fetus是什么意思 fetus的中文翻译、读音、例句

fetus是什么意思 fetus的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:


2. 用途:


3. 拼写和发音:


4. 相关词汇:

由于fetus涉及生物学、医学等多个领域,因此,有很多相关词汇,例如:fetal (形容词)、gestation (怀孕)、embryo (胚胎)、placenta (胎盘)、prenatal (出生前的) 等。


1. The ultrasound shows that the fetus is developing normally.(超声检查显示胎儿正常发育。)

2. Premature birth can cause serious harm to the fetus.(早产可能会给胎儿带来严重危害。)

3. She is in her third trimester and the fetus is very active.(她处在第三个月,胎儿非常活跃。)

4. The doctor monitored the fetus's heart rate during the delivery process.(医生在分娩过程中监测胎儿的心率。)

5. The mother's diet and lifestyle can affect the health of the fetus.(母亲的饮食和生活方式会影响胎儿的健康。)



1. The fetus grows rapidly in the mother's womb. (胎儿在母体子宫内迅速成长。)

2. A routine ultrasound can detect any abnormalities in the fetus. (常规的超声波检查能够检测出胎儿的任何异常情况。)

3. The mother's healthy habits can directly affect the development of the fetus. (母亲的健康习惯直接影响胎儿的发育。)




例句:Judge, if tying the destruction of a fetus to money isn't blackmail, nothing is. (法官大人 如果利用堕胎 来要钱都不算敲诈的话 那恐怕没什么是敲诈了)


例句:Fetoscopy — a technique for direct visualization of the fetus. (直接观察胎儿情况的内窥镜。)


例句:At the end of the first trimester, the fetus is about three inches long. (在怀孕的第三个月末,胎儿差不多有三英寸长了。)


例句:Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can harm a developing fetus. (翻译:汞是一种很厉害的的神经毒素,可以伤害到发育中的胎儿。)


fetus一般作为名词使用,如在fetus in fetus(胎内胎)、earless fetus(无耳畸胎)、embarrassment of fetus([中医] 胞阻)等常见短语中出现较多。

fetus in fetus胎内胎
earless fetus无耳畸胎
embarrassment of fetus[中医] 胞阻
expression of fetus[医] 胎儿压出术
expulsion of fetus[医] 胎逼出
fetus acardiacus[医] 无心畸胎
fetus amorphus[医] 不成形无心寄生胎畸胎
fetus at risk风险胎儿
fetus compressus[医] 压扁胎, 薄纸样胎


1. At the end of the first trimester, the fetus is about three inches long. (翻译:在怀孕的第三个月末,胎儿差不多有三英寸长了。)

2. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can harm a developing fetus. (翻译:汞是一种很厉害的的神经毒素,可以伤害到发育中的胎儿。)

3. Objective: To discuss the relationship between hydramnios and fetus anomaly. (翻译:目的:探讨羊水过多与胎儿畸形的关系。)

4. Mother-to-child infection: the trypanosome can cross the placenta and infect the fetus. (翻译:母婴感染:锥虫可穿过胎盘并感染胎儿。)

5. Also, PAHs may affect the fetus' DNA directly. (翻译:多环芳烃同样对胎儿的DNA产生直接影响。)

6. As a fetus, Aurora learned to process information just like a computer. (翻译:还是胎儿时,欧若拉就学会了如何处理信息... ...就像电脑一样)

7. It can be predicted even before birth based on the fetus' position in the womb. (翻译:但在出生前根据胎儿在子宫里的位置就可以预测 )

8. A fetus of 20 weeks gestation or a fetus weighing 500 gm is considered an abortus. (翻译:胎儿孕周小于20周或胎儿体重小于500克的称为流产胎。)

9. It's New Kid, Reckless, Rabbi, Fetus, and Toast. (翻译:这是新的孩子,鲁莽,拉比, 胎儿和吐司。)

10. So you would drag Tara to a clinic and have this fetus forcibly removed? (翻译:所以你会把Tara拽到诊所 强行将这个胎儿打掉?)

11. Objective To evaluate the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of spinal meningocele in sacrococcygeal region of fetus. (翻译:目的探讨超声对胎儿骶尾部脊膜膨出的诊断价值。)

12. To isolate and identify the bacteria form the liver of aborted fetus of wapiti. (翻译:对马鹿流产胎儿的肝脏中的细菌进行分离和鉴定。)

13. Oh , the cervix is already open about 4cm, and part of the fetus can be seen in the cervix. The fetus will come out soon. (翻译:啊,子宫颈口已经开了4厘米了,子宫口可以看见部分成胎儿,胎儿立刻就要下来了。)

14. This barrier lets the mother control the supply of nutrients to the fetus. (翻译:这层屏障让母体能控制 给胎儿的营养供应。)

15. From an evil doctor, that's a fetus in a jar wearing a top hat and a monocle. (翻译:为此要对抗一个坐在罐子里 西装革履还戴着单片眼镜的的邪恶婴儿博士)



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