morningglory是什么意思 morningglory的中文翻译、读音、例句

morningglory是什么意思 morningglory的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词来源及含义:Morning glory是由两个单词组成的复合词,morning指的是早上,glory表示荣耀、光荣。因此,morning glory指的是早上的荣耀或光荣。在植物学中,morning glory也是一种爬藤植物,能在清晨时散发出淡淡的清香。


- This beautiful morning glory is blooming in my garden.

- I love waking up early and seeing the morning glory outside my window.

2. 缩写词含义:Morning glory也可以缩写为MG,常用于军事、航空、汽车等领域。在军事术语中,MG通常指机枪(Machine Gun);在航空领域中,MG则指机关炮(Machine Gun);在汽车领域中,MG是英国著名的跑车品牌,也指汽车的品牌MG罗孚。


- The soldiers carried an MG and fired at the enemy.

- The aircraft is equipped with two MGs for self-defense.

- The MG sports car is known for its sleek design and powerful performance.

3. 习语含义:Morning glory也可以是一个习语,表示早上的光景或景象。这个习语可以用于一些词组中,如morning glory pool(早上的泳池景象)、morning glory cloud(早晨云雾)、morning glory syndrome(早晨瞳孔缩小综合征)等。


- The morning glory pool in Yellowstone National Park is a breathtaking sight.

- The morning glory cloud over Australia is a rare natural phenomenon.

- She was diagnosed with morning glory syndrome after experiencing vision problems.

4. 比喻含义:Morning glory还可以作为比喻,表示早上的美好、清新和希望。这个比喻可以用于写作、电影、音乐等方面。


- The sunrise was a morning glory, bringing new hope and inspiration to the town.

- The movie captures the morning glory of New York City, with its bustling streets and vibrant culture.

- The song "Morning Glory" by Oasis is an ode to the beauty and potential of a new day.


1. The morning glory in my garden blooms every day, filling me with joy. 我花园里的牵牛花每天都开放,让我充满了喜悦。

2. The MG on the tank fired continuously until the enemy was defeated. 坦克上的机枪不断射击,直到敌人被打败。

3. The morning glory cloud is a rare phenomenon that can only be seen in a few places in the world. 早晨的云雾是一种罕见的自然现象,只能在世界上少数几个地方看到。

4. She felt like a morning glory, full of life and potential at the beginning of each day. 她觉得自己就像一朵牵牛花,在每天的开始充满了生命和潜力。

5. The morning glory pool in Yellowstone National Park is a natural wonder that attracts millions of visitors every year. 黄石国家公园的早晨泳池是一个自然奇观,每年吸引了数百万游客。

'morning glory'是英语词汇,意思是“牵牛花”。它的中文翻译是“晨光花”,读音为/mɔrnɪŋ ˈɡlɔri/。


1. The morning glory is a beautiful flower that blooms in the morning and closes at night.(晨光花是一种美丽的花卉,早上开放,晚上关闭。)

2. We planted morning glory seeds in the garden and now they are growing up the trellis.(我们在花园里种植了晨光花种子,现在它们正在爬着篱笆生长。)




例句:Our Almighty Tsar reign for our glory our glory all (让国家的光辉 领导我们的一切 去追逐光荣!)


1. BEE GEES: In The morning ♪ In the morning, when the moon is at its rest, (翻译:♪ In the morning, when the moon is at its rest)

2. -Good, good morning to you all. (翻译:-Good, good morning to you all. -Good morning.)

3. Sweet Loretta... what is the story, morning glory? (翻译:亲爱的Loretta 什么情况 我的阳光 出自xx年英国摇滚乐团Oasis的同名专辑)

4. ♪ For your glory unashamed ♪ (翻译:♪ For your glory unashamed ♪)

5. ♪ Like the winter and the morning ♪ (翻译:Like the winter and the morning)

6. Ah, Humphrey, good morning! (翻译:Ah, Humphrey, good morning!)

7. ♪ Early in the morning... ♪ (翻译:# Early in the morning... #)

8. When we see Old Glory flying (翻译:When we see Old Glory flying)

9. Repeat after me, Glory to Ram, glory to Sita-Ram! (翻译:跟我复诵 敬爱的拉姆神呀! 西塔拉姆神呀!)

10. ♪ Waking up in the morning... ♪ (翻译:♪ Waking up in the morning... ♪)

11. -Not this morning, either. (翻译:-Not this morning, either.)

12. The Glory of Astion. (翻译:行动的荣耀。)

13. Enjoying your moment of glory? (翻译:你觉得很光荣是吧 Enjoying your moment of glory?)

14. You wrote that this morning? (翻译:You wrote that this morning?)

15. # Glory, glory, halleluja Glory, glory, halleluja (翻译:荣光 荣光 哈利路亚 荣光 荣光 哈利路亚)

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