flug是什么意思 flug的中文翻译、读音、例句

flug是什么意思 flug的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性



- The company flug the goods to the warehouse last night.(那家公司昨晚把货物运到了仓库。)

- We flugged the furniture to our new apartment last weekend.(上个周末我们把家具搬到了新公寓。)

2. 来源



- The bird flew over the tree.(那只鸟飞越了树木。)

- We flew to New York last month.(我们上个月飞到了纽约。)

3. 意义



- The airline flug the passengers to their destination safely.(该航空公司安全地将乘客运送到目的地。)

- The plane flug smoothly above the clouds.(飞机在云层上平稳地飞行。)

4. 用法



- I flug to California for a business trip last week.(我上周飞到加利福尼亚出差。)

- They flugged the equipment to the construction site early in the morning.(他们一大早就把设备运到了工地。)

5. 同义词



- The pilot flew the plane to the airport.(飞行员驾驶飞机飞往机场。)

- The birds have flown south for the winter.(这些鸟儿为了过冬已经飞往南方了。)




1. The bird flug away when it saw us.(那只鸟看到我们时飞走了。)

2. He had flug to many countries before he settled down in France.(他在定居法国之前曾经去过许多国家。)




例句:It sounded like you just said Danielle has the flu, (你好像刚刚说丹妮尔得了流感 It sounded like you just said Danielle has the flu,)


例句:The red dots are going to be cases of the flu, and the yellow dots are going to be friends of the people with the flu. (红点将会是流感的传染者, 黄点就是流感传染这人的朋友。)


例句:As variable as flu is, HIV makes flu look like the Rock of Gibraltar. (正如流感一样多变的 艾滋病毒让流感病毒 相形见绌就像直布罗陀海峡的岩石不起眼。)


例句:We lost 16 people in 1920 to the flu. (翻译:我们在xx年因为流感死了十六个人 We lost 16 people in 1920 to the flu.)


flug一般作为名词使用,如在Flug(弗拉格 姓氏名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Flug弗拉格 姓氏名


1. As variable as flu is, HIV makes flu look like the Rock of Gibraltar. (翻译:正如流感一样多变的 艾滋病毒让流感病毒 相形见绌就像直布罗陀海峡的岩石不起眼。)

2. We lost 16 people in 1920 to the flu. (翻译:我们在xx年因为流感死了十六个人 We lost 16 people in 1920 to the flu.)

3. Hey, G-Man here, he played the accordion. (翻译:嘿,G哥当时还表演了手风琴 Hey, G -Man here, he played the accordion.)

4. The name "Abegg" -- "Abegg" is actually A-B-E-G-G, and that's the main theme in the melody. (翻译:阿贝格这个名字─实际上是A-B-E-G-G, 这是旋律的主题)

5. In the early days of the swine flu outbreak, doctors took swabs and tested people for swine flu. (翻译:在猪流感爆发的早期,医生用喉拭子为人们测试猪流感。)

6. And remember, this is all due to the g-g-g-g-gullibility of the New York Police Department. (翻译:・ハミ゚ム ゚・ミ瞩 褂 ネンヨá ゚・ミ瞩 ネンヨ・ヌ睇ヘモヌモ ネヌ瞎菠 睹・ヤムリノ 蓖跫贽゚)

7. That flu vaccine could even be specifically tailored to the flu strain that's circulating in that local area. (翻译:这种流感疫苗甚至可以专门针对 在当地流行的流感病毒。)

8. We all caught up? So Pestilence was spreading swine flu. (翻译:Pestilence was spreading swine flu.)

9. The first G-men worked under staggering disadvantages. (翻译:[G号特工: 最初的G号特工在非常不利的情况下工作)

10. - Well, you would be able to if you'd stop looking away every single time somebody tries to tip you! (翻译:你可以闪. 如果你不在J . g人 给你小督的时译看g .)

11. The nation is terrified of swine flu. (翻译:我们国家正受到猪流感的威胁 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}The nation...)

12. My test model came with 3 GB of memory and a huge 500 GB hard disk. (翻译:我测试的型号配备3G内存和庞大的500G硬盘。)

13. A single C instead of a G. (翻译:把G错输成了C A single C instead of a G.)

14. We got to get total control, all parental rights. (翻译:And his little protégé)

15. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. You're not going to go. (翻译:She loses her voice and we are three days from Hungarian flu.)

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