fifties是什么意思 fifties的中文翻译、读音、例句

fifties是什么意思 fifties的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释方面:'fifties'指的是20世纪xx年代,特指xx年到xx年之间的时间段。此外,'fifties'还可以用来表示xx岁的年龄,或者以50为基数的倍数的数字,比如'fiftieth'表示第50个,'fifty-fifty'表示50/50的分配比例。

- Example sentences:

1. The fashion style of the fifties is characterized by its colorful and feminine vibe.


2. He turned fifties last week and his family threw him a big surprise party.


3. The company offered a fiftieth anniversary discount on their products.


4. The vote result was fifty-fifty, which means we have to reach a compromise.


5. Our group decided to divide the workload fifties, so that each member can contribute equally.


2. 语法用法方面:'fifties'通常用作复数形式,作为名词或形容词,可以表示某种特定的文化、历史、风貌等等。在句子中可以作为主语、宾语、定语等等。

- Example sentences:

1. The fifties was a period of great social change in America.


2. She loves old movies from the fifties, especially those starring Marilyn Monroe.


3. The restaurant has a fifties-themed decoration, with vintage posters and records on the wall.


4. I bought a fifties-style dress for the party tonight.


5. They listened to some fifties music while driving along the coast.


3. 词源文化方面:'fifties'这个词可以追溯到其源头单词'fifty',其词源来自于古英语'fiftig',表示50这个数字,最早出现在10世纪。随着时间的推移,'fifty'衍生出许多和50相关的词汇和短语,包括'fifties'。

- Example sentences:

1. The word 'fifty' has Germanic roots and is related to other Indo-European words for ten and five.


2. The history of the fifties in America is often associated with the Cold War and the rise of consumer culture.


3. The fashion trends of the fifties were heavily influenced by Hollywood stars and their glamorous lifestyles.


4. The fifties were a time of great economic expansion and technological progress in many Western countries.


5. The fifties are often seen as a golden age of American cinema, with many classic films still remembered and cherished today.




1. The fifties were a time of great change in society.


2. My parents were born in the fifties.


3. The fashion of the fifties was characterized by full skirts and tight waists.





例句:She was in her fifties, small, slim, with sunken, darkly rouged cheeks. (她有五十多岁,矮矮的,瘦瘦的,带着一张胭脂模糊的干瘪脸颊。)


例句:It's a man in his fifties with nine dragon tattoos (看看有谁遇过一个四十多xx岁 身上纹着九条龙的客人)


例句:He told me a story of the time, of something macabre step in the fifties. (我讲了一个故事的时候, 一些不堪入耳 在xx年代步骤。)


fifties一般作为名词使用,如在in the fifties([网络] 在xx年代)、the fifties(na. 五十几(岁);(一世纪中的)xx年代\n[网络] 五十名人堂;xx年代图案设计;xx年代餐厅)、furious fifties([网络] 狂暴50度;狂暴五十)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the fifties[网络] 在xx年代
the fiftiesna. 五十几(岁);(一世纪中的)xx年代\n[网络] 五十名人堂;xx年代图案设计;xx年代餐厅
furious fifties[网络] 狂暴50度;狂暴五十


1. He told me a story of the time, of something macabre step in the fifties. (翻译:我讲了一个故事的时候, 一些不堪入耳 在xx年代步骤。)

2. So, when I swap the hundreds, I'm gonna get back tens, fifties, anything I want? (翻译:当我换散百元美钞时,我希望得到10美元, 50美元,和其他我想要的数额)

3. After the fifties or sixties of the 20th century, environmental protection began to become the prehuman undertaking. (翻译:二十世纪xx年代后,环境保护开始成为全人类的事业。)

4. Fed's been pullin'all the old hundreds and fifties out of circulation. (翻译:美联储正在从货币流通中 撤回旧的五十和一百纸币)

5. His ideas need jazzing up. He thinks we're still in the fifties. (翻译:他的观点需要更新,他认为我们仍然处在xx年代。)

6. Fifties music. What more do you want? (翻译:他听乡村摇滚乐 xx年代那种 还想知道什么?)

7. In 1953, a former electronics engineer in his fifties, Christopher Cockerell. (翻译:xx年,有一位50多岁名叫克里斯托弗·科克雷的原电子工程师。)

8. Tao'records of Khitan characters were the exclusive materials before the new Khitan characters were discovered in the fifties of the twentieth century. Tao's siddham! (翻译:陶宗仪对契丹文字的记载是从元代到二十世纪xx年代考古重大发现之前中国文字学界研究契丹文字的独家资料。)

9. "To anyone in her twenties, " she said, "forties, fifties, it's all the same. " (翻译:她说,“对于20几岁的人来说,40多岁,50多岁都是差不多的。”)

10. Well, I only know him because he suffered two strokes in the fifties that left him unable to speak or understand the meaning of words, but he was still able to teach and compose music. (翻译:他在xx年代得了两次中风 使他无法说话 或是理解文字的含义 但他依然能够教授音乐并且作曲)

11. Lance, on the forward fifties... was a famous surfer from the beaches south of L.A. (翻译:兰斯 开50口径机枪 是洛杉矶南部海滩 一位著名的冲浪高手)

12. Today Shiwa House as it is known is managed by one of Gore-Browne’s grandsons a man in his fifties named Charles Harvey. (翻译:今天,名声在外的西瓦庄园由戈尔-布朗已年届五旬的孙子查尔斯•哈维负责打理。)

13. I probably look as if I'm in my fifties rather than my seventies. (翻译:我可能看起来像五十多岁,而不像七十多岁。)

14. And this was the fifties, the grayest, bleakest, most blinkered and culturally repressive period in the entire second half of the twentieth century, especially in small-town America. (翻译:在整个二十世纪后半期,这是最阴郁,最黯淡,最盲目的时期,也是文化上最压抑的时期。美国小镇上的生活更是如此。)

15. Likewise, when the 40 m. p. h. speed limit was imposed on a number of roads in London in the late fifties. (翻译:同样地,当了40米。页每小时车速限制,是对若干道路,在伦敦,在xx年代后期。)



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