esh是什么意思 esh的中文翻译、读音、例句

esh是什么意思 esh的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'esh'可以是一个单词或者缩写词。在正式的英语中没有'esh'这个单词,但是通常用于口语或者网络语言。它通常表示惊讶、无语或者不知道怎么回答。

2. 来源:'esh'起源于英语单词"oh shit"的缩写,由于网络语言的广泛使用,人们逐渐用'esh'来代替"oh shit"。

3. 用法:'esh'通常用于口语和网络语言,表示惊讶、无语或者不知道怎么回答。

4. 注意事项:'esh'是一种非正式的用语,应该避免在正式的场合使用。此外,使用'esh'时应该注意上下文和语气,避免给人留下不良印象。

5. 中英例句:

- 他突然跳出来吓我一跳,我只能用“esh”来回应。He suddenly jumped out and scared me, and all I could say was "esh".

- 我看到他的分数后只能用“esh”来表示无语。I was speechless after seeing his score, all I could say was "esh".

- 她告诉我一件令人难以置信的事情,我只能用“esh”来表示惊讶。She told me an incredible story and all I could say was "esh".

- 当他告诉我他失业了,我只能用“esh”来表示同情。When he told me he was unemployed, all I could say was "esh".

- 当我问他这道题的答案时,他只是无语地摇了摇头,“esh”也没说。When I asked him for the answer to the question, he just shook his head and didn't even say "esh".


1. "esh" 是阿拉伯语中 "火" 的意思,常用于阿拉伯姓名中。

2. "esh" 也是英语中 "ash" 的非标准拼写,意为 "灰烬"。

3. "esh" 是某些游戏、网站或社交媒体平台的用户名、昵称或标签,其含义取决于使用者的意愿。




1. My name is Aisha, which means "life" in Arabic. - 我的名字是艾莎,意思是阿拉伯语的“生命”。

2. The campfire burnt down to a pile of esh. - 营火烧成了一堆灰烬。

3. I saw a user named "esh" on that gaming site. - 我在那个游戏网站上看到了一个名为“esh”的用户。




例句:Conduct ESH orientation training and professional training to employees and Suppliers; (管理ESH方向的培训及给予员工和供应商专业方面的培训;)


例句:Supervising and motivating team workers. To organize them learn SOP and ESH knowledge monthly. (监督和激励团队工人。每月组织他们学习SOP和ESH知识。)


例句:Ensure ESH conformity in all the related work activities. (保证维修工作符合ESH政策的要求。)


例句:International Circulation: How to view the difference between the ESH hypertension guideline and JNC? (翻译:《国际循环》:如何看待ESH高血压指南与JNC之间的不同?)


esh一般作为名词使用,如在Manchurian esh(【材料学】水曲柳(木材))、synchrom esh transmission(同步变速器)等常见短语中出现较多。

Manchurian esh【材料学】水曲柳(木材)
synchrom esh transmission同步变速器


1. Ensure ESH conformity in all the related work activities. (翻译:保证维修工作符合ESH政策的要求。)

2. International Circulation: How to view the difference between the ESH hypertension guideline and JNC? (翻译:《国际循环》:如何看待ESH高血压指南与JNC之间的不同?)

3. This 2010 ESH meeting here in Oslo is an important meeting for you as well. (翻译:我想,在挪威奥斯陆召开的这一届ESH大会对于您来讲也很重要。)

4. Actions and the future ESH programme were based on the outcome. (翻译:今后ESH行动和计划取决于改善结果。)

5. Teach me to reach beyond the flesh. (翻译:教我脱凡入冥 Teach me to reach beyond the flesh.)

6. It was all very visceral, you know, you had like tons of stretchy chunks of i¬‚esh stuff covered in slime and covered in blood. (翻译:全部很逼真,你知道, 你可以把它们变成几顿 圈在一起)



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