1. Definition: "Benighted" is an adjective that means "in a state of ignorance or moral or intellectual darkness". It can also refer to being overtaken by darkness or ignorance.
2. Origin: The word "benighted" comes from the Middle English word "benichtet" which means "overtaken by darkness" or "shrouded in darkness".
3. Usage: "Benighted" is often used to describe a person, group or society that is lacking in knowledge, education, or wisdom. It can also be used to describe a situation or state of being that is characterized by ignorance, darkness, or backwardness.
4. Context: The word "benighted" is commonly used in literature, especially to describe the ignorance of certain characters or a society as a whole. It can also be used in historical, political, or social contexts to describe the backwardness or lack of progress of a particular society or group of people.
1. The benighted villagers had never traveled beyond their own village and knew very little about the world outside.
2. He considered himself fortunate to have escaped from the benighted society he grew up in and to have received a proper education.
3. The benighted policies of the government were hindering the country's progress and development.
4. The novel paints a vivid picture of the benighted lives of the peasants in medieval Europe.
5. The expedition was forced to camp in a benighted valley, surrounded by high mountains on all sides.
1. The benighted village lacked even the most basic utilities.
2. He believed that the people in the benighted area lacked education and needed help.
例句:Now Mrs Bachmann would have the United States demand $1 trillion or so from the benighted Iraqis as the price of its going. (而现在,巴赫曼女士却要求美国向一无所有的阿富汗人民索要一万亿美元左右的抚慰金。)
1. Many Americans would like the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq to signal the beginning of the end of America’s overall embroilment in the benighted regions of the world. (翻译:许多美国人都希望从伊退兵意味着美国开始不再过多干涉世界上蒙昧无知地区的食物。)
2. Crafty men contemn studies; benighted men admire them; and wise men use them. (翻译:狡猾的人轻视学问,愚昧的人羡慕学问,聪明的人利用学问。)
3. The benighted Chechens were not the only victims of the amorality. (翻译:愚昧无知的车臣人并非是唯一的是非不分的牺牲者。)
4. British cars, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era. (翻译:英国汽车在记忆中一度被称为车轮上的跳板,如今已成为那个愚昧时代的国耻象征。)