easily是什么意思 easily的中文翻译、读音、例句

easily是什么意思 easily的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:easily 表示容易地、轻易地、顺利地等意思,常用于表示某种行为或事件发生的程度或方式。



1. easily done:容易完成、轻而易举的

2. easily said than done:说起来容易,做起来难

3. take something easily:轻松应对某事

4. easily accessible:容易获得的

5. easily overlooked:容易被忽略的

6. walk/talk/sing easily:轻松地走、说、唱等

7. be easily influenced:容易受影响


1. be easily impressed:容易受到影响、感动

2. be easily distracted:容易分心、分散注意力



1. She can easily finish the work in one day. (她能够轻松地一天内完成这项工作。)

2. He was easily convinced by the salesman. (他被销售员轻易地说服了。)

3. The teacher explained the problem so easily that even the students could understand. (老师解释问题非常简单易懂,学生们也能理解了。)

4. He has a naturally easy manner with people, and he makes friends very easily. (他与人相处自然简单,很容易结交朋友。)

5. The information is easily accessible on the internet. (这些信息在互联网上很容易获取。)

6. We should not easily forget our cultural heritage. (我们不应该轻易忘记我们的文化遗产。)

7. It's easily overlooked that he has made a significant contribution to the project. (很容易被人忽视,他对这个项目做出了重大的贡献。)





1. She easily solved the math problem.


2. He easily won the race.


3. The new software is easy to use.





例句:Which can lead very easily to asphyxiation. (于是人很容易窒息 which can lead very easily to asphyxiation.)


例句:His make-up can easily fool the thugs (绑匪绝对看不出来 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}His make -up can easily fool the thugs)


例句:My dad was a farmer and easily, easily the hardest working man that I know. (我的爸爸是一个农民 而且容易地,容易地最难的 我知道的工作男人。)


例句:You know women get their feelings hurt so easily. (翻译:You know women get their feelings hurt so easily.)


easily一般作为副词、动词使用,如在easily accessible([网络] 容易进入的;容易取得;可进入性强)、easily vulnerable([网络] 易受损伤的)、more easily(adj. 容易地( easily的比较级 ); 不费力地; 远远地; 很可能)等常见短语中出现较多。

easily accessible[网络] 容易进入的;容易取得;可进入性强
easily vulnerable[网络] 易受损伤的
more easilyadj. 容易地( easily的比较级 ); 不费力地; 远远地; 很可能
most easilyadj. 容易地( easily的最高级 ); 不费力地; 远远地; 很可能
not easily weathered不易风化的
win easily[网络] 得来全不费功夫;可透过
easily controlled grasses容易防治的杂草
easily hydrolyzable linkage易水解的结合键


1. My dad was a farmer and easily, easily the hardest working man that I know. (翻译:我的爸爸是一个农民 而且容易地,容易地最难的 我知道的工作男人。)

2. You know women get their feelings hurt so easily. (翻译:You know women get their feelings hurt so easily.)

3. Well, she might just as easily have run away from you. (翻译:换了是你 她可能更容易跑掉 Well, she might just as easily have run away from you.)

4. The victim could as easily been female. (翻译:受害者也可能是女人 The victim could as easily been female.)

5. To forget easily is a gift. (翻译:健忘有时也是个礼物。让我们把你的老毛病改了吧。)

6. - That the things we build can easily destroy us. (翻译:- That the things we build... - That the things we build 可以轻易毁了我们 can easily destroy us.)

7. The immaculate stains easily.; The immaculate is easily sullied. (翻译:皎皎者易污。)

8. They can easily gain access to the control computer and steal the money (翻译:好容易驳通银行的线路,骗钱 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}They can easily gain access to the control computer and steal the money)

9. Are so easily manipulated. (翻译:可这也不是你的错 are so easily manipulated.)

10. I insinuated my way in with you easily enough. (翻译:我迂回几下便轻易说服了你 I insinuated my way in with you easily enough.)

11. - They're not winning that easily. (翻译:- 他们不会这么容易就赢的 - 总算有共识!)

12. I just open my mouth and it comes out. (翻译:so easily? 我一张嘴就说出来了 I just open my mouth and it comes out.)

13. But we easily look after you (翻译:可是我们容易照顾你们 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}But we easily look after you)

14. Easily manipulated and completely expendable. (翻译:容易操纵 也容易抛弃 Easily manipulated and completely expendable.)

15. One day, your stomach could easily blow apart, kill you on the spot. (翻译:某天你的胃会破裂当场毙命 One day, your stomach couId easily blow apart, kill you on the spot.)

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