levitate是什么意思 levitate的中文翻译、读音、例句

levitate是什么意思 levitate的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源及词性: 'levitate'来自拉丁文levitas,意为轻盈、浮动。它是一个动词,意为使悬浮或漂浮。

2. 用法:'levitate'通常用于表述人或物体在空中悬浮、漂浮的情形,如魔术师的魔法表演、科学实验、神秘的超自然现象等等。

3. 同义词:hover,float,suspend,drift,rise


1. The magician made the woman levitate in mid-air before the audience.(魔术师在观众面前让女人悬浮在空中。)

2. The astronaut felt weightless as he levitated above the Earth.(宇航员在地球上方漂浮着,感觉没有重力。)

3. The demonstrators were chanting as they tried to levitate the Pentagon. (抗议者高喊口号,试图使五角大楼悬浮起来。)

4. The scientist was studying the ability to levitate small objects using sound waves.(科学家正在研究使用声波悬浮小物体的能力。)

5. The spiritual teacher claimed he had the power to levitate off the ground.(灵性导师声称自己有超能力离开地面悬浮。)




1. The magician seemed to levitate the object in the air.


2. The monk was said to have the ability to levitate during meditation.


3. The helium balloons caused the toy to levitate above the ground.





例句:Look, he. he made you levitate. Dan. That's all acting. (看,他把你抬起来了,-丹。那只不过是演戏。)


例句:He could levitate, juggle fire... and he could get into people's heads... make them see things. (他可以在空中飘浮,把弄火焰 他也可以进入别人脑中 令他们看见东西)


例句:No need to lift her up, she's about to levitate all on her own. (并不需要向上举起她, 她正要浮动 独立的全部。)


例句:Human contactees, through the ages, have observed and experienced this, and thus the common myth that some humans can levitate. (翻译:古往今来,人类的联系人观察并且经历了这一点,因此出现了一些人可以飘浮在空中的共同神话。)


1. No need to lift her up, she's about to levitate all on her own. (翻译:并不需要向上举起她, 她正要浮动 独立的全部。)

2. Human contactees, through the ages, have observed and experienced this, and thus the common myth that some humans can levitate. (翻译:古往今来,人类的联系人观察并且经历了这一点,因此出现了一些人可以飘浮在空中的共同神话。)

3. Nina can, apparently, levitate a small ball between her hands. (翻译:尼娜很显然能够使一个小球在她双手之间上升。)

4. Yeah, I mean, come on, man! You gotta be able to do somethin'! Levitate, go through walls, turn into vapors or somethin'! (翻译:是的,我的意思是,来吧,伙计!你必将有所作为!飘起来,穿过墙壁,变成蒸汽之类的东西!)

5. So, we have quantum locking and we can levitate it on top of this magnet. (翻译:因此,我们有了量子锁定 并且我们能把它悬浮在磁铁上方。)

6. I mean, like you did before, try to levitate me. (翻译:够了 我一个人回家 那个耳环... 是赞助的得还回去)

7. Description: This charm allows the spell-caster to levitate an object and navigate it through the air. (翻译:该咒语允许施咒者使一物体漂浮,并且操纵它于空中。)

8. So, we have quantum locking and we can levitate it on top of this magnet. (翻译:因此,我们有了量子锁定 并且我们能把它悬浮在磁铁上方。)

9. And this extremely thin layer is able to levitate more than 70,000 times its own weight. (翻译:这片极薄的磁片能够悬浮它自重70000倍的物体。)

10. Don't be discouraged if you are not able to levitate over the next few days. (翻译:在接下来的几天里,如果你没能漂浮起来,别泄气。)

11. I can't levitate any other humans beside myself, nor animals, or any living beings. (翻译:除了我以外的人类和动物 活着的东西我都没法使他们飘起来)

12. The increase of product prices will be crucial to levitate it from a loss due to higher cruder price . (翻译:产成品价格上涨对中石化摆脱原油价格居高的亏损是至关重要的。)

13. He has claimed he can levitate. (翻译:他声称他能飘向空中。)

14. And this extremely thin layer is able to levitate more than 70,000 times its own weight. (翻译:这片极薄的磁片能够悬浮它自重70000倍的物体。)

15. Japan has the most famous trains using the technology, where magnets are used to both levitate and propel the train. (翻译:日本最有名的列车使用这项技术,在使用磁铁和悬浮既推动了火车。)



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