pompeii是什么意思 pompeii的中文翻译、读音、例句

pompeii是什么意思 pompeii的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:visit Pompeii(参观庞贝古遗址)


发音拼写:pɒmˈpeɪi / pɑːmˈpeɪi


1. We visited Pompeii last summer and it was absolutely fascinating.(去年夏天我们去参观了庞贝古遗址,非常有趣。)

2. Pompeii was buried under a layer of volcanic ash, which preserved the city for centuries.(庞贝古城被火山灰所覆盖,这使得这座城市得以保存数个世纪。)

3. The ruins of Pompeii are a testament to the advanced engineering skills of the ancient Romans.(庞贝古遗址的遗迹证明了古罗马人的先进工程技术。)

4. Many artifacts have been discovered in Pompeii, including ancient coins, pottery, and tools.(庞贝古遗址中发现了许多古老的文物,包括古代硬币、陶器和工具。)

5. Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its exceptional preservation of ancient Roman life.(庞贝古遗址是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,因其杰出的保存古罗马生活的能力而得到认可。)

6. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which buried Pompeii, is considered one of the deadliest volcanic events in history.(维苏威火山喷发埋没了庞贝,被认为是历史上最致命的火山事件之一。)

7. A day trip to Pompeii is a great way to experience the rich history and culture of Italy.(xx日游到庞贝古遗址是体验意大利丰富历史和文化的绝佳方式。)




1. Pompeii was an ancient Roman city that was destroyed and buried under volcanic ash in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.


2. Many artifacts and buildings were preserved in the ash and have been excavated from Pompeii.





例句:Over time, the city of Pompeii was excavated and made into a tourist site. (随着时间流逝,庞贝城被挖掘出来,并建构成一个观光胜地。)


例句:Being too ill to witness your battle with Theokoles in Pompeii counted deeply among them. (羸弱如我 未能身临庞贝亲证 庞贝 被维苏威火山灰埋掉的意大利古都 你与希奥克斯天人交战)


例句:All over Pompeii, people lay down on beds of pumice stones, overwhelmed by the gas, and death came quietly to them. (庞贝城内,到处都是躺在铺满浮石的地上的人们,他们被毒气昏迷,死亡无声无息地向他们逼近。)


例句:But can anyone tell me when the volcano exploded and destroyed our beautiful pompeii? (翻译:但谁能告诉我,当 火山爆炸,摧毁了 我们美丽的庞贝城?)


pompeii一般作为名词使用,如在Pompeii(庞培(意大利) )、Pompeii worm([网络] 庞贝虫)、Pompeii worms([网络] 庞贝蠕虫)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pompeii worm[网络] 庞贝虫
Pompeii worms[网络] 庞贝蠕虫


1. All over Pompeii, people lay down on beds of pumice stones, overwhelmed by the gas, and death came quietly to them. (翻译:庞贝城内,到处都是躺在铺满浮石的地上的人们,他们被毒气昏迷,死亡无声无息地向他们逼近。)

2. But can anyone tell me when the volcano exploded and destroyed our beautiful pompeii? (翻译:但谁能告诉我,当 火山爆炸,摧毁了 我们美丽的庞贝城?)

3. Pompeii, a Unesco World Heritage Site, was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius back in 79 AD. (翻译:庞贝城,联合国教科文组织世界遗址,毁于公元前xx年的一次维苏威火山喷发。)

4. [Tour Guide broken English] We all know what cause pompeii to fall to ruin, yes? (翻译:[导游蹩脚的英语] 我们都知道什么原因庞贝 下降到毁灭,是吗?)

5. Italians are known to be very volatile, kind of like Mount Vesuvius, or maybe it's more like Mount Etna, since Vesuvius hasn't erupted since Pompeii. (翻译:意大利人非常波动,有点像维苏威火山, 也许是像埃特纳火山,因为维苏威火山还没有爆发过。)

6. Vesuvius has reportedly erupted wiping out Pompeii for good. (翻译:维苏威火山已经爆发了据称 消灭了庞培为好。)

7. Then there are the ruins of Dura-Europos, a Parthian caravan center founded in 300 B.C., halfway between Syria and Mesopotamia and known as the "Pompeii of the East." (翻译:此外,位于美索不达米亚和叙利亚之间,建于公元前三百年的怕提拉商队中心杜拉-欧普洛斯更是曾以“东方庞贝”著称。)

8. So I'll tell you. In Pompeii, you were with my mother. (翻译:那么我告诉你 在庞贝, 你跟我妈妈在一起)

9. Well, the Pompeii job... is a bit boring. (翻译:-那个, 你知道... -庞贝城现在让我头疼,)

10. Seaside resorts located at Pompeii and Herculaneum afforded citizens the opportunity to escape to their vacation villas in order to avoid the summer heat of Rome. (翻译:位于庞贝和赫库兰尼姆的海滨度假胜地为市民提供了机会,他们可以逃离到自己的度假别墅,以避开罗马夏季的炎热。)

11. Now Rome has followed us back to Pompeii to turn the world inside out. (翻译:现在罗马已经跟着我们回到了庞贝 要把这个世界翻转过来)

12. My family dates back to the days of Pompeii. (翻译:我的家族可以追溯到庞培年代 My family dates back to the days of Pompeii.)

13. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. (翻译:后来,xx年,一个名为金斯毗的科学家开始发掘庞培城。)

14. When we get to Pompeii look for a free standing 4 story building. (翻译:当我们到了庞贝 寻找一个自由站立4层 建筑物。)

15. 26#May 1984—New Discoveries at Pompeii and Herculaneum (翻译:26/51 xx年xx月——庞贝和赫库兰尼姆的新发现 )



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