igneous是什么意思 igneous的中文翻译、读音、例句

igneous是什么意思 igneous的中文翻译、读音、例句

词的意思:adj. 火成的,由火山喷发或岩浆冷却而成的



词组搭配:igneous rock(火成岩)

相关短语:igneous intrusion(火成侵入体)、igneous activity(火成活动)





1. Igneous rocks are formed by the solidification of magma or lava.(火成岩是由岩浆或熔岩凝固形成的。)

2. The volcanic eruption produced a large amount of igneous rock.(火山爆发产生了大量的火成岩。)

3. Geologists study igneous processes to better understand how the Earth's crust is formed.(地质学家研究火成过程,以更好地了解地球的地壳是如何形成的。)




例句:Is there any other way of producing igneous rocks besides the volcanic eruption ? (除了火山喷发形成岩浆岩这一种方式外,还有其它方式吗。)


例句:Oh, uh, volcanic rock. Created when super-heated, highly pressurized igneous rock is propelled from a volcano. (在极度高温 密封高压情况下 这种岩浆岩被推出火山)


例句:a brown or yellow-green olivine found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and used as a gemstone. (一种褐色或黄绿色的橄榄石,见于火成岩和变质岩中,用作宝石。)


例句:The activity of igneous rocks mainly concentrates in Neogene and Quaternary. (翻译:火成岩活动主要集中在晚第三纪和第四纪。)


igneous一般作为形容词使用,如在igneous accumulate(火成堆积)、igneous activity(火成活动)、igneous body(火成岩体)等常见短语中出现较多。

igneous accumulate火成堆积
igneous activity火成活动
igneous body火成岩体
igneous breccia火成角砾岩
igneous carbonates火成碳酸盐
igneous complex火成杂岩
igneous concentration煅烧富集
igneous contact火成接触
igneous cycle火成旋回


1. a brown or yellow-green olivine found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and used as a gemstone. (翻译:一种褐色或黄绿色的橄榄石,见于火成岩和变质岩中,用作宝石。)

2. The activity of igneous rocks mainly concentrates in Neogene and Quaternary. (翻译:火成岩活动主要集中在晚第三纪和第四纪。)

3. You can't have a fossil in an igneous rock formed by magma, like a granite, or in a metamorphic rock that's been heated and squeezed. (翻译:岩浆形成的火成岩,比如花岗岩中, 就没有化石。那种经受高温和挤压的变质岩里也没有化石。)

4. There used to be igneous intrusions into coal measures and overlying strata in the Hanxing coalfield. (翻译:邯邢煤田煤系及其上覆地层中常有岩浆岩侵入体穿插。)

5. Well Da72 is a high yield well after acidizing treatment in igneous rock of Es3. (翻译:大72井是在沙三段火成岩酸化后出油的高产井。)

6. Some very ancient sediments were no longer recognizable, having been converted to igneous and metamorphic rocks in the course of mountain building. (翻译:在造山的过程中,一些非常古老的沉积物已被转化为火成岩和变质岩,已经无法辨认了。)

7. He even had to park his car out in the street, as his garage was stacked up to the rafters with a multitude of samples of igneous rock. (翻译:他甚至不得不把车停在大街上,因为他的车库里堆满了各类各样的火成岩的标本,一向堆到房椽上。)

8. The ore bodies occur within or near the exocontact of intrusive rocks and above the hidden igneous rocks. (翻译:金矿产于岩体外接触带及其附近和隐伏岩体上方。)

9. The dark colored, microgranular and igneous-texture enclaves provide reliable evidence that indicates the existence of magma mingling. (翻译:暗色、细粒且具火成结构的岩石包体是指示岩浆混合作用存在的可靠证据。)

10. Fe-Mg borate Formation is a sort of camsellite-bearing Mg-meta-igneous rocks; (翻译:铁镁硼酸盐岩组主要是一套含硼镁石矿化的变质镁质岩浆岩系;)

11. Geochemistry of the Picrites and Associated Basalts from the Emeishan Large Igneous Basalt Province and Constraints on Their Source Region (翻译:峨眉山大火成岩省中苦橄岩与其共生岩石的地球化学特征及其对源区的约束)

12. The solution of these problems is likely to play a key role in further studies of large igneous provin... (翻译:这些问题的解决对于大火成岩省研究的深入将会起到重要作用。)

13. Discovery of High-Os Picrites in the Large Emeishan Igneous Province and Its Geological Significance (翻译:峨眉山大火成岩省中高Os苦橄岩的发现及地质意义)

14. coexisting rifted and island-arc types igneous rocks constructed multi-type reservoir bodies. (翻译:裂谷型和岛弧型火成岩并存,构筑了多种类型的储集体。)

15. Topaz occurs in the igneous rock rhyolite. (翻译:黄晶通常产于火成岩岩石纹。)

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