helle是什么意思 helle的中文翻译、读音、例句

helle是什么意思 helle的中文翻译、读音、例句

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Helle is a Greek name meaning "bright" or "shining".('helle'是一个希腊名字,意思是“明亮的”或“闪闪发光的”。)




例句:King Athamus of northern Greece had two children, Phrixus and Helle. (希腊北部国王阿塔·玛斯有两个孩子,法瑞克斯和赫勒。)


例句:As part of the research project, PhD student Helle Jensen has infected human cancer cells with VSV. (能溶解肿瘤细胞的病毒作为本研究项目的一部分,博士生Helle Jensen已经用VSV感染了人类癌细胞。)


例句:As part of the research project, PhD student Helle Jensen has infected human cancer cells with VSV. (能溶解肿瘤细胞的病毒作为本研究项目的一部分,博士生HelleJensen已经用VSV感染了人类癌细胞。)


例句:Helle and colleagues looked at birth and marriage records of Sami * people from 1640 to 1870. (翻译:赫勒和他的同事研究了1640至xx年间拉普人的婚姻及生育记录。)


1. As part of the research project, PhD student Helle Jensen has infected human cancer cells with VSV. (翻译:能溶解肿瘤细胞的病毒作为本研究项目的一部分,博士生HelleJensen已经用VSV感染了人类癌细胞。)

2. Helle and colleagues looked at birth and marriage records of Sami * people from 1640 to 1870. (翻译:赫勒和他的同事研究了1640至xx年间拉普人的婚姻及生育记录。)

3. Many, like the propaganda comics Tran and Helle, argued the toss between getting a glimpse of the outside world and the risk of a jail sentence. (翻译:许多人,就象宣传漫画人物特兰和赫勒, 在瞥一眼外面的世界和冒入狱的风险 之间进行无谓的争执)

4. Helle every! I would like to introduce me . my name is . . I am years old and from . . . I like. (翻译:大家好我很高兴能介绍下我我叫..我几岁了..我来自那我喜欢。)

5. Thus the sea of Helle, Hellespont, became the ancient name of the strip of water. (翻译:这片海洋古时候的名称叫赫勒之海,赫勒拉旁海峡便由此而来。)

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