pantone是什么意思 pantone的中文翻译、读音、例句

pantone是什么意思 pantone的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Pantone是一家色彩管理公司,生产和销售颜色标准和产品。同时,它也是一种颜色系统,其中每种颜色都通过独特的编码来描述。

2. 历史:Pantone成立于xx年,最初是一家彩色印刷公司。随着时间的推移,该公司发展成为全球颜色标准行业的领导者。

3. 应用:Pantone色彩系统广泛应用于设计、印刷、时装和美容等行业,以确保颜色的一致性和精确性。

4. 参考价值:Pantone色卡被广泛用于色彩设计和选择,成为行业内一个重要的标准。


1. Pantone colors are used in many industries such as fashion, graphic design, packaging, and printing.(Pantone颜色被应用于许多行业,如时尚、平面设计、包装和印刷。)

2. Pantone's color of the year for 2020 is Classic Blue.(xx年Pantone的年度颜色是经典蓝。)

3. Many designers use Pantone chips to match colors in their designs.(许多设计师使用Pantone芯片来匹配他们设计作品中的颜色。)

4. Pantone provides a standardized system for communication and interpretation of colors.(Pantone提供了一种标准化的颜色沟通和解释系统。)

5. The Pantone Color Institute is involved in color research and forecasting for fashion, design and marketing.(Pantone Color Institute参与时尚、设计和市场营销的色彩研究和预测。)



1. I need to find the Pantone number for this specific shade of blue. (我需要找到这种蓝色的具体Pantone编号。)

2. The designer chose Pantone 185C for the logo because it represents passion and energy. (设计师选择了Pantone 185C作为标志的颜色,因为它代表了激情和能量。)

3. The company's brand guidelines specify using only Pantone colors in marketing materials. (公司的品牌指南规定在营销材料中只使用Pantone颜色。)

4. The printer asked for the Pantone color code so they could match the client's branding. (打印机要求Pantone颜色代码,以便匹配客户的品牌标识。)

5. The textile factory uses the Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors color system to create new collections. (纺织工厂使用Pantone Fashion,Home + Interiors颜色系统来创建新的系列。)

6. The graphic designer recommended using Pantone metallic colors for the wedding invitations to add a touch of elegance. (平面设计师建议使用Pantone金属色系的颜色来制作婚礼请柬,增添一丝优雅。)

7. The packaging company provides Pantone swatches to help clients choose the perfect color for their product. (包装公司提供Pantone色卡,帮助客户选择他们产品的完美颜色。)

8. The artist's paintings often feature bold Pantone colors that create a sense of excitement and energy. (艺术家的画作经常采用大胆的Pantone颜色,创造出一种充满激情和能量的感觉。)

9. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2021 is Ultimate Gray and Illuminating, a combination that represents resilience and optimism. (xx年的Pantone年度色为“终极灰”和“照亮”,这是一种代表着坚韧和乐观的组合。)





1. Pantone色卡对于设计和印刷行业非常重要。

Pantone color cards are essential for the design and printing industry.

2. 我们可以使用Pantone色卡来确保我们的品牌颜色一致性。

We can use Pantone color cards to ensure consistency in our brand colors.




例句:Business card printing ink over the years we have been using PANTONE colors such as color, and a great success. (制卡油墨我们多年以来不停拔取Pantone颜色色系,并博得浩不小胜利。)


例句:Would we expect any less from Pantone? (我们何尝不希望色卡少一点? )


例句:Always follow the rules in the pantone color formula guide, and adhere to the color breakdowns. (一定要遵照国际标准色卡色彩配方指南,遵守色彩分配。)


例句:Pantone (the colours references) are now working on colourful technology. (翻译:色标也正在研发新的色彩技术。)


1. Always follow the rules in the pantone color formula guide, and adhere to the color breakdowns. (翻译:一定要遵照国际标准色卡色彩配方指南,遵守色彩分配。)

2. Pantone (the colours references) are now working on colourful technology. (翻译:色标也正在研发新的色彩技术。)

3. It was added to Pantone's index of 2, 100 colors after the company asked retailers and designers what colors they were seeking out. (翻译:在征询了零售商和设计师对色彩的需求后,彩通将“蜜橘探戈”加入该公司包含2,100种色彩的颜色索引。)

4. PANTONE color is actually a very small portion of a spot color, we refer to as the standard colors. (翻译:pANTONE色卡实际上是专色的极小部分,我们称之为标准色。)

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