regretfully是什么意思 regretfully的中文翻译、读音、例句

regretfully是什么意思 regretfully的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:regretfully是副词,表示“遗憾地”,“后悔地”。

2. 词性:regretfully是副词。

3. 常用场景:常用于书面语和正式场合,表示对某件事的遗憾和后悔。

4. 词组搭配:常与动词regret连用,表示“感到遗憾地”,另外还有regretfully decline(遗憾地拒绝)、regretfully inform(遗憾地通知)等词组搭配。

5. 相关短语:与regretfully相关的短语有“with regret”(遗憾地)、“in sorrow and regret”(带着悲痛和遗憾)等。

6. 发音拼写:/rɪˈɡret.fə.li/,其中“regret”的发音为/rɪˈɡret/,重音在第一个音节,后面的“fully”为后缀,读作/fə.li/,重音在第一个音节。


英 [rɪ'ɡretflɪ] 美 [rɪ'ɡrɛtflɪ]



1. Regretfully, I can't make it to your party tonight.


2. We regretfully inform you that the concert has been cancelled due to bad weather.


3. He looked regretfully at the ruins of the house where he had spent his childhood.





例句:Members of the jury, regretfully I must declare this proceeding a mistrial. (陪审团 非常遗憾 我不得不宣布这是一次无效审判)


例句:It may be that, in the good old days that some people recall regretfully , regulators had more employees and were better- resourced . (在有些人悔恨地召回产品的“往日好时光”里,监管机构有更多的雇员,而且财力也更为雄厚。)


例句:"I may be obliged to have a tantrum," said Colin regretfully. (“我可能得发脾气了。”科林遗憾地说。)


例句:He sighed regretfully. (翻译:他懊丧地叹了口气。)


1. "I may be obliged to have a tantrum," said Colin regretfully. (翻译:“我可能得发脾气了。”科林遗憾地说。)

2. He sighed regretfully. (翻译:他懊丧地叹了口气。)

3. "There, and if I haven't gone and tired you all out with my talking'! " said the little gray-haired woman regretfully. (翻译:“好了,我希望我的话没能让你厌烦。)

4. Regretfully some souls are still immersed in them and have yet to find that desire to break out of them. (翻译:遗憾的是一些灵魂仍然沉浸在他们还没有找到那些渴望摆脱出来。)

5. 'I am afraid I can't say anything as to that, ' he said regretfully. 'I really hadn't time to see anything. ' (翻译:“我恐怕没有什么可以说,”他后悔地说道,“我确实没有时间去看什么。”)

6. After several weeks of back-and-forth, Menashe emailed Harmel to say that, regretfully, the deal was off. (翻译:经过了几周来来回回的商谈,克劳蒂娅最后通过邮件告诉马克,这笔买卖谈不成了。)

7. On seeing it, the male regretfully realized that she really had not eaten and that he had wrongly killed her. (翻译:雄鸽见已,方生悔恨:“彼实不食,我妄杀他。”)

8. Regretfully, mounting costs have forced the museum to close. (翻译:遗憾的是,费用不断增加,博物馆不得不关门。)

9. [speaking French] Ladies, gentlemen, we regretfully announce the resumption of war by the Kinshasa government. (翻译:女士们先生们 我们不得不遗憾地宣布 金沙萨政府已重新与我们开战)

10. But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us. (翻译:可我们常常懊恼地、久久地盯着那扇关着的门,以至于看不到另一扇门已为我们敞开。)

11. Regretfully, the Brazilian political and economic situation has been characterized by a state of national crisis and disorder. (翻译:遗憾的是,巴西的政治和经济状况特点却是一系列的危机和社会混乱。)

12. Regretfully to advise you that the qtty you ordered is too small for the sample lamp, as it is very difficult for them to accept. (翻译:您寄来的灯的样品这边的工厂说您需要的数量太少,他们没有办法起做。)

13. Regretfully, that has now become impossible. (翻译:that has now become impossible.)

14. And what, we regretfully inform that you're an ugly old mingo and you're not going to make it. (翻译:而且什么,我们遗憾地通知你是一个丑陋的老蛋并且你不能加入。)

15. This time I was watching minute after minute and there was no change in intensity and pace, " he said regretfully. " (翻译:我不停的在看时间,在等待,但是场面没有什么改观。他遗憾的说。)

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