

14. A certain amount of that kind of patronage creates buzz. (翻译:你什么时候才会懂 这种客人上门会制造话题)

15. When Situo went public the buzz was all about (翻译:你知道他们公司当时上市的时候 什么项目最抓眼球吗)

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