tusk是什么意思 tusk的中文翻译、读音、例句

tusk是什么意思 tusk的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. lion's tusk(狮子的獠牙)

2. walrus tusk(海象牙齿)

3. elephant tusk(大象象牙)

4. wild boar tusk(野猪獠牙)






1. The elephant's tusks are highly valued for their ivory.(大象的象牙因其象牙质而非常有价值。)

2. The boar's sharp tusks are a formidable weapon.(野猪的尖牙是一种可怕的武器。)

3. The saber-toothed tiger is known for its long, curved tusks.(剑齿虎以其长而弯曲的獠牙而闻名。)

tusk通常被翻译为"獠牙 、以长牙刺戳"的意思,其中文解释还有"以牙刺戳"的意思,在线发音:[tʌsk],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到57个与tusk相关的例句。



例句:You, me, everyone knows Raymond Tusk. (你 我 大家都知道Raymond Tusk)


例句:And when that guy's boss came around looking for more he left him hanging from an elephant tusk in an antique store. (而当那家伙的老板 来到身边寻找更多... 他离开他挂 象牙在一家古玩店。)


例句:in 2007 its researchers found a roomful of illegal ivory, including an uncut tusk, for sale in the city of Dalian. (他们的调查人员在大连发现了一满屋的走私象牙待售,包括一根未雕刻的。)


例句:At the end an old tusk of the flock perceives the remote scent of marine ice and I fry. (翻译:终于 一只老海象感应到寒冷与海上浮冰的气味)


tusk一般作为名词、动词使用,如在elephant tusk([医]象牙)、tusk shell([动物学]角贝壳)、tusk shells([网络] 掘足类;象牙贝)等常见短语中出现较多。

elephant tusk[医]象牙
tusk shell[动物学]角贝壳
tusk shells[网络] 掘足类;象牙贝
tusk tenon加劲凸榫


1. in 2007 its researchers found a roomful of illegal ivory, including an uncut tusk, for sale in the city of Dalian. (翻译:他们的调查人员在大连发现了一满屋的走私象牙待售,包括一根未雕刻的。)

2. At the end an old tusk of the flock perceives the remote scent of marine ice and I fry. (翻译:终于 一只老海象感应到寒冷与海上浮冰的气味)

3. And right now, Raymond Tusk blows far too strong from the West. (翻译:现在雷蒙德·塔斯克的西风吹得实在太猛 And right now Raymond Tusk blows far too strong from the west.)

4. We're trying to win an election, and you want to remind everyone that the president pardoned Raymond Tusk? (翻译:我们还想赢得选举呢 你却想提醒所有人 总统赦免了雷蒙德·塔斯克)

5. Contrary to the mother it dares, the tusk doesn't usually hunt alone. (翻译:跟北极熊妈妈不一样 海象们通常会全体出动觅食)

6. That won't be necessary, Mr. Tusk, if you'll come with us. (翻译:如果你跟我们走的话 这是没有必要的 Tusk先生)

7. But rather than volubly objecting to the plan, which is backed by a vocal emigre lobby in Germany, Mr Tusk blandly defused the row. (翻译:但是,塔斯克先生并没有趾高气昂地反对这个由一个流亡到德国的游说团支持的计划,他很殷勤地缓解了对此问题的争议。)

8. Hey, do either one of you want to buy a white elephant tusk for really cheap? (翻译:嘿,做任何一个你想要 买白象象牙 为真的便宜吗?)

9. They are songs of tusk love, taken place by young males of such a complex structure that it takes them years to perfect. (翻译:那是年轻海象男士们奏出的求爱歌曲 这门极为复杂的技术 需要用整整xx年的时间去熟练)

10. By contrast, Mr Tusk has made up with Moscow and exudes a pro-Europeanism that is rare in these troubled times. (翻译:与此相反,图斯克先生与莫斯科言归于好,并表示出在当前多事之秋下稀少的亲欧洲主义立场。)

11. Please remind the vice president that we are both here at the behest of our mutual friend, Mr. Tusk. (翻译:请提醒副总统 我们在此都是因为 我们共同的朋友Tusk先生)

12. There's no law that says you can't pay Raymond Tusk a visit. (翻译:并无法律规定你不能去拜访Raymond Tusk)

13. Tusk will meet with the President, if he isn't there already. (翻译:Tusk就会和总统会面 如果他不是已经在了的话)

14. One would think that an animal as stout and skilled as a tusk a ferocious being would hunt. (翻译:你可能会想海象们如此认真谨慎地觅食 他们是不是要去猎杀 一些很大很凶残的猎物)

15. So I'm supposed to believe that your son keeps a package in Tusk's car? (翻译:所以,我应该相信你 儿子保持一个包图斯克的汽车吗?)



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