'pnipam' 不是一个常见单词,而是一种高分子化合物的简称,全称为聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)),其词义可以解释为一种在水中能够形成交替的高分子聚合物。它的词性为名词,属于化学领域。
1. Pnipam是一种智能水凝胶材料,在温度变化时可以调节自身的吸水性能。
Pnipam is an intelligent hydrogel material that can regulate its own water absorption properties with temperature changes.
2. PNIPAM微胶囊可以被用作药物的载体,以实现针对性的治疗。
PNIPAM microcapsules can be used as drug carriers for targeted therapies.
3. PNIPAM水凝胶的水合能力随温度升高而下降。
The hydration capacity of PNIPAM hydrogels decreases with increasing temperature.
4. PNIPAM的热敏性质使其成为开发温度响应型药物的有利载体。
The thermosensitive properties of PNIPAM make it an advantageous carrier for developing temperature-responsive drugs.
5. PNIPAM纳米颗粒可以增强生物成像技术的精度和灵敏度。
PNIPAM nanoparticles can enhance the precision and sensitivity of biomedical imaging techniques.
6. PNIPAM水凝胶在医学、环境和能源领域有广泛的应用前景。
PNIPAM hydrogels have broad application prospects in the fields of medicine, environment, and energy.
7. 由于其优异的热响应性能,PNIPAM常被用于制备可控释放药物的微球体系。
PNIPAM is often used in the preparation of controlled release drug microsphere systems due to its excellent thermal responsiveness.
Translation: PNIPAM is a water-soluble polymer whose physical properties can be controlled by temperature.