hawker是什么意思 hawker的中文翻译、读音、例句

hawker是什么意思 hawker的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇量:'hawker'是一种常见的名词,不仅在商业场合被使用,还在口语交流中被广泛使用。学生需要掌握这个单词的含义和用法,才能更好地理解和运用英语。

2. 职业和行业:'hawker'是指在街头或移动市场上卖货的人,也可以指卖货的摊贩。了解'hawker'作为一种职业和行业的背景和特点,有助于学生了解世界各地的商业模式和文化差异。

3. 地域性:'hawker'一词在不同的地方有不同的用法和含义。例如,在东南亚地区,'hawker'可以指出售食品的小摊贩。因此,学生需要了解'hawker'在不同地区的语境和用法,以便更好地理解和运用英语。

4. 社会影响,对社会和经济发展有着重要的影响。了解'hawker'的社会影响和作用,有助于学生认识并思考社会和经济的发展问题。

5. 文化交流:'hawker'这个单词在不同的语言和文化中都有着相应的翻译和用法。了解'hawker'在不同语言和文化的表达方式,有助于学生加深对不同文化之间的联系和理解。


1. The hawker on the street corner is selling fresh fruit.


2. Hawkers selling street food are a common sight in many Asian cities.


3. The government has issued a new policy to regulate street hawkers.


4. The hawker's stall was crowded with customers buying snacks.


5. Many tourists enjoy trying the local food from the hawkers in the market.






1. The hawker was selling fresh fruits and vegetables on the street corner. (这个小贩在街角卖新鲜水果和蔬菜。)

2. I bought a bracelet from a hawker while walking through the market. (在市场里走路的时候我从一个叫卖人那里买了一个手链。)




例句:Then she doesn't have to be a hawker. (你可以好好读书,多赚钱 你妈就不用在街边卖橙了)


例句:Where necessary , hawker- handling centres are set up in police stations to facilitate charging formalities of arrested hawkers . (如有需要,警署内会设立小贩处理中心,方便办理检控被捕小贩的手续。)


例句:As with the invasion itself, Khan Ian Hawker failed to earn his Clan a pre-eminent place during the bidding for this historic battle. (和入侵时一样,IanHawker可汗没能在这场历史性会战的战争投标期间为他的氏族赢得一个好位置。)


例句:The Bottom Line ran into a hawker on Fifth Avenue last Friday with a sign hung around his neck that declared loudly "WE BUY GOLD! " (翻译:“底线”博客作者上周五偶然在第五大道上遇见一位脖子上挂着标牌的小贩,标牌上醒目地写着“我们收购黄金!”六个大字。)


hawker一般作为名词使用,如在hawker centre([网络] 小贩中心;美食中心;小贩中心美食)、hawker centres([网络] 老巴刹;熟食中心;小饭中心)、marine hawker(un. 水上小贩)等常见短语中出现较多。

hawker centre[网络] 小贩中心;美食中心;小贩中心美食
hawker centres[网络] 老巴刹;熟食中心;小饭中心
marine hawkerun. 水上小贩
share hawker股票贩子
street hawker[经] 街头小贩
unlicenced hawker[经] 无证小贩
unlicensed hawker[法] 无执照小贩
hawker's licence[法] 小贩执照
pedlar hawker's licence[法] 流动小贩执照


1. As with the invasion itself, Khan Ian Hawker failed to earn his Clan a pre-eminent place during the bidding for this historic battle. (翻译:和入侵时一样,IanHawker可汗没能在这场历史性会战的战争投标期间为他的氏族赢得一个好位置。)

2. The Bottom Line ran into a hawker on Fifth Avenue last Friday with a sign hung around his neck that declared loudly "WE BUY GOLD! " (翻译:“底线”博客作者上周五偶然在第五大道上遇见一位脖子上挂着标牌的小贩,标牌上醒目地写着“我们收购黄金!”六个大字。)

3. He stays in an HDB flat, goes to local hawker centres for his favourite food and takes public transport to work. (翻译:他住在政府组屋,到本地熟食中心享用美食,也乘搭公共交通巴士和地铁上下班。)

4. And there's really only one operational aircraft in the world today that's a vertical-takeoff aircraft -- as distinct from a helicopter -- and that's the Hawker Harrier jump jet. (翻译:现在世界上投入运行的 可以垂直升降的飞机——不算直升飞机—— 只有一种,就是“鹞”式飞机。)

5. In our village, the medicine hawker uses one. (翻译:大喇叭,我们村里也有的那种大喇叭 -这行吗?)

6. In these examples the sense is more of a profession than a hawker of goods. (翻译:在这些例子中,trade更有种“职业”的含义,而不光指代买卖货物的人。)

7. France's Vente-Privee, an online hawker of designer goods, has pioneered exclusive "private sales" to make members feel special. (翻译:法国的vente-privee,在线出售的设计师商品,开创了独有的“私人销售”使会员们感到特别。)

8. And there's really only one operational aircraft in the world today that's a vertical-takeoff aircraft -- as distinct from a helicopter -- and that's the Hawker Harrier jump jet. (翻译:现在世界上投入运行的 可以垂直升降的飞机——不算直升飞机—— 只有一种,就是“鹞”式飞机。)

9. Khan Hawker's Diamond Shark forces did not fair well in the Trials and was forced to accept a position as a reserve Clan. (翻译:Hawker可汗的钻石鲨部队在试炼中做得不太好,被迫接受了预备氏族的位置。)

10. jardine s crescent is a piazza in the heart of causeway bay . small hawker stalls sell inexpensive costumes and commodities. (翻译:是个露天市场,位处铜锣湾心脏地带,小摊档售卖价格相宜的衣饰和日用品。)

11. I never forget the sound from a hawker selling ice-sugar gourds standing at the Hutong entrance every year. (翻译:我永远都忘不了每年站在胡同口卖糖葫芦的小贩的叫卖声。)

12. Teh-tarik is commonly found at Indian hawker stalls in Singapore. (翻译:黄德塔里克通常在新加坡的印度小贩摊档能发现。)

13. Hawker Beechcraft alone took orders for 16 corporate jets in the first half of this year and will deliver them over the next two years. (翻译:仅豪客比奇一家公司今年上半年就收到了16架公务喷气式飞机订单,这些飞机将在未来xx年内交付使用。)

14. I wish I were a hawker, spending my days on the road, crying, "bangles, crystal bangles!" (翻译:我多么希望自己就是那个小贩,在街上过日子,叫卖着:“镯子啊,亮晶晶的镯子! ”! )

15. I wish I were a hawker, spending my days on the road, crying, "bangles, crystal bangles! " (翻译:我多么希望自己就是那个小贩,在街上过日子,叫卖着:“镯子啊,亮晶晶的镯子!”)



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