woolworth是什么意思 woolworth的中文翻译、读音、例句

woolworth是什么意思 woolworth的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Woolworth building:指位于纽约市曼哈顿区的一座历史悠久的大楼,曾经是Woolworth公司的总部。

2. Woolworths Group:一家澳大利亚的零售公司,与Woolworths无关。


1. Woolworths往事:指Woolworths公司在20世纪初的创业历程和辉煌历史。

2. Woolworths模式:指与Woolworths公司类似的经营模式,即在同一个商店里出售各种廉价商品。





例句:At far right is the tower of the Woolworth building, and in the left-center is the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island. (最右侧是伍尔沃思大厦的高塔,中间偏左是自由岛上的自由女神像。)


例句:This is a front view of Monticello. Down there is the Woolworth Building. (这是蒙提萨罗的正面图 下面那个是沃尔沃夫大楼)


例句:Copper has a long history in New York -- the Statue of Liberty, the crown of the Woolworth Building -- but it fell out of fashion for a long time until SHoP Architects used it to cover the American Copper Building, a pair of twisting towers on the East River. (在纽约 铜的运用已有很长的历史了 自由女神像和 伍尔沃思大厦的楼顶都是如此 但是它已经脱离时尚界多年 直到SHoP建筑师们在建造 东河岸的一对扭曲塔楼 American Copper Building时 再次使用了它 )


例句:John loitered in front of Woolworth's staring at the candy display, trying to decide what candy to buy. (翻译:约翰在伍尔沃思商店门前转来转去,眼睛盯着橱窗里陈列的糖果,拿不定主意该买哪一种。)


woolworth一般作为名词使用,如在Woolworth's([网络] 伍尔渥斯;伍尔沃斯集团;伍和富)、F W Woolworth([网络] 尔威斯)、Frank Winfield Woolworth([网络] 伍尔沃斯;伍尔沃思)等常见短语中出现较多。

Woolworth's[网络] 伍尔渥斯;伍尔沃斯集团;伍和富
F W Woolworth[网络] 尔威斯
Frank Winfield Woolworth[网络] 伍尔沃斯;伍尔沃思


1. Copper has a long history in New York -- the Statue of Liberty, the crown of the Woolworth Building -- but it fell out of fashion for a long time until SHoP Architects used it to cover the American Copper Building, a pair of twisting towers on the East River. (翻译:在纽约 铜的运用已有很长的历史了 自由女神像和 伍尔沃思大厦的楼顶都是如此 但是它已经脱离时尚界多年 直到SHoP建筑师们在建造 东河岸的一对扭曲塔楼 American Copper Building时 再次使用了它 )

2. John loitered in front of Woolworth's staring at the candy display, trying to decide what candy to buy. (翻译:约翰在伍尔沃思商店门前转来转去,眼睛盯着橱窗里陈列的糖果,拿不定主意该买哪一种。)

3. When they returned to the university, the four students called on others to join them the next day at Woolworth's. (翻译:当他们回到学校后,这四名学生又招来其他人,参加第二天在该速食店的行动。)

4. Woolworth realized he had a natural skill for displaying goods to arouse people's interest, but he soon learned something more important. (翻译:伍尔沃斯意识到他有一种天生的技能来向人们展示货物以激发他们的兴趣,但是不久他学到了更重要的东西。)

5. It may not seem like a landmark, as important to architectural history as the Louvre or New York's Woolworth Building. But it is. (翻译:它看上去不像是一座具有里程碑意义的历史性建筑,与卢浮宫和伍尔沃斯大厦比较更是相形见绌。)

6. At far right is the tower of the Woolworth building and in left center is the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island. (翻译:图上最右侧是伍尔沃思大厦的高塔,左侧中间是位于自由岛的自由女神像。)

7. Gosh, they look to be about as tall as the Woolworth building, pretty near. (翻译:老天,看起来跟Woolworth大楼一样高)

8. Paulie, call Emergency Services Unit to meet us at the Woolworth Building. (翻译:保利,通知紧急办案小组 在吴华兹大厦和我们会合)

9. At far right is the tower of the Woolworth building and in left center is the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island. (翻译:图上最右侧是伍尔沃思大厦的高塔,左侧中间是位于自由岛的自由女神像。)

10. In 1 91 3, when the Woolworth Building was being built... workmen found the body ofthis rich industrialist, Talbot Soames. (翻译:xx年 吴华兹大楼动工兴建时 工人找到富有企业家塔伯索玛的遗骸)



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