pitt是什么意思 pitt的中文翻译、读音、例句

pitt是什么意思 pitt的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:pitt可以是名词、动词或缩写词。

2. 含义:pitt可以指代以下内容:

- 姓氏Pitt;

- 美国电影演员Brad Pitt;

- 美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)的缩写;

- 一个人名的简称;

- 表示灰色(gray)的颜色(color)。

3. 用法:pitt可以用于日常英语和学术英语中。

4. 常见用法:

- 名词:Our neighbor's last name is Pitt.(我们邻居的姓氏是皮特。)

- 动词:I pitted the cherries before making the pie.(我在制作馅饼前把樱桃去核。)

- 缩写词:I went to Pitt for my undergraduate degree.(我在匹兹堡大学读本科。)

5. 中英例句:

- Brad Pitt is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood.(布拉德·皮特是好莱坞最著名的演员之一。)

- The University of Pittsburgh is known for its strong programs in engineering and medicine.(匹兹堡大学以其强大的工程和医学项目而闻名。)

- I wonder if Pitt is short for something else?(我想知道Pitt是不是其他东西的缩写?)

- The pitted olives added a nice flavor to the salad.(去核的橄榄为沙拉添加了美味。)

- The sky turned pitt gray as the storm approached.(随着暴风雨的临近,天空变成了灰色。)

'Pitt' 可以指以下几种意思:

1. 皮特(Pitt),是一个英语姓氏,源自于英国。

2. ピット (Pitt),是一个日语单词,意为 "坑洞" 或 "凹陷处"。


1. 皮特


- William Pitt the Younger served as Prime Minister of Great Britain twice. (威廉·皮特年轻时曾两次担任英国首相。)

2. 坑洞/凹陷处


- The car got stuck in a pit on the side of the road. (汽车陷进了道路旁边的坑洞里。)




例句:Right? So, effectively, we ended up with a 3D database of everything Brad Pitt's face is capable of doing. (看 非常有效 我们最终完成了一个3D数据库 包含了所有Brad Pitt 的所有表情 )


例句:Brad Pitt wants his hat back, hipster. (Brad Pitt想要回他的帽子 潮男 Brad Pitt wants his hat back, hipster.)


例句:- Mr. Pitt is gonna have to go to the movies by himself. (- 皮特先生不得不自己去看电影 - 什么?)


例句:And you'd better believe that they think that they're Brad Pitt and that we, we are the zombies. (翻译:他们觉得自己是布拉德·皮特。而我们,是那群僵尸。)


pitt一般作为名词使用,如在George Pitt([网络] 乔治皮特)、Pitt Bank([地名] 皮特浅滩 ( 印度洋 ))、Pitt County([地名] 皮特县 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

George Pitt[网络] 乔治皮特
Pitt Bank[地名] 皮特浅滩 ( 印度洋 )
Pitt County[地名] 皮特县 ( 美 )
Pitt Down[地名] 皮特丘陵 ( 英 )
Pitt Point[地名] 皮特角 ( 美 )
Pitt Street[网络] 碧街;皮特街;椰脚街
Pitt the Elder[网络] 皮特;皮特长老;大皮特
pitt the elders[网络] 皮特;皮特长老;大皮特\n(pitt the elder 的复数)
William Pitt皮特
George Dibdin Pitt[网络] 乔治·迪宾·皮特


1. - Mr. Pitt is gonna have to go to the movies by himself. (翻译:- 皮特先生不得不自己去看电影 - 什么?)

2. And you'd better believe that they think that they're Brad Pitt and that we, we are the zombies. (翻译:他们觉得自己是布拉德·皮特。而我们,是那群僵尸。)

3. Pitt and his wife, Jennifer Anniston, are considered by many to be the most famous and beautiful Hollywood couple ever. (翻译:彼特和他的太太珍妮弗·安妮丝顿,被很多人认为是最有名而且最美丽的好莱坞夫妻。)

4. We're like jennifer aniston and brad pitt. (翻译:我们就像 詹妮弗安妮斯顿 和布拉德皮特。)

5. Her boyfriend is cuter than Brad Pitt. (翻译:她的男朋友比布拉德·彼特还帅。)

6. You seem like a smart guy, Pitt. What's your theory about the gun? (翻译:你看起来是个聪明人 皮特 你对那把枪有何高见?)

7. Brad Pitt: Well, I heard momma and Tizzy whisper, and they said I was gonna die soon, but ... maybe not. (翻译:布拉德皮特:嗯,我听到妈妈和如痴如醉的耳语, 他们说我是将要死去不久, 但是...也许不会。)

8. I think we're looking for a Brad Pitt look-alike. (翻译:再等一会吧, 我想他应该长的有点象Brad Pitt)

9. Harlan Rey began promoting parties as a freshman at Pitt. (翻译:Harlan Rey在匹兹堡大学是新生时 就开始组织派对了)

10. Right? So, effectively, we ended up with a 3D database of everything Brad Pitt's face is capable of doing. (翻译:看 非常有效 我们最终完成了一个3D数据库 包含了所有Brad Pitt 的所有表情)

11. Half Brad Pitt Fight Club, half Anne Heche If These Walls Could Talk. (翻译:一半像斗阵俱乐部的布莱德彼特 一半又像墙壁说话的安海契)

12. Besides, the coach of Pitt is gonna be there. He's a buddy of mine. (翻译:另外 匹兹堡大学的教练会到场 他是我兄弟)

13. To be young, as William Pitt in his famous speech in the British Parliament once said, is not an "atrocious crime. " (翻译:言及年轻,如威廉·皮特于不列颠议会之著名演说所言,年轻,然非“万恶之罪”。)

14. You know, we're not like brad pitt and jennifer aniston. (翻译:你知道, 我们不喜欢布拉德皮特 和珍妮弗安妮斯顿。)

15. Here's a little tip: I never dated Brad Pitt. (翻译:送你一个小秘密︰ 我没跟布莱得彼特交往过)



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