lgbt是什么意思 lgbt的中文翻译、读音、例句

lgbt是什么意思 lgbt的中文翻译、读音、例句

LGBT是一个缩写词,代表着女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋以及跨性别人群的总称。它的词义是指社会上的性少数群体,是指那些不属于传统男女性别角色的人群。LGBT是一个首字母缩略词,包含了四个不同的单词,即Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual和Transgender,代表了四个不同的群体。



常见的LGBT短语包括:出柜(coming out)、同志(gay)、酷儿(queer)等。

LGBT的发音拼写为 [ɛl-ʤi-bi-ti]。


1. The LGBT community faces many challenges in society.(LGBT社区在社会上面临着许多挑战。)

2. He came out as gay to his friends and family.(他向他的朋友和家人出柜,表明他是同性恋。)

3. The LGBT rights movement has made significant progress in recent years.(近年来,LGBT权益运动取得了显著的进展。)

4. She identifies as queer and prefers gender-neutral pronouns.(她认为自己是酷儿,喜欢使用中性化的代词。)

5. The LGBT community in this city is very active and supportive.(这个城市的LGBT社区非常活跃和支持彼此。)

6. He is bisexual and is attracted to both men and women.(他是双性恋,对男女都有吸引力。)

7. The transgender community faces discrimination and marginalization in many parts of the world.(跨性别人群在世界上许多地区面临歧视和边缘化。)




1. The LGBT community has made significant progress in fighting for equal rights.(LGBT群体在为平等权利而努力方面取得了显著进展。)

2. Many LGBT people face discrimination and prejudice in their daily lives.(许多LGBT人士在日常生活中面临着歧视和偏见。)

3. The film tells the story of a young LGBT couple struggling to be accepted by society.(这部电影讲述了一对年轻LGBT情侣在争取社会接受方面的斗争。)

4. I'm proud to be a part of the LGBT community and to stand up for our rights.(我很自豪能成为LGBT群体的一员,为我们的权利而奋斗。)

5. The LGBT center provides support and resources for members of the community.(LGBT中心为社区成员提供支持和资源。)

6. The organization advocates for the rights and well-being of LGBT youth.(这个组织倡导LGBT青年的权利和福祉。)

7. Many LGBT activists have faced violence and persecution for their advocacy work.(许多LGBT活动家因为他们的倡导工作而面临暴力和迫害。)

8. The government has implemented policies to protect the rights of LGBT citizens.(政府已经实施了保护LGBT公民权利的政策。)

9. The LGBT rights movement has mobilized people around the world to fight discrimination and prejudice.(LGBT权利运动已经动员了全球人民,共同反对歧视和偏见。)





1. The lgbt community has made great progress in recent years in terms of legal protection and social recognition.(lgbt群体在近年来在法律保护和社会认可方面取得了巨大进步。)

2. It's important to create a safe and inclusive environment for lgbt students on campus.(在校园里为lgbt学生创造一个安全、包容的环境很重要。)

lgbt的中文解释是"同性恋者、网络",还经常被翻译为同性恋,单词读音音标为[.el dʒiː biː 'tiː],lgbt是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到64个与lgbt相关的例句。



例句:He worked with the Berlin Police Department to end discrimination of LGBT people, and he hired them at the Institute. (他与柏林警察局合作 结束了人们对LGBT人群的歧视, 而且聘请他们 在他的研究所工作。)

例句:It's hard to know, because the LGBT mix responds to a historical need to defend and group around identities. (很难说 因为所谓的酷儿族群 回应了一种捍卫身份 并以此形成团体的历史需要)


例句:And we learned that Asia's largest LGBT pride event happens just blocks away from where my grandparents live. (我们了解到 亚洲最大的LGBT活动傲娇聚会 就在我祖父母居住的区域附近。)


例句:It's known as Stonewall, in 1969, and it's where a group of LGBT patrons fought back against police beatings at a Greenwich Village bar that sparked three days of rioting. (翻译:即我们所称的石墙事件。三天骚乱后, 星星之火,终于点燃。在格林尼治酒吧的同性恋顾客,以暴制暴, 勇敢反抗警察围捕。)


lgbt一般作为名词使用,如在LGBT(同性恋者、双性恋者和变性者 )、lgbt movement(lgbt权运动)等常见短语中出现较多。

lgbt movementlgbt权运动


1. And we learned that Asia's largest LGBT pride event happens just blocks away from where my grandparents live. (翻译:我们了解到 亚洲最大的LGBT活动傲娇聚会 就在我祖父母居住的区域附近。)

2. It's known as Stonewall, in 1969, and it's where a group of LGBT patrons fought back against police beatings at a Greenwich Village bar that sparked three days of rioting. (翻译:即我们所称的石墙事件。三天骚乱后, 星星之火,终于点燃。在格林尼治酒吧的同性恋顾客,以暴制暴, 勇敢反抗警察围捕。)

3. Women LBT Visibility: Developing Capacity and Coalition Building Within and Among the LGBT, Human Rights, and Women's Movements. (翻译:LBT妇女的能见度:开发能力,在内部和LGBT人士,人权和妇女运动相互之间建立联盟。)

4. So we picked 15 countries in Asia, Africa and South America, countries outside the West that varied in terms of LGBT rights. (翻译:于是我们选择了十五个国家 跨越亚洲,非洲和南美洲, 这些西方以外的国家 对LGBT权利的规定各有不同。)

5. The Jewish Theological Seminary first began admitting openly LGBT students to its rabbinical and cantorial programs in 2007. (翻译:“犹太教神学院”的祭司和唱诗班指挥专业于xx年开始招收公开身份的同性恋学生。)

6. Yet, Argentina has LGBT laws that are even more progressive than here in the US. (翻译:然而,阿根廷对于LGBT的法律 比起美国还更加进步。)

7. You can see the LGBT community is not really getting along with the geek community that well, the arts community, the music community. (翻译:LGBT社群 与怪才社群真的相处得不好, 还有艺术社群以及音乐社群。)

8. I'm the, uh, captain of the LGBT bowling league. (翻译:我是LGBT保龄球联盟的队长 指男女同性恋)

9. He later in his life became a fierce advocate of LGBT rights as well, and his life is testament to the intersection of the struggles. (翻译:他后来,也成为了同性恋权利运动的 热情拥护者。他的一生,亦证明了民权运动和同性恋权利运动的交集。)

10. LD: From India, we traveled to East Africa, a region known for intolerance towards LGBT people. (翻译:LD:我们从印度旅行到东非, 一个被认为对LGBT无法容忍的地方。)

11. Ellen Degeneres has made significant strides in bringing LGBT issues out in the open, and being a positive role model for young people. (翻译:EllenDegeneres极大的促进了LGBT问题公开化,并给年轻人做出了积极的榜样。)

12. Supporters of Prop 6 attacked the LGBT community, calling them unfit to work with students. (翻译:该议案的支持者攻击LGBT群体, 叫嚣着同志不适合当教师。)

13. The colours reflect the diversity of the LGBT community, and the flag is often used as a symbol of gay pride in LGBT rights marches. (翻译:颜色反映双多样性的社区,国旗是常用的作为同性恋骄傲的象征权利在双游行。)

14. I have always been very vocal about and written extensively about minority rights, women's rights, LGBT rights. (翻译:我一直对少数族群权利、妇女权利、 LGBT性少数群体的权利问题直言不讳 也写了很多相关的文章 )

15. We add our values when it comes to women's health, LGBT health, alternative medicine, preventive health, and end-of-life decisions. (翻译:我们带来了更多的好处:比如女性健康, 同性双性恋及跨性者的健康问题, 替代疗法, 卫生预防, 以及临终决定。)

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