slurp是什么意思 slurp的中文翻译、读音、例句

slurp是什么意思 slurp的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 听觉效果:'slurp'通常用于形容发出吸吮声的情况,因此具有生动的听觉效果。

2. 饮食场景:'slurp'常常用于描述喝汤、吃面条等食物时发出的吸吮声,因此也常见于饮食场景中。

3. 不礼貌的行为:因为' slurp'带有一定的噪音和吸吮的动作,因此在某些国家和文化中,它被视为不礼貌的行为。

4. 语言学:'slurp'也可以是一个缩写词,指代'Self-Contained Logical Unit of Reusable Parts',即可重用部件的自包含逻辑单元,常用于计算机科学和软件工程领域。


1. The little boy slurped his soup noisily.(那个小男孩发出吵闹的声音喝汤。)

2. I watched as he slurped up the noodles from his bowl.(我看着他从碗里将面条吸了起来。)

3. It's rude to slurp soup in Japan.(在日本吸汤是不礼貌的。)

4. The architect designed the software as a collection of 'slurps'.(这位建筑师将软件设计成一系列的“ slurp”集合。)

5. The 'slurp' function can be used to manipulate data within the program.(可以使用“ slurp”函数在程序中操纵数据。)




1. He slurped his soup noisily. (他吵闹地啜着汤。)

2. The cat slurped up the milk in one gulp. (猫一口气就把牛奶吸了。)

3. It's impolite to slurp your drink. (吸着喝东西是不礼貌的。)




例句:He takes a slurp from a cup of black coffee. (他出声地喝了一口黑咖啡。)


例句:She took a slurp from her mug. (她啧地从杯子里喝了一口。)


例句:Uh... he used to pour tea from his cup on his saucer and slurp it really loudly to make me laugh. (他以前经常把茶倒到茶托上 大声地吸进嘴里 来逗我笑)

4.出声地吃喝 、〈俚〉咕噜

例句:They slurp caramel macchiato as coffee and believe that candy, when placed in a bowl, becomes cereal. (翻译:他们啜饮着焦糖玛奇朵咖啡,而且相信当糖果一旦被放进了碗里就变成了谷物。)


1. Uh... he used to pour tea from his cup on his saucer and slurp it really loudly to make me laugh. (翻译:他以前经常把茶倒到茶托上 大声地吸进嘴里 来逗我笑)

2. They slurp caramel macchiato as coffee and believe that candy, when placed in a bowl, becomes cereal. (翻译:他们啜饮着焦糖玛奇朵咖啡,而且相信当糖果一旦被放进了碗里就变成了谷物。)

3. Instead, parallel-slurp creates a subdirectory for each remote machine and copies the named file to that location. (翻译:parallel-slurp为每台远程计算机创建一个子目录并把指定的文件复制到此位置。)

4. Don't slurp your soup in here, boy. (翻译:不要嘟嘟地喝你的汤 在这里,孩子。1.63 00: 11:)

5. Will you stop that disgusting slurping... you disgusting, slurping, feeding animal. (翻译:Slurp. 你能不能停止你那恶心人的啧吧声 Will you stop that disgusting slurping...)

6. They gather in the evenings to slurp down junk food and peep at a woman in the neighboring apartment tower. (翻译:晚上,他们聚集在一起大吃垃圾食品,偷看隔壁公寓里的女人。)

7. Where to get it: We like to slurp at the open-air stall on the corner of Xikang lu and Xinfeng lu. (翻译:到哪里去寻:我们喜欢在路边摊吃这种牛肉拉面,地点在西康路和新丰路路口。)

8. You're going to slurp my lifer's juice out of my own cup? (翻译:嘿! 胯部腐烂! 那令我感到很困扰,离开我杯子)

9. So whether your brain is frozen or not, if you can handle a little pain, slurp away. (翻译:因此不管你的脑子到底有没有被冷冻,只要你能忍得住,尽管吃吧!)

10. The ideal nowcast would slurp up data on payroll, invoices and payments received in real time from every business in the country. (翻译:理想的短时预测将需要美国所有企业提供工资单、发票和付款方面的实时数据。)

11. We know you love Cesc's DNA, and long to slurp it up from ornate goblets, but please do not mention it, his head or his heart. (翻译:大家都知道你特喜欢小法的DNA,做梦都想着哪一天把小法的DNA搁在高脚杯里像品葡萄酒一样喝掉,不过千万不要打他的头和心脏的主意。)

12. Just make sure that you eat with your knife and fork, don't slurp your soup and don't talk with food in your mouth! (翻译:只要确认你使用正确的刀叉进餐就行了,喝汤时不要发出声音也不要在嘴里有食物时讲话!)

13. The result is a fine powder that can slurp up gases, which chemically combine with the water molecules to form what chemists term a hydrate. (翻译:这种细粉末可吸收气体,即通过化学方式与水分子结合,形成水合物。)



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