ifla是什么意思 ifla的中文翻译、读音、例句

ifla是什么意思 ifla的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. IFLA的全称和意义:

IFLA是国际图书馆协会(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)的缩写。它是一个非政府、非营利的国际组织,其宗旨是为世界各地的图书馆机构提供服务,促进图书馆、信息中心、档案馆和其他相关机构之间的合作和交流。


- IFLA is a global organization that supports and promotes libraries and library professionals. (IFLA是一个支持和促进图书馆和图书馆从业人员的全球组织。)

- IFLA works to improve access to information around the world. (IFLA致力于改善全球信息的获取。)

- IFLA provides a platform for library professionals to share knowledge and best practices. (IFLA为图书馆从业人员提供了一个分享知识和最佳实践的平台。)

2. IFLA的历史和成就:



- IFLA has a long history of advocating for the role of libraries in society. (IFLA长期以来一直倡导图书馆在社会中的作用。)

- IFLA has a strong track record of promoting intellectual freedom and access to information. (IFLA在促进知识自由和信息获取方面有着强大的记录。)

- IFLA's contributions to the development of international library standards have been invaluable. (IFLA对国际图书馆标准的发展做出的贡献是无价的。)

3. IFLA的活动和项目:



- IFLA's annual conference is a major event for library professionals around the world. (IFLA的年度会议是全球图书馆从业人员的主要活动之一。)

- IFLA's Building Strong Library Associations program provides support and training to library associations in developing countries. (IFLA的构建强大图书馆协会项目为发展中国家的图书馆协会提供支持和培训。)

- IFLA's Global Vision project aims to better understand the challenges facing libraries worldwide and develop strategies to address them. (IFLA的全球愿景项目旨在更好地了解全球图书馆面临的挑战,并制定解决方案。)

ifla是国际图联(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)的英文缩写。它的中文翻译是“国际图书馆协会联合会”,ifla的发音为/ˈaɪflə/。


1. ifla是致力于推动全球图书馆和信息服务行业发展、提升信息素养以及保护文化多样性的国际性组织。

IFLA is an international organization dedicated to promoting the development of global library and information service industries, improving information literacy, and protecting cultural diversity.

2. ifla每年都会举办一次世界图书馆和信息大会,吸引来自全球各地的专业人士参与。

ifla holds a World Library and Information Congress every year, attracting professionals from all over the world to participate.




例句:The jury award winner's work in the international student design competition of the 44th Annual IFLA World Congress 2007 in Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya, Malaysia, is introduced in this article. (介绍在xx年第44 届IFLA国际风景园林学生设计竞赛中获得荣誉奖的作品的构思创作过程和主要的方案内容。)


例句:IFLA collaborates with other organisations to provide co-ordinated responses and share information. (IFLA同其它组织合作,提供共同的应对措施并进行信息分享。)


例句:IFLA and EIFL believed that a continuous evaluation was also necessary to ensure quality and neutrality and proceeded to give an example. (IFLA和EIFL认为,不断评估对于确保技术援助的质量和中立性也是必要的,并且提供了一项实例。)


1. IFLA and EIFL believed that a continuous evaluation was also necessary to ensure quality and neutrality and proceeded to give an example. (翻译:IFLA和EIFL认为,不断评估对于确保技术援助的质量和中立性也是必要的,并且提供了一项实例。)

2. The work done by the IFLA Section Education and Training and other international projects are described in the presentation. 1 fig. 23 refs. (翻译:由IFLA教育与培训部,以及其他国际项目所做的工作,也将在文中述及。图1。参考文献23。)

3. The theme of the 40th IFLA World Congress is Landscapes on the Edge. (翻译:第四十届IFLA世界大会的主题是“边缘上的景观”。)

4. VIBEKE LEHMANN, Acting Chair, IFLA Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons Section (翻译:威贝凯·莱曼,执行主席,IFLA为弱势人群服务图书馆组)

5. Founded in 1927, IFLA sees itself as the leading global representation of libraries and information services. (翻译:成立于xx年,国际图书馆协会联盟把自己定位为图书馆与资讯服务业的全球代表。)

6. Later, in 1978, IFLA's Headquarters were established in Versailles. (翻译:此后在xx年于法国凡尔赛成立了总部。)

7. IVANKA STRICEVIC, Chair, IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section; (翻译:伊万卡·斯垂维克,主席,IFLA儿童和青少年图书馆组;)

8. IFLA promotes newer initiatives as part of its advocacy role. (翻译:ifla提倡使用更新的项目进行宣传。)

9. IFLA collaborates with other organisations to provide co-ordinated responses and share information. (翻译:IFLA同其它组织合作,提供共同的应对措施并进行信息分享。)

10. The Representative said that e-IFL and IFLA cooperated with the recently formed African Copyright and Access to Information Alliance. (翻译:该代表说,e-IFL和IFLA与最近成立的非洲版权和信息访问联盟进行了合作。)

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