roc是什么意思 roc的中文翻译、读音、例句

roc是什么意思 roc的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. ROC的全称:ROC是指中华民国,缩写形式来源于中文“中华民国”(Zhōnghuá Mínguó),是台湾领土的正式名称,成立于xx年。


- The ROC government has implemented many policies to boost the economy in recent years.

- The political status of the ROC is a controversial issue.

- The ROC is one of the few countries in the world that is not a member of the United Nations.

- The ROC's national flag is the "Blue Sky with a White Sun."

- As a citizen of the ROC, I am proud of our history and culture.

2. ROC的地理位置:ROC位于东亚,包括台湾、澎湖群岛、金门、马祖、钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿等。


- The ROC has a strategic location in the Asia-Pacific region.

- ROC's territorial waters are rich in marine resources.

- The ROC's climate is subtropical, with hot summers and mild winters.

- The ROC's mountainous terrain attracts many tourists every year.

- The ROC's economy is heavily dependent on international trade.

3. ROC在历史上的地位:ROC是中国大陆的前身,是中国历史上的重要政治实体之一。它曾经在20世纪上半叶控制了大部分中国领土。


- The ROC played a key role in the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression.

- The ROC was founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in 1912.

- The ROC's capital was originally Nanjing, but was later moved to Taipei.

- The ROC government retreated to Taiwan after losing the Chinese Civil War to the Communist Party in 1949.

- The ROC's relationship with mainland China is a complicated issue.

4. ROC在现代的政治和文化影响:ROC在现代的政治和文化影响方面有着独特的地位,对中国和世界产生了重要的影响。


- The ROC's democratic system has been a model for other countries in Asia.

- The ROC's film industry has produced many great works over the years.

- The ROC's music and art scene is diverse and vibrant.

- The ROC's cuisine is famous for its fusion of Chinese and Japanese influences.

- The ROC's technology sector is rapidly developing and has become a major player in the global tech industry.

'ROC'是中华民国(Taiwan)的词语,全称为“中华民国”(Republic of China)。它可以翻译为“中国共和国”,但在国际上使用的是“People's Republic of China”(中华人民共和国)。



1. 中华民国是一个民主国家,政府的主要职责是保护人民的权益。 (ROC is a democratic country and the government's main responsibility is to protect people's rights.)

2. 中华民国政府一直在努力推动经济发展和创新。 (The ROC government has been making efforts to promote economic development and innovation.)

3. ROC代表团将参加下个月在联合国举行的会议。(The ROC delegation will attend the conference held by the United Nations next month.)

4. 中华民国人民非常爱国,他们热爱自己的国家并致力于维护其尊严。(The people of ROC are very patriotic, they love their country and are committed to upholding its dignity.)

5. ROC政府正在推行一项计划来提高医疗服务的质量。(The ROC government is implementing a plan to improve the quality of medical services.)

6. 在中华民国,人民有言论自由的权利,并且可以自由地表达自己的观点。(In ROC, people have the right to freedom of speech and can express their views freely.)

7. 中华民国政府致力于打击腐败现象,以确保政府部门的透明度和廉洁性。(The ROC government is committed to combating corruption to ensure transparency and integrity in government departments.)

8. ROC的经济发展取得了很大的进展,这使得它成为全球最具竞争力的经济体之一。(The economic development of ROC has made great progress, making it one of the most competitive economies in the world.)

9. 中华民国政府对改善人民的生活质量有强烈的承诺,并且正在采取措施来提高教育水平和医疗保健。(The ROC government is strongly committed to improving people's quality of life and is taking measures to enhance education and healthcare.)




1. The entrance of the cave was blocked by a large roc. (洞穴的入口被一块巨石堵住了。)

2. The mountain is composed of granite roc. (这座山由花岗岩石组成。)

3. According to legend, the roc was a giant bird of prey that could carry off elephants. (据传说,巨鹏是一种能够抓走大象的巨鸟。)




例句:If somebody could find a way for the vacuum cleaners to... fix themselves, ROC would sink. (如果有人能让这些吸尘器... 自我维修... ROC就会破产)


例句:Now, Roc, are you sure that you're "O-B-kay-B"? (现在,洛克 你确定自己“准-啊-备-啊“好了)


roc一般作为名词使用,如在roc's egg(大鹏之蛋(虚构之物))等常见短语中出现较多。

roc's egg大鹏之蛋(虚构之物)


1. For Mr. Roc. Maybe your father put it aside. (翻译:给Roc先生的, 也许你父亲把它放在一边)

2. You know we work for Roc, it doesn't have to be that way. (翻译:你知道吗 我们对大鹏工作, 它不必 是这样的。)

3. I've known J-Roc and Tyrone since probably grade six or seven; (翻译:我认识J -Roc和太丸 可能是xx年级或xx年级)

4. - Now's your chance to earn your stripes, Roc! (翻译:上帝啊! - 现在是证明自己的时候,洛克!)

5. If the U.S. government wants to get in somewhere, it goes to The Roc. (翻译:如果美国政府想要侵入网上的某处 它会去找The Roc.)

6. Mr. Chiang Kai-shek is elected first President of the ROC (翻译:我宣布 蒋中正先生当选中华民国第一任总统)

7. Building applications using ROC is straight forward. (翻译:使用ROC构建应用是直接的。)

8. Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), ROC. (翻译:资料来源:我国经济部国际贸易局。)

9. The police doesn't know what to do with it... and I am not getting any help from ROC. (翻译:警察不知道该拿它怎么办 而我也无法从ROC得到任何帮助)

10. Cut-off value for diagnosis of malignancy was determined with ROC carre. (翻译:良、恶性鉴别诊断界值的确定用ROC曲线。)

11. She was murdered by another rider with this sword Za'roc. (翻译:他被另一个龙骑士杀死 用的是这把剑 灾厄啊)

12. ♪ I just ordered 50 bottles of Ciroc, rose and Goose ♪ (翻译:# I just ordered 50 bottles of C? roc, Rosé and Goose #)

13. I immediately went down to the sea to liberate Martine, when it dawned on me why Roc went to the Pagoda. (翻译:我立即去海边解救马汀娜,我开始明白了岩石为什么去Pagoda了。)

14. - Are you sure you killed them, Roc? (翻译:- 你确定自己把他们杀了,洛克? - 他妈的我当然确定)

15. That's right, the Son of God looked like Chris Rock, not Lance Armstrong. (翻译:这是正确的,神的儿子 看起来像Chris Roc, 而不是像Lance Armstrong。)



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