lichens是什么意思 lichens的中文翻译、读音、例句

lichens是什么意思 lichens的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 定义:'lichens' 指的是一种由真菌和藻类(或蓝藻)共生形成的生物体,通常被认为是单一的生物实体。

2. 特点:Lichens 通常生长在岩石、树木、土壤和其他表面,是自然界中最早的生物之一。 Lichens 的外形多样,不同种类的 Lichens 能够在不同环境下生存。

3. 作用:Lichens 能够吸收空气中的水分和营养,是许多动物和昆虫的食物来源。同时,Lichens 还对环境的健康和稳定性有着重要的作用。


1. "Lichens are unique organisms that are a combination of a fungus and a photosynthetic algae or bacteria."(“Lichens 是一种由真菌和光合藻类或细菌组成的独特生物。”)

2. "Lichens are very sensitive to air pollution, and are used as bioindicators of air quality."(“Lichens 对空气污染非常敏感,被用作空气质量的生物指示物。”)

3. "In ancient times, lichens were used as a source of food and medicine."(“在古代,Lichens 被用作食物和药物来源。”)

4. "Lichens are important components of many ecosystems, providing food and habitat for many different species."(“Lichens 是许多生态系统中重要的组成部分,为许多不同的物种提供食物和栖息地。”)

5. "Scientists are studying the genetic makeup of lichens in order to better understand their unique symbiosis."(“科学家正在研究 Lichens 的基因组成,以便更好地理解它们独特的共生关系。”)


读音:lí chén


1. Lichens are composed of two different organisms living in a symbiotic relationship.


2. The study of lichens is important because they are good indicators of air pollution.


3. These lichens can survive in extreme environments like deserts and the Arctic tundra.





例句:The fog is so regular that moisture loving lichens are able to grow on the cacti and they absorb liquid like a sponge. (雾经常会出现 就连喜湿的地衣也能在仙人掌上生长 它们像海绵一样吸收着水汽)


例句:The brightest lichens and mosses, the loveliest gems of wild flowers, abound far up on the bleak, storm-scalped peak. (在人迹罕至、任随风吹雨打的山峰上遍布着最鲜亮的地衣、苔藓,开花着最可爱的野花。)


例句:Many species of mosses, and then all sorts of lichens just plastering the tree. (很多种类的苔藓,还有各种的地衣贴在了树上。)


例句:The nutritional components of two different edible species of lichens(Lobaria orientalis, Ramalina caduplicans)from Yunnan have been determined and compared with daily vegetables and edible fungi. (翻译:测定云南两种食用地衣的主要营养成分,并与常见蔬菜及食用菌进行比较。)


lichens一般作为名词、动词使用,如在filamentous lichens(毛状地衣)、horsehair lichens([网络] 马毛地衣\n(horsehair lichen 的复数))、horsetail lichens([网络] 马尾地衣\n(horsetail lichen 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

filamentous lichens毛状地衣
horsehair lichens[网络] 马毛地衣\n(horsehair lichen 的复数)
horsetail lichens[网络] 马尾地衣\n(horsetail lichen 的复数)
iceland lichens[网络] 冰岛地衣\n(iceland lichen 的复数)
manna lichens甘露地衣\n(manna lichen 的复数)
map lichens[网络] 地衣地衣
reindeer lichens石蕊\n(reindeer lichen 的复数)


1. Many species of mosses, and then all sorts of lichens just plastering the tree. (翻译:很多种类的苔藓,还有各种的地衣贴在了树上。)

2. The nutritional components of two different edible species of lichens(Lobaria orientalis, Ramalina caduplicans)from Yunnan have been determined and compared with daily vegetables and edible fungi. (翻译:测定云南两种食用地衣的主要营养成分,并与常见蔬菜及食用菌进行比较。)

3. Two miles high lichens rise seared by icy winds and winter snows (翻译:这一带两英里都充满地衣,东天吹著冰冷的风和下雪)

4. Many species of mosses, and then all sorts of lichens just plastering the tree. (翻译:很多种类的苔藓,还有各种的地衣贴在了树上。)

5. In temperate regions vascular epiphytes are rare: here most epiphytes are lichens, mosses, liverworts, and algae. (翻译:温带几乎没有附生的维管植物,附生植物大多为地衣、藓类、苔类和藻类。)

6. They harm more delicate species like lichens, mosses, harebells and insect-eating sundew plants. (翻译:但不利于地衣、苔藓、风信子及食虫茅膏菜等脆弱物种的生长。)

7. If the sealed jar had light and a steady temperature, there was theoretically no reason why the lichens couldn't live until the sun dies. (翻译:如果这个封闭的玻璃罐能获得光照和稳定的温度,那么,从理论上说,这些苔藓没有理由不能生存到太阳毁灭的那一天。)

8. First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. (翻译:首先聚居在这块贫瘠土地的是生活在光秃秃的岩石上的低贱地衣。)

9. Here Antarctica's endemic plants dwell: lichens, terrestrial algae, and mosses. (翻译:在这里,生长着南极洲的本地植物:地衣、陆生藻类以及苔藓。)



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