compressed是什么意思 compressed的中文翻译、读音、例句

compressed是什么意思 compressed的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'compressed'意为“压缩的”,通常指将数据或文件体积压缩到更小的体积。

2. 应用:'compressed'常常用于电脑、手机以及移动设备等上,是进行数据存储和传输的常用方式之一。

3. 好处:压缩后的数据或文件可以节省存储空间,缩短传输时间,提高电脑或设备的运行速度。

4. 方法:压缩文件或数据的方法包括:RAR、ZIP、GZIP等压缩格式,以及将图片、视频、音频等转换为低分辨率或低码率的形式。


1. The compressed file size is only half the original size.


2. In order to save space, the company has compressed all the documents into a single file.


3. To open the compressed folder, you need to use a decompressing software.


4. The compressed video played smoothly on my phone, without any lag.


5. The compressed image is not as clear as the original one, but it works fine for the website.





1. The file is too large. Can you compress it?

这个文件太大了,你能压缩一下吗2. The compressed air is used to power machinery.


3. The team has a compressed schedule this week.





例句:Six and a half billion suns compressed into a single point. (65亿倍太阳质量的物质 压缩在这一点。)


例句:- And build a compressed explosive... (然后造一个爆炸压缩装置... - 点燃封条)


例句:The sound waves, as the ambulance approached, were compressed, and they changed higher in pitch. (随着救护车的靠近 波长变短 所以声调变高 )


例句:Objective To investigate the cerebral imaging changes of pulmonary barotrauma in compressed air divers. (翻译:目的探讨空气潜水所致肺气压伤患者脑影像学改变。)


compressed一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在dorsoventrally compressed([生物] 背腹扁平的)、fluid compressed(【冶金学】流态压缩)、highly compressed(高度压缩;高压的)等常见短语中出现较多。

dorsoventrally compressed[生物] 背腹扁平的
fluid compressed【冶金学】流态压缩
highly compressed高度压缩;高压的
eccentrically compressed column偏心压力柱;偏心柱
fluid compressed steel液体压缩钢
high compressed steam[化] 高压蒸汽
highly compressed steam[化] 高压蒸汽
inflammable compressed gas易燃压缩气体
inflammable compressed gases易燃压缩气体


1. The sound waves, as the ambulance approached, were compressed, and they changed higher in pitch. (翻译:随着救护车的靠近 波长变短 所以声调变高 )

2. Objective To investigate the cerebral imaging changes of pulmonary barotrauma in compressed air divers. (翻译:目的探讨空气潜水所致肺气压伤患者脑影像学改变。)

3. If you compressed it into solid form it would occupy about the same the volume as the White Cliffs of Dover. (翻译:如果我们把它压成一个固体 If you compressed it into solid form, 它的体积就会和 it would occupy about the same volume 多佛海岸的白色悬崖差不多 as the White Cliffs of Dover.)

4. A block of compressed coal dust, charcoal, or sawdust and wood chips, used for fuel and kindling. (翻译:煤砖,炭砖把煤灰,木炭或锯木灰和木片压缩制成的砖块状物,用作燃料和点火。)

5. The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke. (翻译:这个压扁的符号让誊写者用单笔划结束书信。)

6. But if the recipient was connected, the signal would be digitized, compressed, packetized and dropped onto the network. (翻译:但是,如果受话人接到了网上,信号便经过数字化、压缩、打包然后放到网上。)

7. The micro-heating regeneration adsorbing drier changes ordinary compressed air into purified compressed air by means of drying adsorption. (翻译:微热再生吸附式干燥装置将普通压缩空气经过干燥吸附转为净化压缩空气。)

8. Inflorescences small, furcate, compressed at anthesis, elongated in fruit. (翻译:花序小,分叉,压扁的在花期,在果期拉长。)

9. The resulting compressed elementary streams are packetized to produce PES packets. (翻译:然后将压缩的主要流打包生成PES包。)

10. Inflorescences small, furcate, compressed at anthesis, elongated in fruit. (翻译:花序小,分叉,压扁的在花期,在果期拉长。)

11. Objects moving towards us, their light waves are compressed and they appear bluer. (翻译:当物体靠近我们的时候 光波波长变得短,它们看起来更蓝 )

12. Instead of using electrical motors, electromechanical actuators, we're using compressed air. (翻译:不使用电动马达,机电执行器, 而是用压缩空气作动力。)

13. They are becoming more compressed and more threatened. (翻译:它们的范围日益缩小, 受到的威胁日益增加。)

14. Note that Gnumeric can store the spreadsheet data in a compressed format. (翻译:注意,Gnumeric可以以压缩格式存储电子表格数据。)

15. But you flip it over and it's a miniature camera with compressed air injector. (翻译:调过头来 这就是个有空气弹射装置的微型摄像机)

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