reporters是什么意思 reporters的中文翻译、读音、例句

reporters是什么意思 reporters的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:reporters 意为记者,指专门从事新闻报道工作的人员。

2. 词性:reporters 是复数形式的名词,没有单数形式。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:news reporters(新闻记者)、journalism reporters(新闻工作者)、foreign reporters(外国记者)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/rɪˈpɔːrtərz/


1. Reporters from various media outlets swarmed the scene to cover the breaking news.(来自各大媒体的记者涌入现场报道突发新闻。)

2. The government is giving a press conference tomorrow, so all reporters are expected to be present.(政府明天要举行新闻发布会,所有记者都应该到场。)

3. We need to interview some reporters to get firsthand information about the event.(我们需要采访一些记者,以获取有关事件的第一手信息。)

4. The reporters were surprised by the celebrity's unexpected announcement.(名人的意外宣布让记者们感到惊讶。)

5. The reporters were prohibited from taking photos inside the courtroom during the trial.(在审判过程中,法庭内禁止记者拍照。)

【翻译】 n. 记者,报道员;通讯员



1. The reporters rushed to the scene of the accident to gather information.


2. The reporters interviewed the celebrity about his new film.


3. The local reporters covered the political rally and wrote articles for the newspaper.





例句:The reporters have a aimed their enses on you (怎么会呢? 记者们一直向着你拍的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The reporters have a aimed their enses on you)


例句:A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters. (一位国防部发言人向记者们介绍了情况。)


例句:Mr. Cochran addressed reporters. (-Americans on the jury? 这是为什么呢 Why is that?)


reporters一般作为名词使用,如在law reporters([法] 判案汇编)、television reporters([网络] 电视记者\n(television reporter 的复数))、tv reporters(电视台记者)等常见短语中出现较多。

law reporters[法] 判案汇编
television reporters[网络] 电视记者\n(television reporter 的复数)
tv reporters电视台记者


1. Mr. Cochran addressed reporters. (翻译:-Americans on the jury? 这是为什么呢 Why is that?)

2. The President told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue. (翻译:总统告诉等候的记者,刚才进行了一次富有建设性的对话。)

3. Baolin excitedly told reporters. (翻译:张宝林兴奋地告诉记者。)

4. We are the reporters of our people, and are communicators to the outside world. (翻译:我们是我们同胞的记录人, 也是与 外界世界联系的沟通者。)

5. And then you copied 47 reporters on it. (翻译:然后还抄送给了47名记者 {\3cH202020}And then you copied 47 reporters on it.)

6. - Where's the base jumper and reporters? - On the roof! (翻译:-跳伞运动员和电视台的工作人员 在哪里?)

7. He smiled weakly at reporters. (翻译:他朝记者们淡淡一笑。)

8. You told Kent and the other reporters that much at the news conference. (翻译:这些你在记者会上跟肯特 和其他记者就提过了)

9. The police prohibited us reporters entering Brazil at Recife. (翻译:警察禁止我们记者从累西菲进入巴西。)

10. Well, uh, this is gonna sound... (翻译:-利比亚的那帮记者放出来了 -我们看到了 - The reporters were freed in Libya.)

11. Hertling was speaking near Tikrit in a teleconference with reporters at the Pentagon. (翻译:赫特林是在提克里特附近跟五角大楼记者举行视频记者会时说的这番话。)

12. Imagine if one of your reporters came to you with this story. (翻译:如果你手下的记者拿着这事来找你 Imagine if one of your reporters came to you with this story.)

13. Firemen, reporters and throngs of ordinary Detroiters jammed into the seats. (翻译:消防队员,记者和成群的普通底特律市民都聚在水泄不通的礼堂里。)

14. He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters. (翻译:他被一群记者团团围住。)

15. One of the cheekier reporters took the dinner check. (翻译:另一个无耻的记者还拿走了账单。)



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