'Step out of'是一个动词短语,意为“走出(某个较小的区域)”。以下是从五个方面具体说明:
1. 用途:‘Step out of’ 常用于描述从一个小的区域走出来,可以是从房间、电梯、汽车等封闭空间中出来。
2. 同义词:walk out of, exit, leave, come out of, emerge from
3. 反义词:step into, enter, go into
4. 相关搭配和常用表达:
- step out of line (离开常规、违反规则)
- step out of character (背离原有性格、不按常理出牌)
- step out of bounds (越界、违反规定)
- step out of the way (让路)
- step out of one's comfort zone (走出自己的舒适圈)
5. 例句:
- She stepped out of the car and walked towards the building.(她从车里下来,走向建筑物。)
- He stepped out of the bathroom and saw his friend waiting for him.(他从浴室走出来,看到他的朋友在等他。)
- The children stepped out of the classroom, excited for the weekend ahead.(孩子们走出教室,对即将到来的周末充满期待。)
- The dog stepped out of the house and immediately started wagging its tail.(狗从房子里走了出来,立刻摇着尾巴。)
- She was nervous, but finally stepped out of her comfort zone and tried something new.(她很紧张,但最终走出了自己的舒适圈,尝试了新的事物。)
step out of的意思是“走出;离开(某个场所或状态)”。
读音:[step out əv]
1. She stepped out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the building.(她从车里走出来,朝着大楼的入口走去。)
2. He decided to step out of his comfort zone and try something new.(他决定走出舒适区,尝试一些新的东西。)
3. The actor stepped out of his role and spoke to the audience directly.(演员走出角色,直接与观众交流。)
step out of的意思是"从…走出",作为名词时有"从…走出"的意思,读音为[stepoutof],step out of来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到68个与step out of相关的句子。
Step out of的翻译
例句:Jim, can you step in a moment? (can you step in a moment?)
step out of一般作为名词使用,如在out of step(步调不一致\n[化] 不同步)、step out(以步测量\n[电] 不同步)、step out on(不忠实于)等常见短语中出现较多。
out of step | 步调不一致\n[化] 不同步 |
step out | 以步测量\n[电] 不同步 |
step out on | 不忠实于 |
to step out | [网络] 外出 |
fall out step | 步 |
out step well | 延展井 |
step by step | 逐步地 |
step for step | 用同样步调,并驾齐驱地 |
step | 脚步 |
1. Now, what happens if you step out of this? (翻译:如果你从这出来会怎么样? Now, what happens if you step out of this?)
2. And I will open the door. Open the door and I take a step outside. (翻译:我要开门了 {\3cH202020}And I will open the door. 迈出门外 {\3cH202020}and I take a step out...)
3. # Three steps forward One step back (翻译:-step twice just like the crabs do)
4. We make it hype and you want to step (翻译:We make it hype and you want to step)
5. You hit the Dougie I two-step (翻译:#You hit the Dougie I two -step#)
is there a problem? (翻译:- Step over here, sir. - Is there a problem?)
7. Sir, step out of the vehicle. (翻译:先生 请从车里出来 Sir, step out of the vehicle.)
8. Before you take your first step out that door (翻译:@ Before you take your first step out that door @)
9. Sir, please step away from the ledge. (翻译:please step away from the ledge.)
10. ♪I'll see you when I fall asleep ♪ ♪hey ♪don't listen to a word I say (翻译:♪Every step you take♪)
11. At me Maybe if I step into the spotlight (翻译:- at me - Or maybe if I step into the spotlight - 盯着我)
12. Can you step out of the car, please? (翻译:从车上下来好吗? Can you step out of the car, please?)
13. We must step up our training with weapons. (翻译:We must step up our training with weapons.)
14. Yeah, that happy tune is your step (翻译:# Yeah, that happy tune is your step #)
15. Please step aboard the transport. (翻译:Please step aboard the transport.)