safeway是什么意思 safeway的中文翻译、读音、例句

safeway是什么意思 safeway的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 释义:Safeway是一个超市品牌的名称,也可以表示“安全的通道”,类似于“无风险之路”的意思。

2. 品牌:Safeway是一个美国大型超市品牌,成立于xx年,现在已经成为全美最大的食品零售商之一。

3. 安全:作为“安全的通道”,safeway也可以表示为人们通过一些安全措施所得到的保障和安全感。

4. 语法:safeway通常作为名词使用,但也可以用作形容词或副词,以表示某种程度上的“安全性”。


1. The Safeway store is just around the corner. (Safeway超市就在拐角处。)

2. Please use the safeway to cross the street. (请使用安全通道过马路。)

3. The safeway measures we have taken have greatly improved the safety of our workplace. (我们采取的安全措施极大地提高了我们工作场所的安全性。)

4. The guide ensured that we took the safeway up the mountain. (向导确保我们走了山上的安全路线。)

5. I prefer to drive on the safeway, even if it takes a bit more time. (我宁愿开车走安全路线,即使需要多花点时间。)


读音:sāi bǎi wèi chāo shì


1. 我们去safeway买点吃的。

We're going to Safeway to buy some food.

2. safeway的价格比较便宜。

The prices at Safeway are relatively cheap.




例句:"California Safeway Calls Cops On Black Woman Donating Food To The Homeless." (“加州西夫韦超市报警 举报黑人女性向 流浪汉捐赠食物”, )


例句:And I bought some crabs too right around there, and some chitlins at the Safeway in Emoryville. (在那儿我还买了一些蟹 在埃默里维尔的西夫韦买了点猪肠)


例句:A moderate amount of food inflation tends to be good for grocers, and one of the best-positioned supermarket chains is Safeway (SWY, news, MSGS). (对于食品店而言,适度的食品价格上涨是向好的,而布局最好的食品连锁超市之一就是西夫韦safeway了。)


例句:Morrisons was reluctant to support the inquiries into the former Safeway business. (翻译:莫里森斯不愿意支持对前Safeway业务的调查。)


1. A moderate amount of food inflation tends to be good for grocers, and one of the best-positioned supermarket chains is Safeway (SWY, news, MSGS). (翻译:对于食品店而言,适度的食品价格上涨是向好的,而布局最好的食品连锁超市之一就是西夫韦safeway了。)

2. Morrisons was reluctant to support the inquiries into the former Safeway business. (翻译:莫里森斯不愿意支持对前Safeway业务的调查。)

3. He walked into a Safeway once on a rainy day, slipped, broke his arm, rushed out: he didn't want to inconvenience Safeway. (翻译:一次下雨天他走进一家喜互惠超市 滑倒 手骨折了 马上跑出来 他不想给喜互惠添麻烦 )

4. He walked into a Safeway once on a rainy day, slipped, broke his arm, rushed out: he didn't want to inconvenience Safeway. (翻译:一次下雨天他走进一家喜互惠超市 滑倒 手骨折了 马上跑出来 他不想给喜互惠添麻烦)

5. If programmed properly, it could even dial Safeway. com and all of my groceries could be delivered to my doorstep. (翻译:如果程序足够优秀的话,它甚至可以自动在Safeway.com网站上进行订购,而我要买的日用百货会很快就被送到家门口。)

6. I like salty herring. I bought some in Safeway, but it was sweet. (翻译:我喜欢咸鲱鱼,我在西夫韦买一些,但是它却是甜的。)

7. I could have crawled to Safeway and back in the time it took to make an Internet dinner. (翻译:有在因特网上准备晚宴的时间,我都可以在Safeway超市打个来回。)

8. Similar non-answers came from representatives of Safeway, Walmart and Giant Eagle. (翻译:同样Safeway、沃尔玛和巨鹰的代表们也都不做回答。)

9. So what if, instead of "Calls Cops On Black Woman Donating Food To Homeless," that California Safeway simply thanks her. (翻译:如果 加州西夫韦超市没有报警投诉 “黑人女性向流浪汉捐赠食物”, 而只是向她表示感谢, 会怎么样呢? )

10. And I bought some crabs too right around there, and some chitlins at the Safeway in Emoryville. (翻译:在那儿我还买了一些蟹 在埃默里维尔的西夫韦买了点猪肠 )

11. Similar non-answers came from representatives of Safeway, Walmart and Giant Eagle. (翻译:同样Safeway、沃尔玛和巨鹰的代表们也都不做回答。)

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