differentiate是什么意思 differentiate的中文翻译、读音、例句

differentiate是什么意思 differentiate的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:differentiate between(区分、区别)、differentiate from(与...区分开)、differentiate into(分化为)。




1. It is important to differentiate between different types of products when making a purchasing decision.(在做购买决定时,区分不同类型的产品很重要。)

2. She is able to differentiate between identical twins, but most people cannot.(她能够区分同卵双胞胎,但大多数人都无法分辨。)

3. The company is trying to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering unique services.(该公司正在通过提供独特的服务与竞争对手区别开来。)

4. The stem cells have the ability to differentiate into any type of cell in the body.(干细胞可以分化成身体中的任何一种细胞。)

5. The teacher used different teaching methods to differentiate instruction for the diverse needs of her students.(老师采用不同的教学方法来区分适应学生多样化的需求。)




1. It can be difficult to differentiate between the two species of birds.(很难区分这两个鸟类的种类。)

2. The company needs to differentiate its products from those of its competitors.(公司需要将其产品与竞争对手的产品区分开来。)

3. The teacher used different teaching methods to differentiate the instruction for each student.(老师使用不同的教学方法为每个学生量身定制教学。)

4. The doctor will need to conduct tests to differentiate between the various possible causes of the patient's symptoms.(医生需要进行测试以区分病人症状的各种可能原因。)




例句:I was able to differentiate all the degrees of the color wheel. (虽然我能够辨别色环里不同角度的所有的颜色。)


例句:Conclusion: Most individuals with chromosome karyotype 45, XO can differentiate to female, but a few can differentiate to male. (结论:染色体核型为45,XO个体大部分分化为女性,但少数可能向男性分化。)


例句:As a general rule, it's important to differentiate between effectiveness and absolute time commitments. (一般说来,区别效率和绝对的时间投入很重要。)


例句:ESC can differentiate spontaneously, while it also can differentiate into a certain kind of mature cells under induction. (翻译:ESC不但可以自发分化,而且在诱导因素作用下可以定向分化为某一种特定的成熟细胞。)


differentiate一般作为动词使用,如在differentiate into(区分为)、differentiate between(区分(两者); 对人待遇不公)、differentiate from(指出〔显示〕出…与…有区别)等常见短语中出现较多。

differentiate into区分为
differentiate between区分(两者); 对人待遇不公
differentiate from指出〔显示〕出…与…有区别
differentiate intrusive分异侵入体
differentiate rate(铁路)特定的运费率
silicic differentiate硅质分异体


1. As a general rule, it's important to differentiate between effectiveness and absolute time commitments. (翻译:一般说来,区别效率和绝对的时间投入很重要。)

2. ESC can differentiate spontaneously, while it also can differentiate into a certain kind of mature cells under induction. (翻译:ESC不但可以自发分化,而且在诱导因素作用下可以定向分化为某一种特定的成熟细胞。)

3. SECT is a kind of evaluation and a means of measurement as well, relied on its validity, reliability and differentiate. (翻译:“学评教”是一种评价,也是一种测量。其质量取决于本身的效度、信度和区分度。)

4. Three nuclei differentiate into the antipodal cells. (翻译:三个核分化成为反足细胞。)

5. It's difficult to differentiate between the two varieties. (翻译:这两个品种很难辨别。)

6. The proplastids differentiate to form characteristic organelles such as amyloplasts, chloroplasts and chromoplasts. (翻译:前质体能分化成各具特点的细胞器,如淀粉体,叶绿体和有色体。)

7. You still can't seem to differentiate between what's real and what's not. (翻译:你似乎仍不能 分化 什么是真实之间 什么不是。)

8. MR imaging can not differentiate amelanotic melanoma from other tumors. (翻译:如果是无黑色素的黑色素瘤,MR无法将其与其他肿瘤鉴别。)

9. How can we differentiate between the powers of darkness... and the powers of the mind? (翻译:我们如何能区分幽冥的作用力... 和精神的作用力?)

10. It's hard to differentiate between climbing on a cliff, and climbing on boulders, as it is all climbing to me sometimes. (翻译:很难在野攀和抱石之间区分那么清楚,对我而言都是在攀爬。)

11. Responding to public or profits of corporation is the Lydian stone differentiate between commonweal and management. (翻译:向公众负责还是向企业的利润负责,是区分公益性还是经营性的试金石。)

12. Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into bone, cartilage or fat cells. (翻译:间叶干细胞能够分化成为骨、软骨或脂肪细胞。)

13. A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world. (翻译:孩子也许无法区分想像与真实世界的差别。)

14. FLAIR sequence is helpful to differentiate epidermoid cyst from arachnoid cyst. (翻译:FLAIR序列有助于鉴别表皮样囊肿和蛛网膜囊肿。)

15. In ALL, the leukemic cells fail to differentiate normally and instead remain blocked at an immature stage of development. (翻译:在ALL中,白血病细胞不能正常分化,停留在发生过程中的不成熟阶段。)



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