clam是什么意思 clam的中文翻译、读音、例句

clam是什么意思 clam的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:clam 既可指某些软体动物(如蛤、蛎),也可指某些淡水或海水中的双壳类动物。


词组搭配:clam chowder(蛤蜊浓汤),clam bake(煮蛤),clamshell(蛤壳),clam up(保持沉默)




1. The clam is a common food source in many coastal areas.(蛤蜊是许多沿海地区常见的食物来源。)

2. The clam's shell is hard and durable.(蛤壳坚硬耐用。)

3. She ordered a bowl of clam chowder for lunch. (她点了一碗蛤蜊浓汤当午餐。)

4. We went to the beach to dig for clams.(我们去海滩挖蛤蜊。)

5. He clammed up when I asked him about his personal life.(当我问他关于他的私人生活时,他保持沉默。)

6. The chef prepared a delicious clam bake for the party.(厨师为聚会做了一道美味的蛤蜊煮菜。)

7. The clam's pearls are highly sought after by jewelry makers.(蛤蜊的珍珠受到珠宝制造商的高度追捧。)

1. “Clam”是英语中的词语,翻译为“蛤蜊”的意思。

2. “Clam”通常用来描述一种浅海生物,有两个壳子,而且可以用来食用。

3. 9个含有“clam”的例句:

- I ordered a bowl of clam chowder for lunch.(我点了一碗蛤蜊浓汤作为午餐。)

- She found a tiny clam buried in the sand.(她在沙子里发现了一只小蛤蜊。)

- We went clamming at the beach and caught a whole bucket of clams.(我们在海滩上去捡蛤蜊,捞到了一整桶。)

- The restaurant serves a variety of dishes with clams, such as pasta and stir-fry.(这家餐厅供应多种蛤蜊菜,如意大利面和炒菜。)

- He likes to steam clams with garlic and white wine.(他喜欢用蒜和白葡萄酒蒸蛤蜊。)

- The kids had fun searching for clams on the shore.(孩子们在海岸线上寻找蛤蜊觉得很有趣。)

- The clam digging season starts in the spring and ends in the fall.(捡蛤蜊的季节从春天开始,到秋天结束。)

- The seagulls are always trying to steal our clams when we're not looking.(海鸥总是趁我们不注意的时候来偷我们的蛤蜊。)

- The clam shells were smooth and shiny from being washed by the waves.(蛤蜊壳因为被海浪冲洗过变得光滑而有光泽。)




1. I had a bowl of clam chowder for lunch. (我午餐吃了一碗蛤蜊浓汤。)

2. Clams are a popular seafood in many countries. (蛤蜊在许多国家都是受欢迎的海鲜。)

3. The clam shell is hard and smooth. (蛤蜊的贝壳坚硬而光滑。)




例句:But guess what? You're so clever, but you're not as clever as a clam. (但猜怎么着?你是相当聪明, 但你可没有蚌那么聪明。)


例句:And when we cut them open, they didn't have the anatomy of a clam. (因为当我们把它们切开的时候,它们竟没有蛤的生理结构。)


例句:Son, she compared you to a clam. (she compared you to a clam.)


例句:It's a gratin with Florence fennel... new potatoes... clam and sorrel soup with cream and mirepoix... and stuffed quail. (翻译:意大利式脆皮、新鲜土豆 加奶油的海鲜酸菜汤,还有鹌鹑)


clam一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dipper clam(长柄蛤)、fingernail clam([网络] 指甲蛤)、freshwater clam([网络] 淡水蛤)等常见短语中出现较多。

dipper clam长柄蛤
fingernail clam[网络] 指甲蛤
freshwater clam[网络] 淡水蛤
giant clam砗磲;巨蛤
hairy clam[网络] 毛蚶
hard clam[医]文蛤
hen clam[医]海蛤蜊
jackknife clam[网络] 折刀蛤
littleneck clam短颈蛤


1. Son, she compared you to a clam. (翻译:she compared you to a clam.)

2. It's a gratin with Florence fennel... new potatoes... clam and sorrel soup with cream and mirepoix... and stuffed quail. (翻译:意大利式脆皮、新鲜土豆 加奶油的海鲜酸菜汤,还有鹌鹑)

3. This course is called Mukozuke - seasonal sashimi, sea urchin, water clam, and squid. (翻译:这道菜叫向付 季节性生鱼片 海胆 蚌 和鱿鱼)

4. Stay clam, let go of Tung. (翻译:大家先别动,你先放了阿东 Stay clam, let go of Tung,)

5. A story goes that a diver had lost his legs while trying to retrieve a pearl from a giant clam. (翻译:一个故事广为流传 一名潜水者失去了双腿 当他尝试着将一个珍珠 从一个巨蚌里取出的时候 )

6. Perhaps this extraordinary pulsation of the clam's fleshy mantle is a warning to frighten away nibbling fish, but no one really knows (翻译:蛤的肉质外壳的这种非常特别的规律性闪电 是在警告咬它的小鱼? 不过真正原因无从知晓)

7. We went and found these incredible clam beds sitting on the barren rock. Large clams, and when we opened them, they didn't look like a clam. (翻译:在贫瘠的岩石表面, 我们发现了令人难以置信的蛤床——巨大的蛤, 接着,当我们把它们打开时,它们看上去却不像是蛤。)

8. Well, that was the question that 19th century French physiologist Raphael Dubois, asked about this bioluminescent clam. (翻译:唔,这是十九世纪研究的问题。法国生理学家Raphael Dubois 对这些发光蛤进行了探索研究。)

9. "Just keep your ears open, Kafka, " Oshima replied. "Just listen. Imagine you're a clam. " (翻译:你只需要张开耳朵,只是听。想象自己是一只蚌。)

10. On the evening streets, our louche, loud city had closed up like a clam. (翻译:在夜晚的街道上,我们平日声名狼藉,喧嚣不已的城市变得沉默不语,寂静一片。)

11. Happy as a clam, telling insipid love stories. (翻译:你淡定地躺在吊床上 讲着你那些恶心的爱情故事)

12. Seemed happy as a clam to me. (翻译:我觉得他非常幸福 {\3cH202020}Seemed happy as a clam to me.)

13. Every time they were used, the detainee would clam up as they were scared that anything they said would make that pressure increase. (翻译:每次使用它们时,受审者都保持沉默,好像他们害怕一旦说了什么,就会加重所受压力。)

14. Infiltration of KCN or CLAM into fresh discs decreases the rate of ethylene production. (翻译:减压渗入KCN或间氯苯氧肟酸处理的圆片陈化后,其乙烯产生速率明显下降。)

15. To smack clam, munch rug... dine at just one American pink taco stand. (翻译:怎样敲开蛤蜊, 舔碎布... 最后吃一个美国粉红色的 双瓣夹肉塔可饼.)

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