rubric是什么意思 rubric的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubric是什么意思 rubric的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:指示、标题、规定、指南、注释等

2. 词性:名词

3. 词组搭配:under the rubric of 在...的名义下

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/'ruːbrɪk/


1. The rubric at the top of the page was written in bold letters.

2. The government issued a rubric for schools to follow during the pandemic.

3. She found it easier to write her paper once she had a rubric to inform her.

4. Under the rubric of "health and safety," the company implemented new policies.

5. The teacher used a rubric to grade the students' essays.


1. 页面顶部的标题以加粗字体书写。

2. 政府发布了学校在疫情期间应遵循的指南。

3. 当有对照的指南时,她发现写论文更容易了。

4. 在“健康与安全”的名义下,该公司实施了新的政策。

5. 老师使用了一份指南来评分学生的文章。




1. This essay will be graded according to a rubric that evaluates argument, organization, and language use.(这篇文章将会按照评分标准来评分,评分标准包括论证、组织结构和语言使用。)

2. The teacher provided a rubric for the project to ensure that all students knew what was expected of them.(老师提供了一个评分表,以确保所有学生都知道他们所期望的。)

3. The rubric for the competition includes criteria such as creativity, technical skill, and overall impact.(比赛的评分表包括创意、技术技能和整体影响力等标准。)




例句:And that's why I lump growing lethality of hatred and death spiral of negativity under the general rubric, reasons to be cheerful. (这就是我为什么把“增强的憎恨的破坏性效应“ 和“负面效应的死亡螺旋效应“放在一个大标题下: 这值得高兴。)


例句:And that's why I lump growing lethality of hatred and death spiral of negativity under the general rubric, reasons to be cheerful. (这就是我为什么把“增强的憎恨的破坏性效应“ 和“负面效应的死亡螺旋效应“放在一个大标题下: 这值得高兴。)


例句:The aid comes under the rubric of technical cooperation between governments. (该援助以两国政府间技术合作的名义提供。)


例句:When we did this before, we spent a few sessions devising a rubric for candidate evaluations. (翻译:以前我们做的时候 我们开了大量会议 才最终拟定出 这个对候选者进行考核的标准)


rubric一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在official rubric([医] 法定品质标准)、purity rubric([医] 品质标准, 纯度标准)等常见短语中出现较多。

official rubric[医] 法定品质标准
purity rubric[医] 品质标准, 纯度标准


1. The aid comes under the rubric of technical cooperation between governments. (翻译:该援助以两国政府间技术合作的名义提供。)

2. When we did this before, we spent a few sessions devising a rubric for candidate evaluations. (翻译:以前我们做的时候 我们开了大量会议 才最终拟定出 这个对候选者进行考核的标准)

3. Two doors along , a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom. (翻译:走过两扇门,黑洞洞的幽暗中显现出注目的题目。)

4. So all of these changes, and many others, have come to be kind of lumped together under this rubric of the "Anthropocene." (翻译:所以,这些改变,和其他的一起, 都集合在”人类世”的大标题下。)

5. There’s a rubric to this — you’re getting adiscount in exchange for signing onto an abusive agreement, but just try andfind the software that doesn’t come with one of these “agreements” — at anyprice. (翻译:可是试试看,不管什么价钱你也找不到不带这些“协议”的软件。)

6. Let us consider two examples, both of which would be difficult to subsume under the gentle rubric of "externalities. " (翻译:让我们来看两个例子,两者都难以被轻描淡写地归为“外部性”。)

7. So matter and the forces of nature all are put together under the rubric of vibrating strings. (翻译:自然界中的物质和各种力都是由 这些震动着的红色弦组成的)

8. In October 1912, he submitted three poems each by HD and Aldington under the rubric Imagiste to Poetry magazine. (翻译:在xx年xx月,他提出了三个诗每个房屋署和奥尔丁顿的标题下Imagiste以诗歌杂志。)

9. Literature is just a wonderful thing, because basically, literature, more broadly, is kind of like art; it falls under the rubric of art. (翻译:文学是很美妙的, 因为基本上讲,文学非常广博, 有些像艺术那样; 它属于艺术范畴。)

10. So matter and the forces of nature all are put together under the rubric of vibrating strings. (翻译:自然界中的物质和各种力都是由 这些震动着的红色弦组成的 )

11. This fits under the rubric of "Know thy data, Know thy queries." (翻译:这符合“了解数据,了解查询”规则。)

12. Two doors along, a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom. (翻译:走过两扇门,黑洞洞的幽暗中显现出注目的题目。)

13. When the final information is sent to teachers, examples of answers are sent along as part of the rubric. (翻译:当最终的信息被送给教师们时,答案样例作为规则的一部分亦同时提交。)



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