hush是什么意思 hush的中文翻译、读音、例句

hush是什么意思 hush的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:hush up(压制、阻止)、hush money(贿赂、口风费)、hush-hush(秘密的、机密的)等。

相关短语:hush one's voice(压低嗓音)、hush someone down(制止某人的喊叫声)、hush someone up(使某人安静下来)、hush a rumor(止传闻言)、hushed tones(悄声细语)等。

发音拼写:Hush的发音为[ hʌʃ ],“h”发音较轻,重点在“u”和“sh”两个音节上。





1. Hush, the baby is sleeping. 别吵,宝宝在睡觉。

2. The teacher hushed the noisy students. 老师让喧闹的学生安静下来。

3. They spoke in hushed tones so as not to wake up the baby. 他们轻声说话,以免把宝宝吵醒。




例句:Listen, every time I walk in the room lately, you guys hush up as if I'm interrupting. (听着 最近每次我走进这个房间 你们都安静下来 好像我打断了你们)


例句:Hush, it doesn't matter. Do you know where the children are run to? (闭嘴,那不重要 你知道孩子们跑到哪里去了吗?)


例句:It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance. (是这种幽幽的寂静使我们朗朗的笑声发出回响。)


例句:Hush! The boss is quite mad. He said he's going to fire any juiceless player. (翻译:嘘!老板在大发雷霆呢。他说得无精打采的球员撵走。)


hush一般作为名词、动词、感叹词使用,如在hush hush([口语]机密,保密;机密的,秘而不宣的)、hush ... up(na. 掩盖\n[网络] 肃静;隐瞒;别出声)、hush boat(伪装艇)等常见短语中出现较多。

hush hush[口语]机密,保密;机密的,秘而不宣的
hush ... upna. 掩盖\n[网络] 肃静;隐瞒;别出声
hush boat伪装艇
hush cloth吸音呢
hush down[网络] 哼了一声
hush house[网络] 安静的房子
hush houses[网络] 安静的房子
hush kitna. (用以降低喷气式飞机发动机噪音的)飞机用消音器
hush kitshush kit\n[英国英语]【航空学】(喷气式发动机的)减音(防噪音)装置,成套消音装置,降低噪声的组件(或器材)


1. It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance. (翻译:是这种幽幽的寂静使我们朗朗的笑声发出回响。)

2. Hush! The boss is quite mad. He said he's going to fire any juiceless player. (翻译:嘘!老板在大发雷霆呢。他说得无精打采的球员撵走。)

3. Jest chum him the ruJel hush (翻译:你拿火箭打他啊 Jest chum him the ruJel hush)

4. Now I figure there's gotta be somebody in here willing to fork over some coin to keep things hush-hush. (翻译:对吧? 我认为这里某个人会 心不甘情不愿地交出一笔封口费)

5. Hush, Kenny, and I mean right now. (翻译:不尽然。- 安静,肯尼。我的意思吧。)

6. Something... something came up, all very hush-hush. (翻译:Something... all very hush -hush.)

7. The censorship tried to hush it up but people couldn't help noticing it. (翻译:新闻审查试图将其掩盖过去 但人们还是禁不住注意到了下雪)

8. They may be islanded in a sea of other human beings; they may come only at the end of the day, or in the quiet hush of the early morning. (翻译:他们可能是坐落在人类海洋上的一个岛屿,他们可能在一天工作结束的时候或者在一大早静悄悄的时候才来。)

9. Molly, Molly, hush, hush, hush. It's okay. You got her? (翻译:- Molly, Molly, 别闹, 别闹, 别闹.)

10. They're going to know once, there was a Hush puppy and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub. (翻译:他们会知道 从前有个荷西波比 她和她爸爸住在浴缸里)

11. It's the most top-secret, hush-hush, amazing place in the world. (翻译:这可是最顶级的机密 小声点! 那是世界上最棒的地方)

12. Well, the only way to hush the parrot up was to put the cover... (翻译:这是个女佣和鹦鹉的故事,有个女佣,她有只鹦鹉)

13. And he was talking all hush-hush, and handed her a bottle of pills, and then Anna went into the bathroom. (翻译:讲话一副神秘兮兮的 递了一罐药丸给她 之后Anna就去了厕所)

14. but the trying to keep it hush-hush 'cause they didn't even keep the riots down. (翻译:监狱管理局企图对外封锁此事 因为他们没能制止暴动)

15. But maybe you'll tell me it's my duty to tell the town all about it, not to hush it up. (翻译:但是可能你要告诉我,这是我的职责来 告诉整个镇上的人,而不是遮掩这件事情)



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