sn是什么意思 sn的中文翻译、读音、例句

sn是什么意思 sn的中文翻译、读音、例句






' Sn'通常出现在口语中,用于描述一些轻微的声音或行为。例如:我突然听到一个' sn'的声音,发现它是由一只小老鼠造成的。



1. snack(小吃)

2. sneak(潜行)

3. snore(打鼾)

4. snatch(抢夺)

5. snow(雪)

6. snap(啪嗒声)

7. snake(蛇)

8. snuggle(依偎)


1. snappy comeback(机智回复)

2. snore loudly(大声打鼾)

3. snuggle up(依偎在一起)

4. snake oil(没有用的药物或产品)



'SN'这个词语来源于英语,是“serial number”的缩写,表示序号或编号。它在各种领域中被广泛使用,例如在制造业、航空业、计算机科学等领域中。常见的翻译包括序列号、系列号、编号等。


1. The SN of this product is F1234567.(该产品的序列号为F1234567。)

2. Please provide your device SN for registration.(请提供您的设备编号以进行注册。)

3. The aircraft's SN is 12345.(这架飞机的系列号为12345。)

4. You need to enter the correct SN to activate the software.(您需要输入正确的编号来激活软件。)

5. The SN can be found on the back of the phone.(该编号可以在手机背面找到。)

6. The SN is a unique identifier for each item.(该编号是每个物品的唯一标识符。)

7. The parts are sorted by SN for assembly.(这些零件按编号进行组装。)

8. The SN label has been damaged and needs to be replaced.(编号标签已损坏,需要更换。)

9. Your SN will be used to track the shipment.(您的编号将用于跟踪货物。)


读音:['ɛs ɛn]


1. My friend always uses sn when texting, and I can never figure out what she means. (我的朋友发短信时经常使用sn,我总是搞不清她的意思。)

2. My horoscope says that being a sn means I am adventurous and independent. (我的星座说,作为射手座,我具有冒险精神和独立性。)




例句:LP strain was proved by SN test to be a high immunogenic CDV strain. (中和试验结果表明,LP株是一免疫原性强的CDV株。)


例句:In addition, BBA could increase the expression of HSP60 at 12 h after SN lesion. (此外,工商管理的表达式可以增加的hsp60在12h后sn病变。)


例句:And popuar actor... wi get better pay sn't that right, sir? (看戏的人喜欢看谁 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}And popuar actor... 那么谁的包银就多一点 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}wi get better pay sir?)


例句:Sn, you gut nurly rutirumnut ash a gunninu inornunu, and I get nothing. (翻译:你就好了 退休拿高额养老金 Sn, you gut nurly rutirumnut ash a gunninu inornunu, 我就什么都没有 and I get nothing.)


sn一般作为名词使用,如在SN([计] 顺序号\n[医] 锡(50号元素))、it'sn't([网络] 不是)、Sn.(abbr. Sanitary)等常见短语中出现较多。

SN[计] 顺序号\n[医] 锡(50号元素)
it'sn't[网络] 不是
Sn.abbr. Sanitary
Snφhetta[地名] 斯讷山 ( 挪 )
Snφnipa[地名] 斯讷峰 ( 挪 )
Snφnuten[地名] 斯讷峰 ( 挪 )
he'sn't[网络] 他不是
she'sn't[网络] 她没有
SN Cas 1572第谷超新星
sn type reactionSN型反应;亲核取代反应


1. And popuar actor... wi get better pay sn't that right, sir? (翻译:看戏的人喜欢看谁 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}And popuar actor... 那么谁的包银就多一点 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}wi get better pay sir?)

2. Sn, you gut nurly rutirumnut ash a gunninu inornunu, and I get nothing. (翻译:你就好了 退休拿高额养老金 Sn, you gut nurly rutirumnut ash a gunninu inornunu, 我就什么都没有 and I get nothing.)

3. Gaofeng tin-mine is a poly-metallic ore-body which abundance with Sn and Pb, Zn, Sb, Cu, Ag in Dachang Guangxi. (翻译:广西大厂高峰锡矿是一个以锡为主,富含铅、锌、锑、铜和银等多金属的富矿床。)

4. Others invent new products like the molded panels that Snohetta used to give the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art that crinkly, sculptural quality. (翻译:还有一些人则是发掘了新的建材 比如Snøhetta在旧金山现代艺术博物馆 外观建设中用到的模压板 使得博物馆看起来富有 皱巴巴的雕塑般的气质 )

5. By using sulfobetaine derivant as leveling agent and polybasic acid as complexant of interfering ions, the brightener SN-1 for nickel plating is developed. (翻译:以磺基甜莱碱的衍生物为整平剂,多元有机酸为干扰离子络合剂,研制了SN - 1镀镍光亮剂。)

6. Sn-Ag-Cu ternary and Sn-Bi binary alloys are commercial lead-free solders and widely used in electronic industries. (翻译:中文摘要银-锡-铜三元合金与锡-铋二元合金为现今工业中常用之无铅焊料。)

7. The bath formular and the technological conditions of new weldable Sn-Ce-Bi plating are introduced. (翻译:介绍了新型可焊性锡铈铋镀层电镀工艺的镀液配方和电镀操作条件;)

8. SN: I jumped to make my own new IP because I think Konami needs new IP, but it's complicated. (翻译:野尻真太:我离开去做属于自己的作品是因为我认为KONAMI需要新作,不过这很复杂。)

9. When content of Ru is lower, the structure of coat is Sn-base sosoloid. (翻译:钌含量较低时,主要为锡基固溶体。)

10. The Bainiuchang Ag deposit is a large Ag-Sn-pb-Zn deposit discovered and explored in recent years. (翻译:白牛厂银矿是近年发现探明的一大型银锡铅锌矿床。)

11. comparing with the others improved sn - pid controller , it has the advantages of simplicity , stableness and versatility. (翻译:与现有的单神经元控制器相比,具有通用性较强、算法简单、稳定性较好的优点。)

12. In fact, One supernova explosion in 2005, Known as Sn 2005-AP, (翻译:事实上 xx年的一颗超新星爆发 即SN 2005ap)

13. Sporoderm-broken (SB) and sporodermwnonbroken (SN) spores of Ganoderma lucidum were compared for the first time. (翻译:首次对灵芝破壁孢子与不破壁孢子进行了初步的比较研究。)

14. A new electroplating technology of solderable bright Sn-Sb alloy of bath components and operating conditions were studied. (翻译:研究了一种新型可焊性光亮锡锑合金电镀工艺的镀液配方和电镀操作条件; )

15. SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. (翻译:超新星1987A位于矮子星系旁的巨大的麦哲伦云系,紧挨着狼蛛星云。)



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