norm是什么意思 norm的中文翻译、读音、例句

norm是什么意思 norm的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'norm'是一个名词,通常指某个社会(或群体、组织等)所认可和遵守的规范、标准、习惯、准则等,可以是道德准则、行为规范、文化习惯等等。


- The social norm is to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time.(社交规范要求初次见面应握手。)

- This company has its own norms of conduct that all employees must follow.(这家公司有自己的行为准则,所有员工都必须遵守。)

2. 统计意义下的'norm':在数学或统计学领域,'norm'往往指一个数列或向量的长度或者一种测度其大小的方法。


- The L2-norm of a vector is the square root of the sum of its squared components.(一个向量的L2范数是其各分量平方的和再开方。)

- The z-score measures how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean, which is a way to normalize the data.(z分数测量一个数据点与平均值之间有多少个标准差,这是将数据规范化的一种方法。)

3. 缩写词:'norm'也可以是一些专业术语或缩写词中的一部分。


- 'NoRM' stands for 'Nucleus of the Resting Mind', a brain region involved in mind-wandering and self-referential thought.(NoRM是“休息状态下的大脑核”,是涉及虚度时光和自我参照思维的一个脑区。)

- 'NORM' stands for 'Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material', which can be found in soil, rocks, water, and some building materials.(NORM是“自然存在的放射性物质”,可以在土壤、岩石、水和一些建筑材料中发现。)


1. The norm of punctuality is highly valued in Japanese culture.(日本文化中非常重视守时的规范。)

2. The student's behavior violated the norms of the school community.(学生的行为违反了学校社区的规范。)

3. The L1-norm and L∞-norm are two commonly used norms in optimization problems.(L1范数和L∞范数是优化问题中常用的两种范数。)

4. The noRM technique allows us to study the brain's resting state activity with high spatial resolution.(NoRM技术使我们能够以高空间分辨率研究大脑的休息状态活动。)

5. NORMs can pose a radiation hazard in some occupations, such as mining and oil drilling.(NORMs在某些职业中(如矿业和石油钻探)可能会构成放射危害。)




1. It is important to follow the norm when participating in social activities. (在社交活动中遵循规范很重要。)

2. The company has established a norm for working hours to ensure a healthy work-life balance. (公司已制定了工作时间标准,以确保工作与生活的平衡。)

3. Deviating from the norm may attract criticism from society. (偏离常态可能会引起社会批评。)

4. The design of this product does not meet the norm for safety standards. (这个产品的设计不符合安全标准规范。)




例句:Absurd. But I had to follow the Victorian norm. (太荒唐了。不得不遵循维多利亚时代的标准。)


例句:Juarez is an exception, not the Mexican norm. (对于墨西哥来说,华雷斯是一个例外。)


例句:And the beauty of the matchers is that they follow the norm. (而互利者的美德则会让他们 遵守这个行为的规则来进行付出。)


例句:The Effect of Magnetized Water on Seed Germination and Physiologic Norm of Balsam Pera (翻译:磁化水浸种对苦瓜种子萌发及对其幼苗生理指标的影响)


norm一般作为名词使用,如在the norm(规范)、dual norm(对偶范数)、discrete norm(离散范数)等常见短语中出现较多。

the norm规范
dual norm对偶范数
discrete norm离散范数
emergent norm新兴规范
empirical norm经验定额
equivalent norm当量标准
Euclid norm欧几里德范数
Euclidean norm[计] 欧几里得范数, 欧几里得模量
Euro Norm[网络] 欧洲;欧标


1. And the beauty of the matchers is that they follow the norm. (翻译:而互利者的美德则会让他们 遵守这个行为的规则来进行付出。)

2. The Effect of Magnetized Water on Seed Germination and Physiologic Norm of Balsam Pera (翻译:磁化水浸种对苦瓜种子萌发及对其幼苗生理指标的影响)

3. The operator norm of "T" is the essential supremum of "h". (翻译:“ T ”的操作规范是“ h ”的本质上确界。)

4. NORM ELROD: "I wrote about the one thing I seemed to know, which was at that point being unemployed. " (翻译:NORM埃尔罗德:“我的一件事情,我似乎知道,这点,失业写[笑]。”)

5. Several norm equalities are proved by norm inequality and mathematics induction. (翻译:运用范数不等式,使用数学归纳法,证明了几个范数等式。)

6. Norm, did you get any prints off Dressler's bag? (翻译:诺姆,在德雷斯 勒的皮包上 有没有发现其他指纹?)

7. Families of six or seven are the norm in Borough Park. (翻译:六七口人的家庭在菠萝园是常事儿。)

8. Steve, you're stigmatizing. It's a perfectly norm... (翻译:史蒂夫 你这是血口喷人 那是非常正...)

9. However, there is no need to fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm. (翻译:但是,没有必要为你的吝啬而感到烦恼,因为这似乎是惯例。)

10. Fashionably late, per the norm. (翻译:喔,一定是超级玛莉欧 他又迟到了,老毛病)

11. The problem with the anti- littering campaign then is that its descriptive norm is counterproductive to its injunctive norm. (翻译:反对乱扔垃圾运动的问题是它的描述性规范对于它的指令行规范是相反的。)

12. Home cooking remained the norm, but its quality was down the tubes. (翻译:家庭烹饪还是常态,但是质量却与往日不可同日而语。)

13. I really want to live in a world where disability is not the exception, but the norm. (翻译:我真心期待能活在这样一个世界里, 残疾不再是当成一种特殊, 仅仅是普通现象。)

14. Norm gray relational grade (NGRG) is put forward based on the conception of norm, and its properties are discussed. (翻译:基于范数概念,给出了范数灰关联度及其性质。)

15. For millions of drivers in many parts of Africa, this is the norm. (翻译:这其实对几百万非洲车主来说, 最平常不过了。)



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