postwoman是什么意思 postwoman的中文翻译、读音、例句

postwoman是什么意思 postwoman的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Postwoman是指女性邮递员,也可以缩写为PW。

2. 工作职责:Postwoman的工作职责包括收集邮件、寄送邮件、投递邮件、签收邮件、查询邮件等。

3. 职业特点:Postwoman需要有较高的责任感和工作负荷能力,需要具备良好的沟通能力和准确性,是一项需要细致耐心的工作。


1. The postwoman delivers our mail every day, rain or shine. (邮递员每天都要准时送来我们的邮件,无论晴雨)

2. My aunt used to be a postwoman, and she always tells me interesting stories from her job. (我阿姨曾经是一名邮递员,她总是跟我讲述她工作中的趣事)

3. The postwoman asked me to sign for a package that had arrived earlier that day. (邮递员让我签收了当天早些时候到达的一个包裹)

4. The PW is responsible for ensuring that our letters and packages are delivered on time and in good condition. (邮递员负责确保我们的信件和包裹准时到达,且完好无损)

5. Being a postwoman requires dedication and hard work, but it can also be a rewarding career. (成为一名邮递员需要付出努力和热情,但也能成为一份有意义的职业)

postwoman的中文翻译是女邮递员,读音为 /ˈpəʊstˌwʊmən/。


1. The postwoman delivers mail to my house every morning.(女邮递员每天早上都会送邮件到我家。)

2. She became a postwoman because she loves working outdoors and interacting with people.(她成为了女邮递员,因为她喜欢在户外工作并与人们互动。)

3. The postwoman was kind enough to wait for me to answer the door even though I was running late.(女邮递员很好心地等我回应门铃,尽管我迟到了。)




例句:Static XHTML Mockup app/views/blog/post.html (静态XHTML模仿app/views/blog/post.html )


例句:Ooo, yeah shadow of a woman (.. ooo,yeah shadow of a woman..)


例句:Often occurs in the post-natal plenilune nursing woman, You Yichu the parturient woman has not seen. (常发生于产后未满月的哺乳妇女,尤以初产妇多见。)


1. Often occurs in the post-natal plenilune nursing woman, You Yichu the parturient woman has not seen. (翻译:常发生于产后未满月的哺乳妇女,尤以初产妇多见。)

2. What is it about a pregnant woman, a woman carrying life inside her... (翻译:怀着小生命的孕妇,到底干了什么 What is it about a pregnant woman, a woman carrying life inside her...)

3. A woman like that was worth walking away for. (翻译:A woman like that was worth walking away for.)

4. Well, that's an excellent idea (翻译:~~ [Woman Singing Continues])

5. Thank you so much, porter. (翻译:WOMAN: 谢谢 so much, porter.)


7. - That a woman needs to get a man (翻译:- That a woman needs to get a man)

8. Till my dad's generation, no woman had worked. (翻译:no woman had worked.)

9. In foreign languages... 70 soldiers of my very own army are seeing dreams. (翻译:petrik1 ipb@post. sk)

10. You better look after that woman. Hey. (翻译:You better look after that woman.)

11. The woman, Vanessa Chipman? (翻译:Yeah. The woman, Vanessa Chipman?)

12. And when Douglas Post arrived, the stage was set. (翻译:Douglas Post这一来 两人就能开演好戏了)

13. ♪ Bright red van going straight to your post code (翻译:# Bright red van going straight to your post code)

14. - I don't text her back. - (Chuckling) Why not? (翻译:you dreamed up a magic woman)

15. Come, Miss Havisham will be expecting you at your old post. (翻译:Miss Havisham will be expecting you at your old post.)



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