aurora是什么意思 aurora的中文翻译、读音、例句

aurora是什么意思 aurora的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:aurora borealis(北极光),aurora australis(南极光)


发音拼写:英 [əˈrɔːrə];美 [əˈrɔːrə]


1. The aurora borealis is visible in Iceland from September through April.(北极光可以从xx月到xx月在冰岛看到。)

2. The aurora australis is visible in Antarctica from March through September.(南极光可以从xx月到xx月在南极洲看到。)

3. The aurora was a breathtaking display of swirling colors in the sky.(极光是天空中令人惊叹的旋转色彩表演。)

4. Her beauty was like an aurora, rare and awe-inspiring.(她的美丽就像极光一样罕见和令人敬畏。)

5. Aurora is a popular name for girls in many countries.(Aurora在许多国家是女孩们流行的名字。)

6. The aurora shimmered above us, lighting up the cold night sky.(极光在我们上方闪烁,照亮了寒冷的夜空。)

7. The scientists were studying the aurora to learn more about the Earth's magnetic field.(科学家们正在研究极光以更多地了解地球的磁场。)



1. The aurora borealis was particularly stunning last night. (英语:昨晚的极光非常壮观。)

2. Tänään yöllä ennustetaan revontulien näkyvyyden olevan erittäin hyvä. (芬兰语:今晚预测极光的可见度非常好。)

3. De aurora borealis is een prachtig fenomeen om te zien. (荷兰语:北极光是一个美丽的现象。)

4. Aurora borealis is often seen in winter in Norway. (英语:在挪威的冬季经常可以看到极光。)

5. Aurora boreale è uno spettacolo unico della natura. (意大利语:北极光是大自然中的独特景观。)

6. Aurora boreal é um dos fenômenos mais bonitos da natureza. (葡萄牙语:北极光是自然界最美丽的现象之一。)

7. Аврора - это волшебное зрелище, которое можно созерцать ночью. (俄语:极光是一种神奇的景象,可以在夜晚观赏。)

8. Aurora borealis is best seen in the winter months. (英语:北极光最好是在冬季看。)

9. Aurora borealis är en otroligt vacker syn att se. (瑞典语:北极光是一种令人难以置信的美丽景象。)




1. The aurora is a natural light display that occurs in the polar regions.(极光是在极地地区发生的自然光的展示。)

2. We stayed up late to watch the aurora and were rewarded with a breathtaking display.(我们为了看极光熬夜了,结果获得了令人惊叹的表演。)




例句:Well, there is not a lot to do in a place like Aurora, so what you do, you do a lot. (像Aurora这种小地方没什么事做 所以能做的就会去做)


例句:It wasn´t a heart attack or a fall what killed Aurora and Pilar... (并不是心脏病或跌到造成了奥若拉和皮拉尔的死亡...)


例句:Some friends also settled in Portugal and made Aurora reach the location of my whereabouts. (我也决定定居葡萄牙 并设法让她知道我的住址)


例句:Aurora Bernal de Fellove, a widow of a martyr of the revolution (翻译:阿罗拉.博纳尔.菲拉维 一个革命战士的遗孀)


aurora一般作为名词使用,如在ischnura aurora aurora(朝云细蟌)、diffuse aurora(漫射极光)、East Aurora([地名] 东奥罗拉 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

ischnura aurora aurora朝云细蟌
diffuse aurora漫射极光
East Aurora[地名] 东奥罗拉 ( 美 )
electron aurora[地物] 电子极光
flaming aurora[地物] 光焰状极光
flickering aurora[地物] 闪变状极光
La Aurora[地名] 拉奥罗拉 ( 哥伦、古、委 )
nemophora aurora直带长角蛾
Nova Aurora[地名] 新奥罗拉 ( 巴西 )
optical aurora[地物] 光学极光


1. Some friends also settled in Portugal and made Aurora reach the location of my whereabouts. (翻译:我也决定定居葡萄牙 并设法让她知道我的住址)

2. Aurora Bernal de Fellove, a widow of a martyr of the revolution (翻译:阿罗拉.博纳尔.菲拉维 一个革命战士的遗孀)

3. A cold front, and the aurora is already dimming and will be over by morning. (翻译:太阳风暴正逐渐冷却中 北极光愈来愈弱 到了早晨就会消失)

4. We started with a superstar monkey called Aurora that became one of the superstars of this field. (翻译:我们在一只名叫Aurora的猴子身上开始试验 它现在已经成了这个领域的一个超级巨星了。)

5. E-mailing her undying love from Aurora, Illinois. (翻译:从伊利诺斯州奥罗拉省 {\fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000}E -mailing her undying love Illinois.)

6. By all purposes and means, Aurora's brain has incorporated that artificial device as an extension of her body. (翻译:总而言之 Aurora的大脑已经整合了这个人工设备 作为它身体的延伸 )

7. Officially I'm the coroner here in Aurora, but I'm just a country doctor. (翻译:早期我是这里的验尸官 只是个乡村医生)

8. As a fetus, Aurora learned to process information just like a computer. (翻译:还是胎儿时,欧若拉就学会了如何处理信息... ...就像电脑一样)

9. This is particularly noticeable in Princess Aurora’s exuberant entrance on her 16th birthday. (翻译:最明显可以看到这种合作之处, 是奥罗拉公主在xx岁生日时 热情洋溢的出场。)

10. A big aurora storm contains enough energy to knock out satellite communications and power supplies across the northern hemisphere, so understanding the aurora is vital. (翻译:这里大规模极光风暴的能量 可以中断北半球的 卫星通讯和电力供应 所以了解极光很重要)

11. - And you already´ve saw what happened with Miss Aurora. (翻译:- 而你已经看见有什么事发生在了奥若拉小姐身上.)

12. The fairies began their charge to raise Aurora in a snug little cottage in the woods. (翻译:仙女们开始他们的旅程 在一个温暖的小树林中的小屋将Aurora养大)

13. Doctor Conway of Aurora House, I'm covering for Dr. Upward. (翻译:我是曙光之家的康韦医生,我在替厄普沃德医生顶班)

14. All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise. (翻译:所有的诗人和英雄,像曼侬一样,皆是曙光女神的儿女,都会在太阳升起的时候奏响他们美丽的乐章。)

15. But one of the maids betrayed him, and the prophecies reached Aurora's ears. (翻译:但其中一位女仆出卖了他 预言传到了奥罗拉耳朵里)

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