rubble是什么意思 rubble的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubble是什么意思 rubble的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:rubble heap(碎石堆)、rubble pile(废墟堆)、rubble masonry(石砌瓦垣)

短语:in ruins(破败的)、clear away the rubble(清理废墟)



1. The earthquake left nothing but rubble.(地震使一切化为废墟。)

2. The old building was demolished, leaving behind piles of rubble.(老建筑被拆除后,留下了一堆堆的碎石。)

3. The workers had to clear away the rubble before they could start rebuilding.(工人们必须先清理废墟才能开始重建。)

4. The city council plans to turn the rubble site into a park.(市政委员会计划将废墟处打造成一座公园。)

5. The rescue team dug through the rubble to find survivors.(救援队在碎石堆中寻找幸存者。)

6. After the war, the city was left in ruins.(战后,城市已破败不堪。)

7. The explosion reduced the building to rubble.(爆炸使建筑物变成了废墟。)

rubble的中文翻译是“瓦砾”(wǎ lì),读音为[rʌbl]。


1. The earthquake left nothing but rubble in the once beautiful city.(地震过后,曾经美丽的城市只剩下了瓦砾。)

2. We spent hours clearing the rubble from the road after the landslide.(山体滑坡后,我们花费了几个小时清理道路上的瓦砾。)

3. The old building was demolished and reduced to rubble.(那座旧建筑被拆除后成了一堆瓦砾。)




例句:Says it demonstrates defiance. But I know he's thinking about the picture on the front page of the Times, me surrounded by rubble. (说这能表达我们不屈服的精神 Says it demonstrates defiance. 我站在废墟中央 me surrounded by rubble.)


例句:Eluvial tantalite: eluvial tantalite is found in rubble consisting of fragments and pebbles of varied composition. (残积层钽铁矿:残积层钽铁矿发现于由碎片和小鹅卵石成分的碎矿中。)


例句:Imagine the rubble that you get after a natural disaster like an earthquake. (想象一下地震等自然灾害过后,断壁残垣, )

4.碎石 、碎砖

例句:We crawl out of here like gophers to tiptoe through all that rubble up above? (翻译:像地鼠一样爬出去 小心翼翼扒开头顶的碎石?)


rubble一般作为名词使用,如在dry rubble(干砌块石;干砌毛石圬工)、fault rubble(松散的断层角砾,断层转石)、polygonal rubble([建] 多边形毛石(墙))等常见短语中出现较多。

dry rubble干砌块石;干砌毛石圬工
fault rubble松散的断层角砾,断层转石
polygonal rubble[建] 多边形毛石(墙)
rag rubble粗毛石;粗面块石
random rubble乱砌毛石
reduce to rubble[网络] 化为瓦砾
rubble aggregate毛石骨料
rubble arch毛石拱;乱石拱
rubble ashlar毛方石;方块毛石;粗料石


1. Imagine the rubble that you get after a natural disaster like an earthquake. (翻译:想象一下地震等自然灾害过后,断壁残垣, )

2. We crawl out of here like gophers to tiptoe through all that rubble up above? (翻译:像地鼠一样爬出去 小心翼翼扒开头顶的碎石?)

3. You're watching it on a dusty thing, and it's all rubble. (翻译:你用一个满是灰尘的设备观看 周围都是颓垣败瓦)

4. (narrator) For 76 mornings, rescue squads dug through rubble, searching for survivors. (翻译:连着76个早晨, 救援队在瓦砾里挖掘,搜寻幸存者)

5. If you look at this building in Chile, it's ripped in half, but it's not a pile of rubble. (翻译:你看看智利的这栋建筑, 它裂成两半, 但并没有变成一堆瓦砾。)

6. The basis is an aggregateof gravel and cement on six feet ofbest builders rubble. (翻译:地基是6英尺顶极碎石 The basis is an aggregateof gravel and cement on 覆盖沙砾和混凝土 six feet ofbest builders rubble.)

7. Imagine these small robots running through that rubble to look for survivors. (翻译:这些小机器人穿梭在废墟中 寻找生还者的画面。)

8. The use of rubble mound breakwater for slope revetments and breakwater, is adopted everywhere in the world. (翻译:利用护面块体做防波堤的护面层是世界各地广为采用的方法。)

9. As the Allied bombing intensified, more and more German cities were reduced to rubble. (翻译:随着盟军的轰炸加剧, 越来越多的德国城市被炸成一片瓦砾)

10. not to mention if she left tomorrow, this firm would be a pile of rubble within 15 minutes. (翻译:更别提如果她离开了 这家律所不用一刻钟就会变为一滩散沙)

11. First, we collected rubble from all around the Gaza Strip. (翻译:首先,我们从加沙地带 各个地方收集了碎石。)

12. Thank you , Mr. Rubble , for confessing to be Mr.Flintstone's accomplice ! (翻译

13. Rescue workers are continuing to dig through the rubble in and around Jiegu in Yushu County. (翻译:救援者依然在玉树县结古镇以及周边地区的废墟中挖掘。)

14. If they collapse around me, then I will be unable to help her from beneath the rubble. (翻译:如果他们在我身边倒塌! 那我就没办法将她从瓦砾底下救出来了!)

15. Until the cement core is built, the cofferdams are made of rubble which is simply dumped into the river. (翻译:在混凝土芯完成前,围堰只是一堆直接倒入江中的土石。)



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