disrupted是什么意思 disrupted的中文翻译、读音、例句

disrupted是什么意思 disrupted的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:disrupted sleep(睡眠中断),disrupted supply chain(供应链中断),disrupted communication(通讯中断)

短语:disrupted service(服务中断),disrupted schedule(行程中断)



1. The storm has disrupted travel along the eastern coast.(风暴使得沿东海岸的旅行中断了。)

2. The construction work has disrupted the neighborhood's peace and quiet.(建筑工程打乱了社区的平静和安宁。)

3. The power outage disrupted the hospital's operations.(停电中断了医院的运营。)

4. The unexpected arrival of visitors disrupted our plans for the evening.(意外到访的访客打乱了我们晚上的计划。)

5. The strike disrupted production at the factory for several weeks.(罢工使得工厂的生产停滞了几周。)




1. The loud noise disrupted my concentration. (巨大的噪声扰乱了我的注意力。)

2. The storm disrupted power supply to the entire town. (暴风雨中断了整个城镇的电力供应。)

3. The strike will disrupt public transport. (这次罢工将会干扰公共交通。)

4. The new technology has disrupted traditional business models. (新技术打乱了传统的商业模式。)




例句:The meeting is disrupted by Albanian irredentist. (会议被阿尔巴尼亚的领土收复主义者所中断。)


例句:I'm guessing we're looking for a shallow grave that's been disrupted by a hungry bear. (我猜我们在找 一个被饥饿的熊打扰 过的浅坟墓.)


例句:A crowded world was disrupted and swept away. (从前拥挤不堪的世界格局被打破并抹平了。)


disrupted一般作为名词使用,如在disrupted anomaly(脱节异常)、disrupted bedding(断裂层理)、disrupted beds(破裂层)等常见短语中出现较多。

disrupted anomaly脱节异常
disrupted bedding断裂层理
disrupted beds破裂层
disrupted circuit[计] 中断的线路
disrupted configuration断开结构
disrupted horizon变位层
disrupted seam扰动煤层


1. A crowded world was disrupted and swept away. (翻译:从前拥挤不堪的世界格局被打破并抹平了。)

2. The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting. (翻译:典礼因前所未有的起哄和口号声而中断。)

3. These findings are extremely important for the understanding of cell division regulation, which is often disrupted in cancer cells. (翻译:这些研究发现对了解细胞分裂规则至关重要,癌症细胞中正确的分裂规则常常是遭到破坏的。)

4. In barely 200 years, we have violently disrupted four billion years of the natural history of the world. (翻译:短短xx年间 我们就粗暴地毁掉了大自然40亿年的心血)

5. So, the big sharing-economy disruptors in Silicon Valley could be disrupted, and this would be good for prosperity. (翻译:所以硅谷共享制经济 的破坏者将不复存在。这将有利于经济繁荣。)

6. And the fragile Balance of life is Being disrupted. (翻译:生态平衡被打破了 他们会吃食物链的下一种生物)

7. The signals that muscles must receive in order to move are disrupted. (翻译:肌肉运动所需的信号被阻断 The signals that muscles must receive in order to move are disrupted.)

8. When these stabilizing interactions are disrupted, the molecules unfold or denature and typically lose biological activity. (翻译:当这些稳定作用因素被破坏时,分子就会展开或变性,并且通常失去了它的生物活性。)

9. Anybody looking at this picture will know this dolphin is surrounded, and clearly his behavior is being disrupted. (翻译:任何看到这张图片的人都 会认识到这只海豚被包围了, 显然它的行为被打乱了。)

10. Bomb guys disrupted the device to render it safe. I sent what was left to Hodges. (翻译:排爆人员引爆了装置解除危险 我把碎片送到Hodges那里了)

11. I refuse to be catapulted, electrocuted, or have my internal organs disrupted any longer! (翻译:我拒绝继续被弹射 电击 以及任何对我内脏的折磨!)

12. We are what happens to a western democracy when a hundred years of electoral laws are disrupted by technology. (翻译:当一百年来的选举法被科技打乱时, 我们就是活生生的 所谓西方民主国家的下场。)

13. On the contrary, because we bring it to every cultural plot where the balance was already disrupted by the chemicals. (翻译:相反的, 我们将这些益虫导入到那些 已经被化学药剂 破坏生态平衡的农田, )

14. Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians. (翻译:采矿活动已经完全扰乱了亚诺马米印第安人的传统生活方式。)

15. Well, if it is about the location, at least maybe we disrupted him. (翻译:如果是这里很特别 至少我们打乱了他的计划)



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