1. 定义
Hauling 意为“拉,拖”,通常用于描述运输、拖车、拖运等行为。
2. 词性
Hauling 是动词 form。它还可以被缩写为 Haul,常常用作动词或名词。
3. 用法
Hauling 可以用作单独动词,也可以作为复合词使用。在词组中,通常会与其他词组合,如 haul away(搬走),haul in(拉回),haul out(拖出)等。
4. 使用场景
Hauling 通常用于描述物品的搬运、运输、拖拉等方面,尤其是在海上、陆地、铁路、空运等领域中。
1. The company is hauling the shipment to the port. 公司正在将货物运往港口。
2. The truck is hauling a heavy load of construction materials. 卡车正在拖运着一大堆建筑材料。
3. They hired a towing company to haul their boat to the marina. 他们聘请了拖车公司将他们的船拖到码头。
4. The workers spent all day hauling the equipment up the hill. 工人们花了一整天的时间将设备拖上山。
5. I need to haul out the old couch from the living room. 我需要把客厅里的旧沙发拖出去。
hauling的意思是拉、拖、运输。读音为 /hɔ:lɪŋ/。
1. The fishermen were hauling in their nets full of fish.
2. The company is investing in new trucks to improve their hauling capacity.
例句:They had little difficulty in finding it. But hauling it out of the water proved to be a serious problem. (馅饼盘不难找到,但是把它拖出水面却是个严重的问题。)
例句:I followed my neighbors to the lake of Lashi and took several pictures of villagers hauling the fishing basket, weighing the big fish with great joy. (我跟着我的邻居来到拉市湖,拍摄了几张渔民拖着篮子捕鱼的照片,他们以喜悦的心情给大鱼称重量。)
例句:Diesel driven LHD units are highly efficient ore hauling equipment in underground mining operations. (柴油铲运机是地下采矿作业中的高效运矿设备。)
hauling一般作为名词使用,如在hauling in(na. 拉进)、earth hauling(运土)、hauling ability(牵引性能)等常见短语中出现较多。
hauling in | na. 拉进 |
earth hauling | 运土 |
hauling ability | 牵引性能 |
hauling away | 运出 |
hauling cable | 牵引绳 |
hauling capacity | 牵引能量,牵引力 |
hauling chain | 牵引链 |
hauling charge | 运费 |
hauling contractor | un. 运输承包者 |
1. Diesel driven LHD units are highly efficient ore hauling equipment in underground mining operations. (翻译:柴油铲运机是地下采矿作业中的高效运矿设备。)
2. You know, we could go to the mountains every summer all summer long, and that motel would still be hauling in the dough. (翻译:那样 我们每个夏天都可以到山里去 而那个旅馆则会财源滚滚而来)
3. Mallett, 60, said one afternoon as he sat at a hiring center, waiting to hear about a job hauling sand and water to fracking sites. (翻译:他正坐在招聘中心,等待一份压裂现场搬运砂和水力压裂工作的应聘结果。)
4. I was called in to consult by a garbage-hauling company I represent. (翻译:我代表的一家垃圾清运公司 要我提供一些意见)
5. The mighty Crawler, which ferried Shuttles to the launchpad, will be reduced to hauling more terrestrial freight around the Space Center. (翻译:把航天飞机运到发射台的巨大的“爬行者”,将重新做航天中心附近更多的陆上牵引。)
6. There's ten vans just like this hauling real furniture around. (翻译:有十个跟这一模一样的卡车,拖着真家具 到处转,你在这里是安全的)
7. His treks into the wilderness hauling camera gear often last up to a week. (翻译:他背着相机艰苦跋涉深入荒野寻找素材,这往往会持续一周时间。)
8. If you use ultra heavy sinkers in very deep water, a 2 speed mechanism can be handy when you are just plain exhausted hauling up sinkers. (翻译:如果您在非常深的水超稠油坠,一个2速度机制可以方便当你只是简单用尽牵引注册坠。)
9. I was also hauling gallons of bottles of water up to the seventh floor every day. (翻译:我每天还要将数加仑的瓶装水 艰难地拖到七楼 )
10. Today, as I was getting ready to leave to a job interview, a tow truck was hauling my car away. (翻译:今天我正准备去参加一个面试,一辆拖车把我的车拖走了。)
11. When I report to Beijing, the chief and the new boss Jiao will be hauling sand in prison. (翻译:等我到北京找到中纪委 让村长和那焦老板一起去监狱拉沙子去)
12. Hauling Mom off to jail in shackles was an especially nice touch. (翻译:把我的妈妈关进监狱羁押起来 的确是个非常漂亮的手法)
13. Yesterday, he hijacked a truck owned by a local mining company hauling TNT to a test site. (翻译:昨日,他劫持了一辆卡车 由当地的矿业公司拥有的 拖TNT到测试现场。)
14. His treks into the wilderness hauling camera gear often last up to a week. (翻译:他背着相机艰苦跋涉深入荒野寻找素材,这往往会持续一周时间。)
15. That's Rink's truck. I don't want him hauling through my place anymore. (翻译:那是林克的卡车 我不想让他在我的地方乱转)