inevitable是什么意思 inevitable的中文翻译、读音、例句

inevitable是什么意思 inevitable的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:inevitable是一个形容词,表示不可避免的,必然发生的,或者无法避免的。

2. 同义词:unavoidable, certain, sure, inescapable, necessary

3. 反义词:avoidable, preventable, evitable, escapable, unnecessary

4. 用法:inevitable通常用来描述负面的结果或者情况,比如战争、失败、衰退、灾难、损失等。它也可以用来形容一些自然现象、趋势或者发展,比如年龄增长、季节变化、技术进步等。


1. It was inevitable that the company would go bankrupt without a significant increase in sales. (这家公司如果没有大幅增加销售额,破产是不可避免的。)

2. The team's defeat was inevitable after their star player got injured. (球队的失败在他们的明星球员受伤后是不可避免的。)

3. With the aging population, it is inevitable that healthcare costs will continue to rise. (随着人口老龄化,医疗保健成本继续上涨是不可避免的。)

4. Climate change is inevitable but can be slowed down with collective efforts. (气候变化是不可避免的,但可以通过集体努力来缓解。)

5. It is inevitable that our planet will run out of natural resources if we continue to consume them at the current rate. (如果我们继续以当前的速度消耗自然资源,地球耗尽这些资源是不可避免的。)




1. It was inevitable that the team would lose the game. (这个团队输掉这场比赛是不可避免的)

2. The bank's closure was an inevitable consequence of the global financial crisis. (银行的关闭是全球金融危机不可避免的结果)

3. It was inevitable that the traffic would be heavy during the rush hour. (在交通高峰期,交通拥堵是不可避免的)

4. The growing population makes it inevitable that more schools will be built. (人口增长使得必然需要建造更多学校)

5. It is inevitable that our planet will eventually run out of natural resources.(我们的星球最终会耗尽自然资源是不可避免的)

6. It is inevitable that there will be disagreements in a political party.(政治党派中存在分歧是不可避免的)

7. The decline of traditional industries was an inevitable consequence of technological progress.(传统产业的衰落是技术进步不可避免的后果)

8. It was inevitable that the team would face some challenges during the season.(这个团队在整个赛季中面临一些挑战是不可避免的)

9. The company's bankruptcy was an inevitable result of poor management decisions.(公司的破产是糟糕的管理决策的不可避免结果)



1. It was inevitable that he would lose the game. (他输掉比赛是不可避免的。)

2. The company was facing inevitable closure. (公司面临着不可避免的关闭。)

3. The inevitable outcome of their long-term neglect was a total failure. (他们长期忽视的不可避免的结果是彻底失败。)




例句:I guess it was inevitable. (I guess it was inevitable. 我估计是无可避免的了。)


例句:You have to accept the inevitable. (你得接受必然发生的事。)


例句:This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries. (在欠发达国家这种匮乏是不可避免的。)


例句:Unless something is done, civil war is inevitable. (翻译:除非有别的事情发生... 全民的战争是不可避免的)


inevitable一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在the inevitable(不可避免的事物\n必然(书名,The inevitable ))、inevitable abortion([医] 难免流产, 进行性流产)、inevitable abortions(【医学】难免流产)等常见短语中出现较多。

the inevitable不可避免的事物\n必然(书名,The inevitable )
inevitable abortion[医] 难免流产, 进行性流产
inevitable abortions【医学】难免流产
inevitable accident[法] 不能避免的意外, 不可避免的事故
inevitable accidents[保险] 不可避免的事故\n不可避免的意外事故
inevitable hour死期
inevitable loss无法避免的损失
inevitable mistake[法]不可避免的错误
inevitable succession必然演替


1. This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries. (翻译:在欠发达国家这种匮乏是不可避免的。)

2. Unless something is done, civil war is inevitable. (翻译:除非有别的事情发生... 全民的战争是不可避免的)

3. But unable to hide the tears, The inevitable payment for the communion. (翻译:却不敢惊扰即将满溢的泪滴 和注定献给圣餐的祭品)

4. The inevitable, as we haveseen, is usually pretty unpleasant. (翻译:正如我们看到的,不可避免往往是相当讨厌的。)

5. Bureaucratic delays are inevitable. (翻译:官僚主义所致的延误是不可避免的。)

6. They'll realize that this was... so to speak, inevitable. (翻译:他们会认识到,这是... 可以说,不可避免)

7. When you think about it, it was inevitable. (翻译:虽然你这么想, 伊森, 但那是不可避免的 没有了冷战)

8. Despite what the others say, war is inevitable. (翻译:不管其他人怎么说 战争已经无法避免了 Despite what the others say, war is inevitable.)

9. There's two great forces that are both volitional but inevitable. (翻译:有两个咄咄逼人但却无法避免的强大力量, )

10. Wait for the inevitable blast wave. (翻译:乖乖等着这一场无法避免的灾难 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Just wait for the inevitable blast wave.)

11. That is the inevitable world of Troy Bolton. (翻译:除了扣篮和达阵 这是特洛伊 伯顿不可避免的道路)

12. One actor to be fast and the other to play a different pace, (翻译:让政治领导人投入其地位 theirpolitical overlordsforthe more onerous duties 与职责要求的繁重工作 and deliberations which arethe inevitable concomitant)

13. It makes failure invisible, inconceivable and inevitable. (翻译:这让失败成为了隐形的, 不可思议的且不可避免的。)

14. Are these the inevitable and permanent outcomes? (翻译:这些是否是不可避免的, 永恒的结局呢? )

15. It's very important to appreciate this is not inevitable. (翻译:这件事情并不是必然发生, 这非常重要。)



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