keenly是什么意思 keenly的中文翻译、读音、例句

keenly是什么意思 keenly的中文翻译、读音、例句

词的意思:adv. 敏锐地,热心地,热烈地



词组搭配:keenly aware(敏锐地意识到)、keenly interested(非常感兴趣)、keenly focused(专注地)、keenly observed(准确观察)、keenly anticipated(极度期待)、keenly aware of the consequences(非常意识到后果)

相关短语:keen sense of smell(敏锐的嗅觉)、keen intellect(敏锐的智力)、keen perception(敏锐的洞察力)、keen judgment(敏锐的判断力)




1. He is keenly aware of the importance of education. (他非常敏锐地意识到教育的重要性。)

2. She listened keenly to his explanation. (她认真地听他的解释。)

3. The company is keenly interested in expanding its business overseas. (该公司非常渴望在海外扩展业务。)




例句:Stop feeling keenly Sasha. ({\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1}别太敏感了,沙沙)


例句:As I mentioned earlier, sharding forces you to be keenly aware of primary keys, as you'll manage them yourself. (如我之前提到的那样,切分迫使您重视主键,因为您将需要亲自管理这些主键。)


例句:Induction: Local acid bilges , weep and keenly feel, can diffuse sometimes to nose ministry. (感应:局部酸胀,流泪和痛感,有时可扩散至鼻部。)


例句:Debris was piled up all around me I felt keenly the loss of my good friend... (翻译:碎片围绕在我的周围 我强烈感受到了好友的离去)


1. Induction: Local acid bilges , weep and keenly feel, can diffuse sometimes to nose ministry. (翻译:感应:局部酸胀,流泪和痛感,有时可扩散至鼻部。)

2. Debris was piled up all around me I felt keenly the loss of my good friend... (翻译:碎片围绕在我的周围 我强烈感受到了好友的离去)

3. He observes keenly, but says little. (翻译:他观察敏锐,但言语寥寥。)

4. When someone is standing in front of you, mind, body and soul, saying "Witness me," it's impossible not to become keenly aware of your own humanity. (翻译:当有人站在你面前, 心灵,身体和灵魂, 都在说着“见证我”时, 你无法避免敏锐地意识到 自己的人性。)

5. She remained keenly interested in international affairs. (翻译:她一直对国际事务有强烈的兴趣。)

6. and I was much surprised to see that you did not sense this matter more keenly. (翻译:我无比惊疑,因为看到你没有更灵敏地意识到这个问题。)

7. They're keenly aware that whatever they decide will set a precedent. (翻译:他们敏锐地意识到无论他们决定怎么做,都会开创先例。)

8. Mr. Swearengen was keenly interested to hear that you're the camp's telegraph operator. (翻译:思卫仑金先生很高兴 听说您是本营地的电报员)

9. It was a time not too different from the present, a moment when Chinese keenly contemplate their place in the world. (翻译:那段时间是中国竭力思索其在世界上地位的时期,与现在没有很多的区别。)

10. He observes keenly but says very little. (翻译:他观察敏锐,但说得很少。)

11. The woman moved nearer to him and peered under his bonnet keenly and closely. (翻译:那女人靠近他,仔细地端详着他女帽下面的脸。)

12. The French feel the slippage keenly. (翻译:法国人敏锐地感受到了这一滑落。)

13. Mrs. Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions. (翻译:萨瑟恩夫人兴致勃勃地听着,偶尔插入一个相关的问题。)

14. Gran are keenly aware of each other's emotions, being able to judge disposition through subtle changes of body heat and skin color. (翻译:格兰人对彼此的感情很敏感,能透过体温和肤色的细微变化体察对方的性情。)

15. Walter keenly perceived change comes, began trying to create audio cartoons. (翻译:沃尔特敏锐地察觉到了变革的来临,开始尝试制作有声动画片。)

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