keys是什么意思 keys的中文翻译、读音、例句

keys是什么意思 keys的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Keys指钥匙

- keys是钥匙的复数形式,通常用于指多把钥匙。

- key是钥匙的单数形式,常用于指一把钥匙。

- spare key指备用钥匙,emergency key指紧急钥匙。


1. Do you have the keys to the car? (你有这辆车的钥匙吗?)

2. I lost my house key, can you lend me your spare key? (我丢了家里的钥匙,你能借我备用钥匙吗?)

3. Don't forget to bring your emergency key in case you lock yourself out. (别忘了带上你的紧急钥匙,以防自己被锁在外面。)

2. Keys指密码、秘诀等

- keys可以指密码、秘钥等保密信息。

- key可以指解决问题的关键,或者是某种重要信息的缩略词。


1. The keys to the safe have been changed, so I need to reset the password. (保险箱的密码已经变了,所以我需要重置它。)

2. The key to success is hard work and perseverance. (成功的关键是勤奋和毅力。)

3. He shared the keys to his successful business with us. (他与我们分享了他成功的秘诀。)

3. Keys指主键

- keys可以指数据库中的主键,用于唯一标识一条记录。

- key可以指音乐调式中的关键调。


1. Each record in the table must have a unique value in the keys column. (表中的每条记录必须在主键列中有一个唯一的值。)

2. This song is written in the key of C major. (这首歌是用C大调写的。)

3. The keys in the database must be properly indexed for efficient search. (数据库中的主键必须正确建立索引以实现高效查找。)



1. 拿到钥匙后,你就可以打开这扇门了。

2. 你的车钥匙放在哪儿了?

3. 我需要一把打开这个抽屉的钥匙。

4. 他用钥匙锁住了家门。

5. 钥匙丢了,怎么办以下是9个含有'Keys'的例句:

1. The keys to the safe are missing. (保险箱的钥匙不见了。)

2. She has a set of spare keys. (她有备用钥匙。)

3. I can't find my house keys. (我找不到家里的钥匙。)

4. He gave me the keys to his apartment. (他把公寓的钥匙给了我。)

5. I had to get the keys to the office from the security guard. (我得从保安那里取得办公室的钥匙。)

6. She had the keys to the car in her purse. (她把汽车钥匙放在了手提包里。)

7. The landlord changed the locks and gave us new keys. (房东换了锁并给了我们新的钥匙。)

8. I always carry my keys in my pocket. (我总是把钥匙放在口袋里。)

9. He used a key to unlock the door. (他用钥匙打开了门。)




1. Can you give me the keys to the car? (你能给我车的钥匙吗?)

2. The keys to success are hard work and dedication. (成功的关键是努力和专注。)

3. She pressed the keys on the piano and started playing a beautiful melody. (她按下钢琴上的按键,开始演奏美妙的旋律。)

4. The company needs to focus on the key areas of growth to stay competitive. (公司需要集中精力发展关键领域,以保持竞争力。)




例句:Dad, did you forget your keys again? (did you forget your keys again?)


例句:This pairing is possible because of a special mathematical relationship between the algorithms for the public keys and private keys. (由于公钥和私钥的算法之间存在特殊的数学关系,从而使得这种配对成为可能。)


例句:Matty, do you want your car keys, you know, about getting you first. (do you want your car keys? about getting you first.)


例句:- Joe, here are my car keys. (翻译:-乔 这是我的车钥匙 -警察 警察 快 -Joe, here are my car keys.)


keys一般作为名词、动词使用,如在keys in(键入)、keys into(嵌进)、keys to(…的关键;…的答案;开…的钥匙)等常见短语中出现较多。

keys in键入
keys into嵌进
keys to…的关键;…的答案;开…的钥匙
no keys[网络] 无钥匙;没有钥匙;没钥匙
the keys[网络] 钥匙;佛罗里达群岛了;之匙豪华度假村式公寓
dichotomous keysun. 〔植〕二岐检索表
editing keys编辑键
distant keys远系调
duplicate keys[计] 复制键


1. Matty, do you want your car keys, you know, about getting you first. (翻译:do you want your car keys? about getting you first.)

2. - Joe, here are my car keys. (翻译:-乔 这是我的车钥匙 -警察 警察 快 -Joe, here are my car keys.)

3. [laughter] [beeping] [keys clacking] (翻译:看看你能不能读取他的 我们需要看清这人到底是怎么回事 一个弱点 尽你所能 找出他的弱点)

4. As she puts her keys down, Fuyumi will appear and beat up everyone with the keys. (翻译:-是啊 在她放下钥匙的那一刻 冬美现身 用钥匙将大家狠打一顿)

5. What you talking about keys? (翻译:什么狗屁钥匙 What you talking about keys?)

6. Rosita, have you seen my car keys? (翻译:Rosita, 看见我的钥匙了吗? Rosita, have you seen my car keys?)

7. Darling, have you got your keys? (翻译:亲爱的 你拿钥匙了吗? Darling, have you got your keys?)

8. The keys are with reception. (翻译:钥匙在服务台。)

9. She left behind her set of keys and disappeared that night (翻译:那晚她留下锁匙后就消失了 She left behind her set of keys and disappeared that night)

10. Take your car keys out the ignition please. (翻译:请把你的车钥匙拔下来 Take your car keys out the ignition please.)

11. Here are the keys to your car. (翻译:这是你的车子 Here are the keys to your car.)

12. - I do need keys. - For what? (翻译:我真的需要钥匙 I do need keys.)

13. Why did you lie to me about giving mark solano these keys? (翻译:说你把这些钥匙给了马克·索拉诺 about giving Mark Solano these keys?)

14. And you are not taking my keys. (翻译:And you are not taking my keys. 我不会给你我的钥匙。)

15. The magic keys to my cage? (翻译:打开我牢笼的钥匙 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}The magic keys to my cage?)



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