1. 概述: 'miki'一般是一个人名或昵称,也可以是公司、品牌或产品的名称缩写。
2. 人名: 'miki'可以是一个人的名字,多数是女性。例如:
- Miki Nakatani, a Japanese actress
- Miki Ando, a Japanese figure skater
3. 公司/品牌/产品名称缩写: 'miki'也可以是某些公司、品牌或产品的名称缩写。例如:
- MIKI House, a Japanese clothing brand
- MIKI Pulley, a Japanese manufacturer of transmission equipment
- MIKI Corporation, a Japanese construction company
- MIKI Miette, a Canadian children's clothing brand
- MIKI San Francisco, a Japanese restaurant in California
4. 缩写术语: 'miki'有时也被用作一些术语的缩写,如:
- Medical Information and Knowledge Infrastructure, a medical information system in Japan
- Manual of Internal Fixation, a guidebook for orthopedic surgery
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, a division of the World Bank Group
- Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration, a government agency in Quebec, Canada
- Mi Kappa, a type of freshwater turtle found in Southeast Asia
1. Miki is a very popular Japanese name for girls.
2. I bought this sweater from MIKI House.
我从MIKI House买了这件毛衣。
3. The MIKI Corporation is responsible for building the new bridge.
MIKI Corporation负责建造新桥。
4. The doctor recommended reading the Manual of Internal Fixation before my surgery.
5. Mi Kappa is a critically endangered species due to habitat destruction.
由于栖息地的破坏,Mi Kappa是一种濒危物种。
1. Miki on erittäin nopea ja ketterä metsästyskoira. (芬兰语:Miki非常快速和灵活的狩猎犬。 中文翻译:Miki is a very fast and agile hunting dog.)
2. Suomalaisille metsästäjille Miki on tärkeä seuralainen. (芬兰语:对于芬兰的猎人来说,Miki是重要的伴侣。 中文翻译:Miki is an important companion for Finnish hunters.)
3. Miki on erittäin sitkeä ja luotettava koira. (芬兰语:Miki是非常坚韧和可靠的狗。 中文翻译:Miki is a very tough and reliable dog.)
4. Miki on erittäin helppo kouluttaa ja tottelevainen. (芬兰语:Miki很容易训练和听从。 中文翻译:Miki is very easy to train and obedient.)
5. Miki on erittäin ystävällinen ja leikkisä koira. (芬兰语:Miki非常友好和好玩的狗。 中文翻译:Miki is a very friendly and playful dog.)
6. Miki on hyvä kaupunkiasuntoihin, koska se on pieni ja hiljainen. (芬兰语:Miki适合城市公寓,因为它很小也很安静。 中文翻译:Miki is good for city apartments because it is small and quiet.)
7. Miki on hyvä perhekoira ja sopii erinomaisesti lasten kanssa. (芬兰语:Miki是一只好家庭狗,非常适合和孩子们在一起。 中文翻译:Miki is a good family dog and is excellent with children.)
8. Miki on erittäin terve rotu, jolla on vähän sairauksia. (芬兰语:Miki是一种非常健康的品种,几乎没有疾病。 中文翻译:Miki is a very healthy breed with few diseases.)
9. Miki on harvinaisempi rotu, mutta yhä suosittu erityisesti Pohjoismaissa. (芬兰语:Miki是一种罕见的品种,但在北欧仍然很受欢迎。 中文翻译:Miki is a rare breed, but still popular especially in the Nordic countries.)
读音:mí kē
1. Miki is my best friend. (米奇是我最好的朋友。)
2. I love watching Miki Mouse cartoons. (我喜欢看米奇老鼠卡通片。)
3. Miki is a popular name among Japanese girls. (米奇是日本女孩中流行的名字之一。)
例句:And I have come to this conclusion... Kisaragi Miki was murdered! (我在这两年里,彻底的调查过了 然后得到了结论)
例句:I'm just a lowly civil servant, but I'm confident I know more about Kisaragi Miki than anyone else in the world. (但是有关如月美纪的事情 我自信比谁都要清楚)
例句:Miki started screaming, and when I got rid of it, she said "thank you! (哦... 是么... 然后台子底下突然钻出来只蟑螂)
例句:I only came to talk about Miki, not for all this offensive screaming! (翻译:我今天是想和大家 聊聊美纪的事情的 不是在这里听你们吵架的!)
1. Miki started screaming, and when I got rid of it, she said "thank you! (翻译:哦... 是么... 然后台子底下突然钻出来只蟑螂)
2. I only came to talk about Miki, not for all this offensive screaming! (翻译:我今天是想和大家 聊聊美纪的事情的 不是在这里听你们吵架的!)
3. Has Kisaragi Miki ever mentioned scented candle in any of her interviews? (翻译:如月美纪在哪个采访里说过 有关芳香蜡烛的事情了?)
4. You're right! Then... To Kisaragi Miki in heaven. (翻译:说的也是,那么 为天国的如月美纪,干杯!)
5. The stalker entered Kisaragi Miki's room on Jan. 26th. (翻译:如月美纪的房间 被跟踪狂侵入的事件是xx月xx日)
6. Featuring Sasaki, the latest action star. (翻译:摄像 手持摄像机的谷川 Fuck的Miki 这个时代的新动作巨星 佐佐木)
7. Maybe the murderer imitated Miki's voice! (翻译:难道是犯人装作美纪的声音 留下的这段话?)
8. Posting in the Kisaragi Miki fansite... is pretty much the only joy of my life. (翻译:在如月美纪同好网站上留言 应该说是我唯一的乐趣啊)
9. When I came back, I was skating with Miki and Yukari, and I just enjoyed it. (翻译:当我回归时,我和安藤美姬以及中野友加里同场竞技,我只是享受其中。)
10. What's Miki like in private? (翻译:我不是跟踪狂 我是在守护着她! 你们两个真好啊...)
11. I love Kisaragi Miki more than anyone. Nice to meet ya! (翻译:对如月美纪的爱不会输给任何人 请多多关照!)
12. Day before the Yellow Line that Miki and Todoroki were qualified for a police vehicle relentlessly chased the speeding cars. (翻译:在三木、轰木组预定出赛的 YELLOWLlNE前日 有位警察将他们以超速驾驶逮捕)
13. Do you admit to the offence of stalking Kisaragi Miki? (翻译:你... 承不承认对如月美纪 的跟踪骚扰行为?)
14. The place closest to Kisaragi Miki in heaven... is the idea! (翻译:离远在天国的如月美纪 最近的地方,大概就是这个意思)
15. Mr. Miki, please be considerate of Kaji's feelings. (翻译:三木先生 你怎么要他回去 请你顾虑一下加地的感受)