ayers是什么意思 ayers的中文翻译、读音、例句

ayers是什么意思 ayers的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. My neighbor's last name is Ayers.(我的邻居姓Ayers。)

2. John Ayers is the CEO of the company.(约翰·艾尔斯是公司的CEO。)

3. Mary Ayers is a famous painter.(玛丽·艾尔斯是一位著名的画家。)

4. The Ayers family is hosting a party next weekend.(艾尔斯一家将在下周末举办聚会。)

5. The Ayers house is located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Street.(艾尔斯的房子位于Main Street和Elm Street的拐角处。)




1. The ayers of the tree are used to make medicine.(树皮下的层被用来制药。)

2. John Ayers is a famous entrepreneur in the tech industry.(约翰·艾尔斯是科技行业著名的企业家。)




例句:Ayers held a fund raiser for then state senate candidate Obama. (艾尔斯举行筹款用于再 州参议院候选人奥巴马。)


例句:Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a great symbol in Aboriginal traditions, as are many sacred sites among the Centre's mountain ranges, gorges, dry riverbeds, and spinifex plains. (乌努努,也被称作艾尔斯巨石,和其他该区域的中心山脉,峡谷,干涸的河床以及并刺平原一样,在澳洲土著人的传统中是神圣的象征。)


例句:I am enclosing a map of my proposed route, from Alice Springs to Ayers Rock, then on through the Western Desert to the Indian Ocean.' (随信附上我计划的路线 从艾丽斯泉出发,先到艾尔斯岩石 之后穿过西部沙漠,到达印度洋)


例句:The 'Ayers Rock Resort' is most suited to couples and families. (翻译:艾尔斯巨石度假村最适合夫妻和家庭前往度假。)


1. I am enclosing a map of my proposed route, from Alice Springs to Ayers Rock, then on through the Western Desert to the Indian Ocean.' (翻译:随信附上我计划的路线 从艾丽斯泉出发,先到艾尔斯岩石 之后穿过西部沙漠,到达印度洋)

2. The 'Ayers Rock Resort' is most suited to couples and families. (翻译:艾尔斯巨石度假村最适合夫妻和家庭前往度假。)

3. Excursions here consist primarily of tours to Ayers Rock and the Olgas. (翻译:这里的游览则主要包括艾尔斯巨石及奥尔加斯山之旅。)

4. I know he thinks because I pal around with Bill Ayers and the like that I'm pro-defense. (翻译:我知道他觉得 我和Bill Ayers关系很好 就以为我是偏向被告方的)

5. And here is Bill Ayers, Obama's Chicago pal. (翻译:这里是比尔艾尔斯, 奥巴马的芝加哥朋友。)

6. "If you want productivity to go up and you want to have great morale, " says Ayers, "food goes a long way. " (翻译:埃尔斯说:“如果你想提高工作效率和员工士气,吃的方面大有文章可做。”)

7. Meanwhile, the two candidates for that office are talking about Bill Ayers and Charles Keating. (翻译:与此同时,两位总统候选人却还在拿比尔·艾尔斯和查尔斯·基廷相互攻讦。)

8. This Boeing 737-800 flown by Qantas was designed by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artists using a palette inspired by Uluru, or Ayers Rock. (翻译:这架波音737-800型飞机身上的彩绘由澳洲土著和非土著艺术家联合设计,图案样式灵感来自于乌鲁鲁巨岩。)

9. Mrs. Floria Ayers, Miss Jennifer Ayers. (翻译:弗洛里奥.艾尔斯太太 詹尼弗.艾尔斯小姐)

10. Ayers also bombed a New York police station and the US Capitol as a member of the terrorist group Weather Underground. (翻译:艾尔斯也被炸 纽约警察局 和美国国会大厦成为会员 该恐怖组织 天气地下。)

11. Obama and Ayers met in 1995, and the two served on the Annenberg Challenge and also as directors on the Woods Fund. (翻译:奥巴马和艾尔斯见面在xx年, 和两个送达 在安嫩伯格挑战 同时也可作为董事 在老虎伍兹基金。)

12. Tell John I want to bring up Bill Ayers and reverend Wright. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}奥巴马 瑞特牧师风波及亲近恐怖分子比尔·埃尔斯事件)

13. Ayers started the company with her brother in 1988. (翻译:艾尔斯在xx年与她的弟弟开创了这家公司。)

14. I met Mr. Ayers in 2008, two years ago, at Walt Disney Concert Hall. (翻译:我和Ayers 先生在xx年相见 那是两年前在迪斯尼音乐厅 )

15. Excursions here consist primarily of Tours to Ayers Rock and the Olgas. (翻译:这里的游览则主要包括艾尔斯巨石及奥尔加斯山之旅。)

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