dorsal是什么意思 dorsal的中文翻译、读音、例句

dorsal是什么意思 dorsal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释


2. 学科适用范围


3. 拓展用法

'dorsal'还可以被用作缩写词,表示“Dorsal Root Ganglion”即“背根神经节”。这是一种神经学上的术语,通常用于描述人体神经系统中的一个神经元群。


1. Jellyfish have a transparent body with a dorsal fin that helps them swim.


2. In the anatomy of the spinal cord, dorsal roots contain the axons of afferent sensory neurons.


3. The dorsal surface of the human hand is typically hairier than the palm.


4. The dorsal fin of a shark is used for balance and making quick turns.


5. Dorsal root ganglia are important for transmitting sensory information from the body to the spinal cord.





1. The dorsal fin of a shark is used to control its direction.(鲨鱼的背鳍可用于控制它的方向。)

2. The man felt pain in his dorsal region after lifting a heavy box.(这个人提重箱子后感到背部疼痛。)

3. The chicken's dorsal feathers are usually a different color than its ventral feathers.(鸡的背部羽毛通常与腹部羽毛颜色不同。)

4. The dolphin's dorsal fin is a key feature that helps scientists identify different species.(海豚的背鳍是帮助科学家识别不同物种的关键特征。)

5. The athlete strapped on a dorsal brace to support her injured back.(运动员戴上背部支撑器以支撑受伤的背部。)

6. The dorsal side of the book is where you'll find the title and author's name.(书的背面是你可以找到书名和作者名字的地方。)

7. The lizard's dorsal scales provide protection against predators.(蜥蜴的背鳞提供了保护,防止被捕食者攻击。)

8. The dorsal position is one of the most common positions for patients undergoing surgery.(背卧位是接受手术的病人中最常见的体位之一。)

9. The blue whale's dorsal fin can grow up to 2 meters in length.(蓝鲸的背鳍最长可以长到2米。)



1. The dorsal fin of the whale is used for balance and steering.(鲸鱼的背鳍用于平衡和导航。)

2. The spinal cord is located on the dorsal side of the body.(脊髓位于身体的背侧。)

3. The dorsal ridge of the mountain range is visible from afar.(山脉的背脊从远处可见。)




例句:In medial, lateral side and dorsal of hands, the deep fascia is thiner, and the central part is thicker. (手掌内、侧部和背部的深筋膜较薄,掌心部深筋膜较厚。)


例句:Their wispy dorsal fins contain toxin-filled needles used to dissuade would-be predators. (它们的小束状的背鳍含有毒素-充满针刺过去常常劝阻将到的食肉动物。)


例句:Conclusion: The areas of flexor tendon and dorsal digital aponeurosis decreased from proximal to distal. (结论:屈肌腱和趾背腱膜的面积由近到远逐步变小。)


例句:There was a little amount of SP fiber in the inner part of globus pallidus and outer dorsal part of caudate-putamen. (翻译:同时在苍白球的内侧缘和尾壳核的近尾侧的背外侧亦有少量的SP阳性纤维呈背腹方向分布。)


dorsal一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在dorsal aorta([医] 背主动脉(胚); 胸主动脉)、dorsal arch(背弧【即椎弧】)、dorsal arm(背臂(幕状骨))等常见短语中出现较多。

dorsal aorta[医] 背主动脉(胚); 胸主动脉
dorsal arch背弧【即椎弧】
dorsal arm背臂(幕状骨)
dorsal aspect[医] 背面
dorsal blastoderm[昆] 背胚盘
dorsal border背侧缘
dorsal branch背侧支
dorsal branches背侧支
dorsal brim背缘


1. Conclusion: The areas of flexor tendon and dorsal digital aponeurosis decreased from proximal to distal. (翻译:结论:屈肌腱和趾背腱膜的面积由近到远逐步变小。)

2. There was a little amount of SP fiber in the inner part of globus pallidus and outer dorsal part of caudate-putamen. (翻译:同时在苍白球的内侧缘和尾壳核的近尾侧的背外侧亦有少量的SP阳性纤维呈背腹方向分布。)

3. The veins of dorsal aspect had large calibers and regular patterns of their course. (翻译:手背静脉粗大,分布恒定,手部静脉有静脉弓和静脉网两种类型。)

4. Freckles has a double scar right behind his dorsal fin where another dolphin bit him. (翻译:这只海豚的尾鳍上就有两条疤痕 都是被其它海豚伤的)

5. Dorsal collapse happens in less than 1% of wild killer whales. (翻译:在野外 背鳍衰竭在虎鲸中发生的概率少于1%)

6. His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide. (翻译:它的脊鳍朝下耷拉着,巨大的胸鳍大张着。)

7. Most cases have been treated with operative exploration of the joint and reduction through a dorsal midline incision. (翻译:大多数病例都被用来治疗手术探查联合,并通过背部正中切口减少。)

8. Conclusions: the decrease of the slide distance of the dorsal digital aponeurosis will influence flexion function of fingers. (翻译:结论:指背腱膜滑动距离减少,严重影响手指的屈曲功能。)

9. Applied Anatomy of Periosteal Flap of Dorsal Carpal Branch of Ulnaris Artery for Repairing Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Lesions (翻译:尺动脉腕背支骨膜瓣修复三角纤维软骨的应用解剖)

10. The dorsal nasal artery supplies the proximal portion of the nose and contributes to the subdermal plexus of the nasal tip. (翻译:鼻背动脉供应鼻近端部分并参与鼻尖真皮下血管丛形成。)

11. Long and slender with a dorsal fin the length of its body, the oar fish resembles a snake. (翻译:长且薄,带着一条跟其身体一样长的背鳍,它们看上去像一条蛇。)

12. Results: the number of the rootlets in every cervical dorsal root are almost the same. (翻译:结果:颈部各节段后根所含各级神经束的数目基本一致。)

13. The small dorsal region of the medial part of the muscle was also innervated by a branch of the deep peroneal nerve. (翻译:小背内侧区域的一部分,也支配肌肉的一个分支腓深神经。)

14. Their sickle-shaped tail powers them forwards and that extraordinary dorsal fin helps intimidate their prey. (翻译:它们靠镰刀状的尾巴向前推进 独树一格的背鳍 帮它们恫吓猎物)

15. The setae on abdomen, both dorsal and ventral are longer and more in number. (翻译:腹部背面及腹面的刚毛均比模式种的长而多。)



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