toad是什么意思 toad的中文翻译、读音、例句

toad是什么意思 toad的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:

Toad 是一个名词,指的是一种有皮肤褶皱和短粗四肢的蟾蜍。Toad 还可以是一个缩写词,代表 Total Object-oriented Analysis and Design,即总体面向对象分析与设计。


- The toad made a croaking sound in the garden.


- The scientists are studying the behavior of toads in their natural habitat.


- Our team is using TOAD software to design the database for the project.

(我们的团队正在使用 TOAD 软件为项目设计数据库。)

2. 表达方式:

Toad 这个单词在口语和文学作品中也常被用作形容词或动词。作为形容词,toady 意为“阿谀奉承的”,toadlike 用于形容类似蟾蜍的特征。作为动词,toad 可以指某人或某事变得更加卑劣且不值得信任,被动词化后为 toadify。


- The politician surrounded himself with a group of toady advisors.


- The monster in the movie had a toadlike appearance with bulging eyes and warty skin.


- Don't toad me with your lies, I know the truth.


3. 俚语和成语:

Toad 还有几个俚语和成语的用法。其中,toad in the hole 指的是一道由香肠和面糊组成的传统英国菜肴;toadstool 指的是毒蘑菇;toad-eater 意为“马屁精”。


- I'm going to make toad in the hole for dinner tonight.


- Be careful not to eat any toadstools you find in the woods, they're poisonous.


- That guy is such a toad-eater, he's always trying to impress the boss.


toad的中文翻译是蟾蜍(chán chú),读音为[təʊd]。


1. The toad hopped across the road.


2. The children were fascinated by the big, warty toad.


3. Toads are often mistaken for frogs, but they have drier skin and shorter legs.





例句:"There, there," said Toad, graciously and affably, "never mind; think no more about it." (“好啦,好啦,”托德温文尔雅、殷勤地说,“没关系,别再想它了。” )


例句:Great Uncle Algie was so pleased he bought me my toad. (我的阿尔吉伯父一时高兴,还买了一只蟾蜍送给我呢。)


例句:"It's all over," sobbed the Toad, crying into the sofa cushions. (“一切都完了。”癞蛤蟆托德抽泣着,哭着哭着,把脸埋进了沙发垫子。)


例句:Oops. Also might have given said toad the impression that you left your post last night. (翻译:然后还不小心说漏了嘴 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Also might have given said toad the impression)


toad一般作为名词使用,如在European toad([网络] 大蟾蜍;欧洲蟾蜍)、elevator toad(升浮器)、frog and toad([网络] 青蛙和蟾蜍;青蛙与蟾蜍;青蛙和蟾蜍系列)等常见短语中出现较多。

European toad[网络] 大蟾蜍;欧洲蟾蜍
elevator toad升浮器
frog and toad[网络] 青蛙和蟾蜍;青蛙与蟾蜍;青蛙和蟾蜍系列
giant toad[网络] 巨蟾蜍;大蟾蜍;巨牛蛙
horned toad角蟾
marine toad[网络] 海蟾蜍;蟾蜍
midwife toad[网络] 产婆蟾;接生婆蟾蜍;产婆蟾蜍
natterjack toad[网络] 黄条蟾蜍;黄条背蟾蜍
obstetrical toad产婆蟾
ribbed toad[网络] 肋骨蟾蜍


1. "It's all over," sobbed the Toad, crying into the sofa cushions. (翻译:“一切都完了。”癞蛤蟆托德抽泣着,哭着哭着,把脸埋进了沙发垫子。)

2. Oops. Also might have given said toad the impression that you left your post last night. (翻译:然后还不小心说漏了嘴 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Also might have given said toad the impression)

3. You couldn't believe this was coming out of this little toad. (翻译:你根本就没法相信那些歌 出自这么一个不起眼的小鬼之手)

4. He was tired of Toad, and his sulks and his airs and his meanness. (翻译:他讨厌他那副阴阳怪气、装腔作势的卑劣相。)

5. The door opened, and he saw a big, fat toad sitting there, surrounded by a large number of little toads. The fat toad asked what he wanted. (翻译:门开了,他看见一只又大又肥的蛤蟆坐在那里,旁边还围了一群小蛤蟆。肥蛤蟆问他想要什么。)

6. 'Tis the reason why a king may act like a toad. (翻译:这也是国王有时会像个 讨厌的癞蛤蟆的原因)

7. "Badger," said Toad, rather airily. (翻译:“班杰。”癞蛤蟆托德相当轻率地说。)

8. Thanks to you, I got 1 2 years in the zoo as a toad! (翻译:对! 因为你 我才会在角落里 像青蛙一样呆了xx年!)

9. We have to get spider and toad legs snakes, ashes... (翻译:我们得收集蜘蛛和癞蛤蟆腿... 蛇 灰...)

10. However, another toad on this same mountain has elaborated this strategy. (翻译:但是同一座山上的另一种蟾蜍 进一步的把这种策略发扬光大)

11. HOBSON: "And Frog and Toad stayed on the island all afternoon. (翻译:霍布森: “和青蛙和蟾蜍 在岛上逗留了一下午。)

12. Stir your stumps, Toad, and look lively! (翻译:快点,癞蛤蟆托德,看起来活泼点! )

13. Oliva, there's a toad! It looks like Father Balosa! (翻译:奥里瓦,这里有只癞蛤蟆 长得很像巴罗萨神父!)

14. I see that I have been a headstrong and a wilful Toad! (翻译:我明白了,我是一只顽固任性的癞蛤蟆! )

15. Toad prudently dropped flat in the road, and BANG! (翻译:托德精明地趴倒在路上,砰! )



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