1. 定义解释:
ANTV 可以指代多个事物,如:
- ATV网络(Asia Television Limited),是香港的一家电视台;
- Aksara New TV(Anteve)是印度尼西亚的一家电视台;
- ANT(Antena Televisi)是印度尼西亚的另一家电视台。
2. 用法和语境:
3. 示例句:
- "ATV网络(Asia Television Limited)将于xx年关闭,成为香港电视业的历史。”
(Asia Television Limited will close in 2020, becoming part of Hong Kong television history.")
- "Anteve电视台是印度尼西亚最受欢迎的电视台之一。"
(Anteve TV is one of the most popular television stations in Indonesia.)
- "ANT电视台将与印度尼西亚最大的电信公司Telkom合作,为观众提供更多的内容。"
(ANTV will collaborate with Indonesia's largest telecom company Telkom to offer viewers more content.)
- "ANTV科技公司最近推出了一种新型电子产品,颠覆了整个市场。"
(ANTV technology company recently released a new electronic product that disrupted the entire market.)
- "这个电视节目的名称是《ANT的奇幻之旅》。"
(The name of this television program is "ANT's Fantastic Journey.")
读音:àn tú yì shì