mitten是什么意思 mitten的中文翻译、读音、例句

mitten是什么意思 mitten的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义: mitten是一个名词,指手套的一种,即没有指头的手套。通常用于保暖,例如在冬天滑雪、打雪仗时穿戴。


词组搭配:mitten的常见搭配包括:woolen mitten(羊毛手套)、baby mitten(婴儿手套)、leather mitten(皮革手套)等。




1. She put on her warm mittens before heading out into the snow.(她穿上保暖的手套在雪地里走路)

2. My hands were so cold that I couldn't feel my fingers even in my mittens.(我的手太冷了,即使戴着手套我也感觉不到手指)

3. The children were excitedly putting on their mittens to go play in the snow.(孩子们激动地戴上手套去雪地里玩耍)

4. The knitted mittens my grandmother made me are my favorite winter accessory.(奶奶给我织的手套是我最喜欢的冬季配饰)

5. He lost one of his mittens while playing catch in the park.(他在公园里玩抛接球时丢了一个手套)

6. The snowboarder wore waterproof mittens to keep his hands dry while snowboarding.(滑雪者戴着防水手套以保持手部干燥)

7. The teacher instructed the children to leave their mittens and hats in the hallway before entering the classroom.(老师让孩子们在走进教室之前把手套和帽子放在走廊里)



1. Ich habe diese warmen Fäustlinge anstelle von Handschuhen gewählt. (我选择了这些温暖的拳套,而不是手套。)

2. Sie hat ihre Fäustlinge im Schnee verloren. (她在雪中丢失了她的拳套。)

3. Die kleinen Kinder tragen oft bunte Fäustlinge. (小孩子们经常戴着彩色拳套。)

4. Er hat seine Fäustlinge verlegt und seine Hände sind kalt. (他把拳套弄丢了,手很冷。)

5. Ich habe mit meinen Fäustlingen den Schnee gepackt. (我用我的拳套抓住了雪。)

6. Die Fäustlinge müssen trocken gehalten werden, damit sie ihre Wärme behalten. (这些拳套必须保持干燥,以便保持它们的温度。)

7. Sie hat sich ein Paar neuer Fäustlinge gekauft, um sich warm zu halten. (她买了一副新的拳套,为了保暖。)

8. Die Fäustlinge wurden von Hand gestrickt. (这些拳套是手工编织的。)

9. Kannst du mir helfen, meine Fäustlinge anzuziehen? (你能帮我穿上我的拳套吗?)



1. She put on her warm mittens before going outside in the snow. (她在出门前戴上暖和的手套,以防寒冷的雪天)

2. I lost one of my mittens during the ski trip. (我在滑雪旅行中丢失了一只手套)

3. The little girl's mittens were decorated with colorful pom poms. (小女孩的手套上装饰着五颜六色的毛球)




例句:And you want something human, uh a child's mitten, a purse a baseball cap lying in the road. (若你想让它人性化,呃 一个孩子的手套,一个钱包 一顶棒球无边帽躺在道路中)


例句:He grasped her mitten and said, "Take me to where you live." (他抓住她的手套说:“带我去你住的地方。” )


例句:The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists "garbage mitt"—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favored by garbage men. (《加拿大牛津词典》也列出了“垃圾手套”——那是一种垫得很厚的鹿皮手套,深受收垃圾的人的喜爱。)


例句:We would oppose Chinese mitten crab fishing because it might encourage its spread to other areas. (翻译:我们反对捕捞中华绒蝥蟹,因为这可能会刺激它往其他区域扩展。)


mitten一般作为名词使用,如在diving mitten(潜水手套)、get the mitten(求婚遭到拒绝, 被解雇)、mitten crab(n. 中华绒蝥蟹(如河蟹、螃蟹等))等常见短语中出现较多。

diving mitten潜水手套
get the mitten求婚遭到拒绝, 被解雇
mitten crabn. 中华绒蝥蟹(如河蟹、螃蟹等)
mitten deformity连指手套状并指
mitten flannel手套法兰绒
mitten money[俚语]【航海学】冬季引航补贴金
mitten sport〈美俚〉拳击
squish mitten[网络] 闷热的手套
the frozen mitten冷遇,冷淡,不友好的接待


1. The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists "garbage mitt"—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favored by garbage men. (翻译:《加拿大牛津词典》也列出了“垃圾手套”——那是一种垫得很厚的鹿皮手套,深受收垃圾的人的喜爱。)

2. We would oppose Chinese mitten crab fishing because it might encourage its spread to other areas. (翻译:我们反对捕捞中华绒蝥蟹,因为这可能会刺激它往其他区域扩展。)

3. So do you want to have a conversation about helping us out with our Kitten Mitten patent? (翻译:- 那么,呃 - 那么,你愿意聊聊... 关于我们的猫咪手套专利和...)

4. Effects of single side Eyestalk-Ablated on the Chinese Mitten - Handed Juvenile Crab Hepatic-Pancreas Glutamate- Pyruvate Transaminase Vigor (翻译:切除单侧眼柄对中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺谷丙转氨酶活力的影响)

5. The lover, tells if my , my do not know love , lets you be changed into a frozen mitten to my love from fervency . (翻译:爱人,告诉我,我是否不懂爱,让你对我的爱由热情变冷淡。)

6. The Lower Peninsula of Michigan, to which the name Michigan was originally applied, is sometimes dubbed "the mitten, " owing to its shape. (翻译:下半岛的密歇根州,而密歇根州的名字最初是应用,有时称为“手套”,由于它的形状。)

7. Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis is an important freshwater products in Chinese aquaculture. (翻译:中华绒螯蟹是我国重要的淡水水产养殖品种。)

8. The anterior teeth, or the incisors and canines, are small for the genus Homo, and the lower canine has a cuspulid on it -- an extra cuspule that gives it a distinct mitten-like shape that it shares with some specimens of the early human, Homo erectus. (翻译:人类前面的牙齿, 也叫门齿和犬齿, 是很小的, 并且下犬齿有齿尖—— 那是一个明显像手套一样的额外的牙尖。一些早期人类和直立人的 标本上都有这个特点。)



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