jinn是什么意思 jinn的中文翻译、读音、例句

jinn是什么意思 jinn的中文翻译、读音、例句





Jinn有一些相关的词组搭配,例如Jinni(单数)或Jinn(复数)指的是Jinn的一个个体;Jinn kingdom则指的是Jinn的领域或王国。


“Jinn of the lamp”是阿拉伯故事《天方夜谭》中的一个流行的短语,它指的是一个能用魔法变出任何东西的神灯,灯中住着一个灯神(Jinn)。


Jinn的发音为 /dʒɪn/,其中“d”发音为“j”,“ɪ”发音类似于“i”的短音,而“n”则发音为“n”。



1. الجن يسكنون في الصحراء. (aljinn yaskunun fi alssahra) - 精灵居住在沙漠中。

2. القصص المغربية تحكي عن الجن. (alqisas almughribiati tahki 'an aljinn) - 摩洛哥的故事讲述了精灵。

3. هل تعتقد أن الجن موجودون حقًا؟ (hal tatawadda 'an aljinn mawjudoon haqan?) - 你认为精灵真的存在吗?

4. الجن يملكون قوى خارقة. (aljinn yamlikuna qawa khariqat) - 精灵拥有超能力。

5. الأطفال الصغار يخافون من الجن. (al'atfal alsgar ykha'fun min aljinn) - 小孩子们害怕精灵。

6. الجن يمكنهم التحول إلى أشكال مختلفة. (aljinn yumkinuhum altahlul 'iilaa 'ashkal mukhtalifat) - 精灵可以变成不同的形态。

7. الجن يستطيعون التحليق في الهواء. (aljinn yastatieoun altahliaq fi alhawa) - 精灵可以在空中飞翔。

8. هل سمعت بنبوءات الجن؟ (hal sami'ta binaubu'at aljinn?) - 你听说过精灵的预言吗?

9. يعتقد الناس في الشرق الأوسط أن الجن يمكنهم تحقيق الأماني. (ya'taqid alnas fi alsharq al'awsat 'an aljinn yumkinuhum tahqiq al'amani) - 中东人相信精灵可以实现愿望。



1. In Arabian mythology, jinn are supernatural creatures that can either be good or evil.(在阿拉伯神话中,精灵是一种超自然的生物,可以是善良的或邪恶的。)

2. According to Islamic belief, jinn are created from smokeless flame and can possess humans.(根据伊斯兰教的信仰,精灵是由无烟火焰创造的,可以附身于人类。)

3. The protagonist in the story makes a deal with a jinn, but it comes with a price.(故事主角与精灵达成交易,但这是有代价的。)




例句:At worst, possession -- that he'd been seized by an evil jinn, a spirit out to deceive him, even to crush the life out of him. (往坏处想,他是被附身了 他被一个邪恶的神灵抓住了 要来欺骗他 甚至要取走他的性命 )


例句:Jinn, I wish for Shifa to be dressed in the finest silks. (精灵,我想对希法 要打扮 在最好的丝绸。)


例句:In fact, he was so sure that he could only be majnun, possessed by a jinn, that when he found himself still alive, his first impulse was to finish the job himself, to leap off the highest cliff and escape the terror of what he'd experienced by putting an end to all experience. (事实上,因为他非常肯定他只能是一个 被神灵附身的摩君 所以当他发现自己还活着的时候 他首先的冲动就是了结自己 从最高的悬崖下跳下 结束一切感觉 来逃避他经历过的恐怖 )


例句:Jinn, a proponent of the living Force over the more serene unifying Force, had long been a maverick in the eyes of the Jedi Council. (翻译:金坚持认为生命原力高于更平静的统一原力,长期以来,在委员会眼里,他一直是个特立独行的人。)


1. In fact, he was so sure that he could only be majnun, possessed by a jinn, that when he found himself still alive, his first impulse was to finish the job himself, to leap off the highest cliff and escape the terror of what he'd experienced by putting an end to all experience. (翻译:事实上,因为他非常肯定他只能是一个 被神灵附身的摩君 所以当他发现自己还活着的时候 他首先的冲动就是了结自己 从最高的悬崖下跳下 结束一切感觉 来逃避他经历过的恐怖 )

2. Jinn, a proponent of the living Force over the more serene unifying Force, had long been a maverick in the eyes of the Jedi Council. (翻译:金坚持认为生命原力高于更平静的统一原力,长期以来,在委员会眼里,他一直是个特立独行的人。)

3. Once partnered with Master Jinn, Obi-Wan began to explore the galaxy. (翻译:一和金大师结为师徒,欧比-万就开始探索银河。)

4. Jinn, if you give me the ring, I will open the portal for you. (翻译:精灵,如果你给我的戒指, 我会打开门户为您服务。)

5. To the Shiantii jinn, The weak mind are just flash and bones. (翻译:到Shiantii精灵, 弱者心态只是闪光灯和骨骼。)

6. Jinn, fearful that the Federation might harm the Queen, insisted that she journey to Coruscant to put her case before the Galactic Senate. (翻译:奎刚认为联盟会对女王下毒手,建议她前往科洛桑向银河参议院说明情况。)

7. There is a sect of Jinn called Shiantii. (翻译:有一种被称为晋Shiantii一个教派。)

8. An explorer descends into the Majlis al Jinn cave in Oman. (翻译:一位探险者绳降进入到阿曼的马吉里斯尔金洞穴。)

9. Jinn, I wish for more power than any man has had before. (翻译:精灵,我希望更多的权力 比任何人之前有过。)

10. Through meditation, he made contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn. (翻译:通过冥想,他与奎-冈·金的英灵取得联系。)

11. If a Jinn can be injured, can it be killed? (翻译:如果晋可能会受伤, 它可以被杀死? 这不是真的活着,)

12. He had a very high midi-chlorian count in his bloodstream, prompting Jinn to take him as an apprentice. (翻译:其血流中的纤原体数目很高,促使金收他为徒。)

13. In the Middle East, they call it jinn, and they believe they were created at the same time as us by God, but to live in a different dimension. (翻译:在中东,牠们被叫做Jinn,人们相信... 牠们是和我们同时由神所创造的,但活在不同的维度空间)

14. A sect of Jinn, known as Shiantii became resentful, (翻译:一个教派晋,被称为Shiantii成了怨恨,)

15. No sooner had he wished this than by the power of the Jinn a bridge rose out of the stream by which he was enabled to cross to the island. (翻译:他刚这么一想,一座桥就在精灵的神力下出现在河上,好让他能走到岛上去。)



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