liyang是什么意思 liyang的中文翻译、读音、例句

liyang是什么意思 liyang的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源解析



1. I'm going to Liyang City for vacation next week. (我下周要去溧阳市度假。)

2. Liyang Wang is a famous artist in our city. (王溧阳是我们城市著名的艺术家。)

3. Liyang is a popular brand of sports equipment. (溧阳是一个流行的体育用品品牌。)

4. I named my new business "Liyang Consulting". (我将我的新业务命名为“溧阳咨询”。)

5. Liyang could be a new abbreviation for "Live Your Adventure Young". (溧阳可能是“青春冒险”的新缩写。)

2. 文化背景



1. The Liyang National Forest Park is a must-visit attraction in Jiangsu. (溧阳国家森林公园是江苏必去的景点之一。)

2. Wang Liyang's paintings are deeply influenced by Chinese folklore and classical literature. (王溧阳的画作深受中国民间故事和古典文学的影响。)

3. Liyang's outdoor gear is designed for extreme sports enthusiasts. (溧阳的户外装备专门为极限运动爱好者设计。)

3. 新创用法



1. My username on Instagram is LiyangLove. (我的Instagram账号名是LiyangLove。)

2. Liyang's new song "Broken Dreams" has been trending on TikTok. (溧阳的新歌《破碎的梦想》在TikTok上火了。)

3. Follow Liyang on Twitter for daily inspirations and motivation. (关注Liyang的Twitter账号,获取每日启发和动力。)



1. 我去丽阳旅游,看到了很多美丽的自然景观。 (I went on a trip to Liyang and saw many beautiful natural landscapes.)

2. 丽阳的文化历史非常悠久,有很多历史遗迹值得一游。 (Liyang has a very long cultural history and many historical sites worth visiting.)

3. 丽阳的农产品非常有名,特别是绿茶和柿子。 (Liyang's agricultural products are very famous, especially green tea and persimmons.)

4. 我在丽阳学习了中文,老师非常耐心,让我的汉语水平有了很大的提高。 (I studied Chinese in Liyang, and my teacher was very patient, which greatly improved my Chinese language skills.)

5. 丽阳的人们非常友好,总是热情地招待游客。 (The people of Liyang are very friendly and always warmly welcome visitors.)

6. 我喜欢在丽阳的公园里散步,享受大自然的美丽。 (I like to take a walk in the parks of Liyang and enjoy the beauty of nature.)

7. 丽阳的夜景非常迷人,很适合夜游。 (Liyang's night view is very charming and perfect for a night tour.)

8. 我在丽阳尝到了非常好吃的本地美食,特别是炒粉和小笼包。 (I tried some delicious local food in Liyang, especially stir-fried noodles and steamed buns.)

9. 丽阳的气候非常宜人,四季分明,非常适合旅游。 (Liyang has a very pleasant climate, with distinct seasons, making it a great destination for tourism.)





例句:The characteristics of deep structure in the Liyang seismic region along the profile are also discussed. (本文最后讨论了剖面所经溧阳地震地区的深部结构特征。)


例句:Paul: LiYang? What kind of person ? (李阳?他是一个什么样的人呢? )


例句:How do you know Liyang? (你怎么认识李阳的? )


例句:Oh, my dear , something occur to me that I will recommend a crazy golden sentence from Liyang to you: Something attempted, something done. (翻译:噢,对了,我有一个想法,我想向你推荐一个李扬疯狂金句子:有所尝试,就有所作为。)





1. How do you know Liyang? (翻译:你怎么认识李阳的? )

2. Oh, my dear , something occur to me that I will recommend a crazy golden sentence from Liyang to you: Something attempted, something done. (翻译:噢,对了,我有一个想法,我想向你推荐一个李扬疯狂金句子:有所尝试,就有所作为。)

3. October 22, we went to the Tamae 100 Liyang fun in orchards, which, I am the odd melon plantations where differences are most interested in fruit. (翻译:xx月xx日,我们去溧阳的玉枝百果园游玩,其中,我对那儿种植园里的奇瓜异果最感兴趣。)

4. In one word, The Ecology Movement has made the change of LiYang Drama, and the Rule of Survival of the Fittest become the important factor. (翻译:最后的结论是生态演进的力量是李杨戏变化不可抗拒的驱动力,适者生存的规则成为其发展的重要因素。)

5. If you see LiYang tomorrow, Can you ask him to call me? (翻译:如果你看到了李阳、麻烦你让他明天打电话给我。)

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